连续对焦 auto对焦_如何在Windows 10上使用对焦辅助(请勿打扰模式)

连续对焦 auto对焦

连续对焦 auto对焦

Windows 10’s “Focus Assist” feature is a “Do Not Disturb” mode that hides notifications. Windows automatically activates it when you’re playing PC games or mirroring your display—and you can have Windows automatically activate it on a schedule, too.

Windows 10的“焦点协助”功能是隐藏通知的“请勿打扰”模式。 当您玩PC游戏或镜像显示器时,Windows会自动激活它-您也可以让Windows按计划自动激活它。

This feature was added in the April 2018 Update. Focus Assist replaces the “Quiet Hours” feature included with previous versions of Windows 10, and is much more powerful and configurable.

此功能已在2018年4月更新中添加。 Focus Assist取代了Windows 10早期版本中包含的“安静时间”功能,功能更加强大且可配置。

如何启用对焦辅助 (How to Enable Focus Assist)

You can manually toggle Focus Assist on and off, if you like. Notifications are hidden while it’s enabled.

如果愿意,您可以手动打开和关闭Focus Assist。 启用时,通知是隐藏的。

To do so, right-click the Notification Center icon at the right side of your taskbar, point to Focus Assist, and select “Priority Only” if you only want to see priority notifications or “Alarms Only” if you only want to get alarms.

为此,右键单击任务栏右侧的“通知中心”图标,指向“焦点辅助”,如果只想查看优先通知,则选择“仅优先”,如果只想获取警报,则选择“仅警报”。 。

You can customize which notifications have priority from the Settings app. Alarms refers to alarms you set in apps like the included Alarms & Clocks app.

您可以在“设置”应用中自定义哪些通知具有优先级。 闹钟是指您在诸如随附的“闹钟和时钟”应用之类的应用中设置的闹钟。

You can also open the Action Center by clicking the Notification Center icon or pressing Windows+A, and then clicking the “Focus Assist” tile to toggle between Off, On (Priority Only), and On (Alarms Only.)

您还可以通过单击“通知中心”图标或按Windows + A,然后单击“焦点协助”磁贴以在“关”,“开”(仅限优先级)和“开”(仅限警报)之间打开操作中心。

If you don’t see the Focus Assist tile here, click the “Expand” link at the bottom of the Notification Center.


You can also enable and disable Focus Assist from the Settings app. To find its settings, head to Settings > System > Focus Assist.

您还可以从“设置”应用启用和禁用“聚焦辅助”。 要找到其设置,请前往“设置”>“系统”>“聚焦辅助”。

At the top of the screen, select either “Off,” “Priority Only,” or “Alarms Only” to enable or disable Focus Assist.


如何配置优先级列表 (How to Configure Your Priority List)

You can select which apps and people have priority by clicking the “Customize Your Priority List” link under Priority Only on the Settings > System > Focus Assist screen.


The options under “Calls, texts, and reminders” are enabled by default and ensure you’ll always see phone calls from a linked phone, incoming text messages from a linked phone, and reminders from reminder apps. The first two features require the Cortana app for your phone, and Cortana can be used for reminders as well.

默认情况下,“呼叫,文本和提醒”下的选项处于启用状态,并确保您始终能看到来自链接电话的电话,来自链接电话的传入短信以及来自提醒应用程序的提醒。 前两个功能需要您手机上的Cortana应用程序,并且Cortana也可以用于提醒。

Under People, you can select which contacts have priority access. This uses the “My People” feature in Windows. By default, notifications from contacts pinned to your taskbar have priority. You can also click “Add Contacts” and add any contact to here.

在人员下,您可以选择具有优先访问权的联系人。 这使用Windows中的“我的人”功能。 默认情况下,来自固定在任务栏上的联系人的通知具有优先级。 您也可以单击“添加联系人”,然后在此处添加任何联系人。

Note that this only works if the apps support the Windows My People feature. For example, it works with the Mail app and Skype. But, if a priority contact sends you a message with another communication app that isn’t integrated with My People, Windows won’t give that notification priority.

请注意,这仅在应用程序支持Windows My People功能时才有效。 例如,它可与Mail应用程序和Skype一起使用。 但是,如果优先联系人向您发送了未与My People集成的另一个通信应用程序的消息,则Windows不会将该通知优先。

Under Apps, you can configure which apps are considered priority. You can click “Add an App” and add any app to this list. All notifications from apps you add to this list will have priority.

在“应用程序”下,您可以配置将哪些应用程序视为优先级。 您可以单击“添加应用”,然后将任何应用添加到此列表中。 您添加到此列表的应用发出的所有通知均具有优先级。

如何在计划中启用焦点辅助 (How to Enable Focus Assist on a Schedule)

To enable Focus Assist automatically on a schedule, scroll down to the “Automatic rules” section, and then click the “During these times” option.

要按计划自动启用Focus Assist,请向下滚动到“自动规则”部分,然后单击“在这些时间期间”选项。

Turn on the toggle at the top of the screen. You can then set your preferred start time and end time, along with which days Focus Assist should be enabled—everyday, weekdays only, or weekends only. You can also select “Priority Only” or “Alarms Only,” depending on how many notifications you want to see during the scheduled time.

打开屏幕顶部的切换开关。 然后,您可以设置首选的开始时间和结束时间,以及应该启用“焦点辅助”的天数-每天,仅工作日或仅周末。 您还可以选择“仅优先级”或“仅警报”,具体取决于您希望在计划的时间内看到多少条通知。

Windows will show a notification in the Action Center when Focus Assist is turned on automatically, but you can uncheck the option at the bottom of this screen to disable that.


如何配置其他自动规则 (How to Configure Other Automatic Rules)

By default, Focus Assist will automatically switch to Alarms Only mode while you’re duplicating your display. So, if you’re duplicating your display to a projector for a presentation, Focus Assist automatically hides all your notifications so they don’t distract from your presentation and no one sees any potentially personal content.

默认情况下,在复制显示画面时,Focus Assist会自动切换到“仅警报”模式。 因此,如果您将显示器复制到投影仪上进行演示,Focus Assist会自动隐藏您的所有通知,以使它们不会分散您的演示内容,并且不会看到任何潜在的个人内容。

You can set the “When I’m duplicating my display” option to “Off” here if you don’t like that, or click the “When I’m duplicating my display” option and choose between either Alarms Only (the default) or Priority Only (if you’d like to see important notifications.)


Windows also automatically detects when you’re playing full-screen DirectX PC games and enables Focus Assist automatically, preventing notifications from popping up on your screen and distracting you. This feature is set to Priority Only by default, so you’ll still see important notifications.

Windows还可以自动检测您何时在玩全屏DirectX PC游戏,并自动启用Focus Assist,从而防止在屏幕上弹出通知并分散您的注意力。 默认情况下,此功能设置为“仅优先级”,因此您仍会看到重要的通知。

You can set the “When I’m playing a game” option to “Off” here if you don’t like that, or click the “When I’m playing a game” option and select “Alarms Only” if you want to hide priority notifications as well.


Whenever Focus Assist is turned off, it shows you a summary of what you missed. If you would rather not see that summary, you can uncheck “Show me a summary of what I missed while focus assist was on” at the bottom of this screen.

每当关闭“聚焦助手”时,它就会向您显示您错过的摘要。 如果您不想看到该摘要,则可以取消选中此屏幕底部的“向我显示在启用对焦辅助时错过的摘要”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349829/how-to-use-focus-assist-do-not-disturb-mode-on-windows-10/

连续对焦 auto对焦





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