小程序禁用ios 左右滑动_如何在使用应用程序时禁用iOS控制中心

小程序禁用ios 左右滑动

小程序禁用ios 左右滑动

The Control Center has proven to be a thoughtful and welcome addition to iOS, but it can be annoying sometimes if you’re playing a game or using an app, and you accidentally open it. Here’s how you can disable it in such situations.

控制中心已被证明是对iOS的一种深思熟虑且受欢迎的功能,但有时您在玩游戏或使用应用程序时意外打开它可能会很烦。 在这种情况下,您可以按照以下方法禁用它。

iOS’s Control Center first appeared in version 7 and compares well to its Android equivalent.

iOS的Control Center首次出现在版本7中,并且可以与它的Android相当。

Android Lollipop’s control center is accessible by swiping down. It matches iOS’s version almost feature-to-feature.
向下滑动即可访问Android Lollipop的控制中心。 它与iOS的版本几乎完全相同。

You swipe up from the bottom edge of your device’s screen and a small control panel will let you pause/play multimedia, adjust volume, turn features on and off, change your brightness, and more.


The Control Center isn’t without its faults, however. For one, it isn’t customizable so you can’t change its color, add/remove controls, or stuff like that. It also has this habit of sometimes getting in the way.

但是,控制中心并非没有缺陷。 首先,它是不可自定义的,因此您无法更改其颜色,添加/删除控件或类似内容。 它也有有时会妨碍您的习惯。

It’s comparable to the problem PC gamers have. You might be playing a game, in a tense shootout, dodging mayhem, and suddenly your Desktop pops up because you accidentally mashed the Windows key. The same can happen on iOS. You can be operating an app or playing a game and accidentally activate the Control Center.

这可与PC游戏玩家遇到的问题相提并论。 您可能正在紧张地枪战中玩游戏,躲开混乱,由于不小心将Windows键弄碎了,突然弹出了桌面。 在iOS上也可能发生同样的情况。 您可能正在运行应用程序或玩游戏,并意外激活了控制中心。

Take, for instance, Google Earth, which has a drawer of sorts that you can swipe up to open. Problem is if you’re not being really precise, you can open the Control Center instead. These are the kinds of accidents that can happen and, though rare, they can be annoying when they do.

以Google Earth为例,它具有各种抽屉,您可以向上滑动以将其打开。 问题是,如果您不太精确,可以改为打开控制中心。 这些都是可能发生的事故,尽管很少见,但发生时却很烦人。

Luckily you can disable Control Center access within iOS apps with just a few taps.


First, open the Settings and tap “Control Center,” then you’ll see two options of which “Access Within Apps” is the one we want. Tap the toggle to turn it off and you will no longer be able to access the Control Center when you’re using an app.

首先,打开“设置”并点击“控制中心”,然后您将看到两个选项,其中“我们希望使用应用内访问”。 轻按切换开关将其关闭,则在使用应用程序时将不再能够访问控制中心。

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You have likely also noted the other option here as well, which lets you disable access to the Control Center from the lock screen.

您可能也在这里也注意到了另一个选项,该选项使您可以从锁定屏幕禁用对Control Center的访问。

We leave this decision up to you, though, because we believe accessing the Control Center from the lock screen is very useful. There’s no security risk to leaving it enabled, and disabling it actually lessens your device’s functionality.

不过,我们将决定权留给您,因为我们认为从锁定屏幕访问控制中心非常有用。 启用它没有安全隐患,禁用它实际上会降低设备的功能。

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This goes for many apps as well. It can be useful to access the Control Center while playing Netflix, Pandora, and similar apps because you have a uniform interface that let’s you make quick adjustments to volume, brightness, Bluetooth, and more.

这也适用于许多应用程序。 在播放Netflix,Pandora和类似应用程序时访问控制中心可能很有用,因为您拥有统一的界面,可让您快速调整音量,亮度,蓝牙等。

It’s simply a matter of how much functionality you want to surrender though, it’s hardly a permanent change. You can always disable the Control Center specifically when you play your games and reenable it when you’re finished.

这只是您要交出多少功能的问题,这并不是永久性的更改。 您始终可以在玩游戏时始终禁用控制中心,并在完成后重新启用它。

We like the Control Center as it’s well thought out and gives us immediate access to our device’s essential functions. We’d like to hear from you in case you have any comments or questions, so we invite you to voice your opinion in our discussion forum.

我们喜欢控制中心,因为它经过深思熟虑,可以让我们立即访问设备的基本功能。 如果您有任何意见或问题,我们希望收到您的来信,因此,我们邀请您在我们的论坛中表达您的意见。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/211673/how-to-disable-the-ios-control-center-while-using-apps/

小程序禁用ios 左右滑动




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