


When you’re trying to get the most life out of your device, it’s easy to overthink batteries. Don’t. Plug in your devices when possible, carry a battery pack with you, and get on with your life.

当您试图充分利用设备的使用寿命时,容易想到电池的问题。 别。 尽可能插入设备的电源,随身携带电池,继续您的生活。

A recent Reddit post by user slinky317 struck a nerve with Android users. Here’s the gist:

slinky317用户最近在Reddit上发布的帖子震惊了Android用户。 这是要点:

I’ve found though that my life is much better if I just assume that my battery life is going to be awful. In the car and 90% battery? Plug it in. At the office? Start charging. Out for a long day or evening? Better bring a battery pack.

但是我发现,如果我仅假设电池寿命会很糟糕,我的生活就会好很多。 在汽车和90%的电池中? 插上电源。在办公室吗? 开始充电。 外出漫长的一天或晚上? 最好带电池。

It’s such a simple piece of advice you might assume it’s wrong, so I talked to my colleagues and did some research. My conclusion: this is good advice, and we should all follow it. Charge your phone or laptop whenever it’s possible—you’re not hurting anything, and you’re giving yourself the best odds of getting through the day with power.

您可能认为这是一条简单的建议是错误的,所以我与同事交谈并进行了一些研究。 我的结论是:这是一个很好的建议,我们都应该遵循。 尽可能为手机或笔记本电脑充电-您不会受到任何伤害,并为自己度过一天中充满力量的最佳机会。

充电周期如何? (What About Charge Cycles?)

If you think charging your battery throughout the day sounds like a bad idea, I get it: so did I. And the reason I thought this had to do with charge cycles. I’d heard numerous times that plugging in and unplugging your device is one charge cycle, and that a battery can only be cycled so many times before its capacity is diminished.

如果您认为全天为电池充电听起来不是一个好主意,那我就明白了:我也是如此。我认为这与充电周期有关的原因。 我无数次听到插入和拔出设备的信号是一个充电周期,而且在电池容量减少之前,电池只能循环使用多次。

I was missing a key point: a full cycle isn’t every time you plug in and unplug the device—it’s every time you use one battery’s worth of power. To quote Apple’s documentation:

我错过了一个关键点:并不是每次插入和拔出设备都需要一个完整的周期,而是每次使用一块电池的电量就需要一个完整的周期。 引用Apple的文档:

For example, you could use half of your notebook’s charge in one day, and then recharge it fully. If you did the same thing the next day, it would count as one charge cycle, not two. In this way, it might take several days to complete a cycle.

例如,您可以在一天之内用掉笔记本电脑一半的电量,然后将其完全充电。 如果您第二天做同样的事情,则将被视为一个充电周期,而不是两个。 这样,可能需要几天的时间才能完成一个周期。

This means that plugging in my phone when it’s at 95 percent doesn’t count as a charge cycle; it counts as five percent of one cycle. So the next time I’m in the car with a mostly charged battery I might as well plug it in, because I’m only using up five percent of a cycle that I’m going to use up anyway. There’s no benefit in waiting, so you might as well top it off.

这意味着在手机达到95%时插入手机不会算作充电周期。 它占一个周期的百分之五。 因此,下一次我上车时电池充满电时,我还是会插上它,因为我只用了将要用完的一个周期的百分之五。 等待没有任何好处,所以您最好将其加满。

电池记忆已不再是问题 (Battery Memory Isn’t a Thing Anymore)

But what about battery memory, you might be asking. I understand why, but it’s not a relevant question—we’ve debunked battery myths in the past, and this is one of them.

但是,您可能会问电池存储器呢? 我理解为什么,但这不是一个相关的问题-我们过去揭穿电池神话,这就是其中之一。

Users of modern phones and laptops don’t need to worry about “memory,” because the lithium ion batteries we use now doesn’t have the same problem that NiMH and NiCd batteries did. In a nutshell, those older battery types did suffer a memory effect where their maximum capacity would slowly decline if they were charged regularly after only being partially discharged. For example, if you routinely let your battery drain 50% and then recharged it, over time your battery might remember this 50% charge as its maximum charge level.

现代手机和笔记本电脑的用户无需担心“内存”,因为我们现在使用的锂离子电池没有镍氢和镍镉电池那样的问题。 简而言之,那些较旧的电池确实会产生记忆效应,如果仅在部分放电后进行定期充电,其最大容量将缓慢下降。 例如,如果您通常让电池消耗50%的电量然后再充电,那么随着时间的流逝,电池可能会记住这50%的电量是其最大电量。

But with lithium ion batteries, this is no longer a thing. You don’t need to fully deplete your battery on a regular basis: shallow depletions and charges are fine.

但是对于锂离子电池,这已不再是一回事。 您不需要定期完全耗尽电池:浅层耗尽和充电就可以了。

Actually, fully depleting a modern lithium ion battery on a regular basis is pretty bad for it, and you should especially avoid allowing such batteries to stay depleted for long periods of time.


始终携带电池组 (Always Carry a Battery Pack)

I was biking to a party when my phone’s battery died. I didn’t have the address handy anywhere but on my phone and was a half hour from home. I ended up knocking on strangers’ doors, asking if I could plug in long enough to see the address. Six people turned me down before someone finally hooked me up.

手机电池没电了,我正在骑车参加聚会。 除手机外,我没有任何方便的地址,而且离家半小时。 我最终敲开了陌生人的门,问我能否插上足够长的时间才能看到地址。 六个人拒绝了我,直到有人最终吸引了我。

Don’t be like me. Carry a fully charged battery pack with you everywhere you go, just in case. Here’s our guide for buying one.

别像我随身携带随身携带的充满电的电池组,以防万一。 这是我们的购买指南。

专为使用电池而设计 (Your Battery Is Designed To Be Used)

I understand why people create elaborate battery rituals. Battery life is important, and it sucks to see a strong battery become crappy over time.

我了解人们为什么要制定精心的电池仪式。 电池寿命很重要,并且随着时间的流逝,强劲的电池变得糟透了。

But spending too much time thinking about your battery’s longterm health doesn’t give you much benefit, and often means you’re not taking advantage of your battery right now. It’s better to not overthink things and generally just keep things charged.

但是,花太多时间思考电池的长期健康状况并不能给您带来太多好处,并且通常意味着您现在没有利用电池。 最好不要考虑太多,而通常只是保持收费。





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