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Windows/Android/iPhone: Send and receive SMS messages on your PC, and access all the files on your phone without taking it out of your pocket.

Windows / Android / iPhone:在PC上发送和接收SMS消息,并访问手机上的所有文件,而无需从口袋中取出。

That’s what Your Phone, an application Microsoft will include with future version of Windows 10, will offer. Insider Preview users should have access soon.

这就是Microsoft Phone将在Windows 10的未来版本中提供的应用程序Your Phone将提供的功能。 Insider Preview用户应该很快就可以访问。

Here’s Emil Protalinski, writing for Venture Beat:

这是Emil Protalinski,为Venture Beat撰写:

As its name implies, Your Phone’s main purpose is to let you access your phone’s content—like text messages, photos, and notifications—right on your Windows 10 PC. One use case Microsoft mentioned sounds particularly promising: being able to drag and drop your phone’s photos into a document on your PC without even taking your phone out of your pocket.

顾名思义,您的手机的主要目的是让您直接在Windows 10 PC上访问手机的内容(例如短信,照片和通知)。 Microsoft提到的一个用例听起来特别有前途:能够将手机的照片拖放到PC上的文档中,甚至无需从口袋里拿出手机。

Your Phone will offer other features, like access to all of your phone’s notifications.


This isn’t the first time Microsoft promised this sort of functionality: Cortana was slated to offer similar functionality back in 2015, and it only ever partially materialized. So it might not make sense to wait around for this feature. Happily Pushbullet syncs all kinds of stuff between your PC and Android phone right now, and is pretty easy to set up, so you don’t really have to wait if this is something you really, really want.

这并不是微软第一次承诺提供这种功能:Cortana计划在2015年提供类似功能,而且只是部分实现。 因此,等待此功能可能没有任何意义。 现在, Pushbullet可以在PC和Android手机之间同步各种内容,并且设置起来非常容易,因此,如果您确实想要这样做,则不必等待。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/send-texts-from-your-pc-with-this-upcoming-windows-feature/





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