
做旅游网站宣传,百度本地惠生活推广,软件技术要学什么,蛋糕方案网站建设相对湿度与绝对湿度High humidity is no fun, and neither is low humidity—you want a good balance between the two. Here’s how to monitor the humidity in your house so that you can make the proper adjustments. 高湿度无济于事,低湿度也无济于事-您希望…


High humidity is no fun, and neither is low humidity—you want a good balance between the two. Here’s how to monitor the humidity in your house so that you can make the proper adjustments.

高湿度无济于事,低湿度也无济于事-您希望两者之间保持良好的平衡。 这是监视房屋湿度的方法,以便您进行适当的调整。

Humidity levels in your home should be anywhere between 30% and 60% (although 40%-50% is ideal). Any higher and there’s the risk of mold growth, and any lower can result in excess dryness. Plus, anything outside of that range can just be uncomfortable.

您家里的湿度水平应该在30%到60%之间(尽管理想的是40%-50%)。 较高的温度有发霉的风险,较低的温度会导致干燥过度。 另外,超出此范围的任何东西都可能令人不舒服。

If you’re not sure what the humidity level is in your home, it’s time to find out. Here are some solutions to consider.

如果您不确定房屋中的湿度水平,就该找出答案了。 这里是一些要考虑的解决方案。

购买一些便宜的湿度传感器 (Buy Some Cheap Humidity Sensors)

The cheapest way to go about this to buy some simple humidity sensors and place them around your home.


You can grab some for less than $10 each and a couple of them should be enough to cover your whole house. Most of them also display the temperature, and they’ll even show you the all-time high and low for both the humidity and temperature.

您可以每张不到$ 10的价格买几张,其中几张就足以盖满整个房子。 它们中的大多数还显示温度,甚至会向您显示湿度和温度的历史最高值和最低值。

I have a couple of these in my own house, and while they’re not really well known for high accuracy, they do provide a ballpark figure that at least give me an idea of what the humidity is like inside.


将Z-Wave湿度传感器添加到您现有的智能家居中 (Add Z-Wave Humidity Sensors to Your Existing Smarthome)

If you want to take things up a level and you already have a smarthome hub in your house, you can get some Z-Wave humidity sensors and connect them to your hub.


Amazon sells a small handful of these for a bit more than what a “dumbhome” humidity sensor would cost, but you would be able to do things like receive alerts or automate other devices based on humidity levels. Just make sure that the sensor you end up with works with your specific smarthome hub.

亚马逊售出的这些价格很少,比“哑巴式”湿度传感器的价格要高一些,但是您将能够执行诸如接收警报或根据湿度水平使其他设备自动化的事情。 只需确保最终使用的传感器可以与特定的智能家居集线器配合使用即可。

检查以查看您的恒温器是否提供湿度信息 (Check to See If Your Thermostat Provides Humidity Info)

Depending on what kind of thermostat you have, you may not need to buy humidity sensors at all. Your thermostat might already have one built in.

根据您所使用的恒温器的种类,可能根本不需要购买湿度传感器。 您的恒温器可能已经内置了一个。

Pretty much every smart thermostat has one, including the Nest and the Ecobee3, but your regular programmable thermostat might have a humidity sensor as well.

几乎每个智能温控器都有一个,包括Nest和Ecobee3 ,但您的常规可编程温控器也可能带有湿度传感器。

The nice thing about smart thermostats, though, is that you can set up alerts so that you’ll be notified if the humidity ever reaches a certain point, as well as even control your A/C so that it cools your house based on humidity levels and not necessarily just the temperature. Some systems even have dehumidifiers that let you set your desired humidity levels right at the thermostat.

但是,关于智能恒温器的好处是,您可以设置警报,以便在湿度达到特定点时得到通知,甚至可以控制空调,从而根据湿度为房屋降温水平,而不必只是温度。 某些系统甚至配有除湿机,可让您在恒温器上正确设置所需的湿度水平。

如何调整家中的湿度 (How to Adjust the Humidity in Your Home)

If the humidity inside your home is off the charts, you’re not completely out of luck, and there are a couple of things you can do to at least keep the humidity at reasonable levels.


Perhaps the absolute best way to adjust the humidity in your house is by using a whole-house humidifier and dehumidifier. The problem with this, though, is that they can be incredibly expensive if your house doesn’t already have something like this (which a lot of newer systems do).

调节房屋湿度的绝对最佳方法也许是使用整个房屋的加湿器和除湿器。 但是,这样做的问题是,如果您的房屋还没有这样的东西(许多新系统会这样做),它们的价格可能会非常高。

Your best bet is to get a couple of portable units. For example, I have humidifiers (this one in particular) upstairs and downstairs that both run during the winter to keep the house’s humidity at a reasonable level. As for the summer, the air conditioner is a natural dehumidifier to a certain degree, and I find that it works well enough to not need a dedicated dehumidifier unit. However, if you think you need more, just keep in mind that portable units can be a bit more expensive than their humidifier counterparts.

最好的选择是购买几个便携式设备。 例如,我在楼上和楼下都有加湿器(尤其是这个),它们都在冬季运行,以使房屋的湿度保持在合理水平。 至于夏天,空调在一定程度上是一种天然的除湿机,我发现它的运行效果很好,不需要专用的除湿机。 但是,如果您认为需要更多,请记住,便携式设备可能比同等的加湿器贵一些。

In the end, I find that my own body can give me a general idea of the humidity levels in my house—if it feels muggy and everything sticks together, then the humidity is probably at levels that are too high. Whereas if I notice my throat, eyes, or skin drying out a lot, then the humidity is probably really low. However, it never hurts to have an official source to rely on to get a better idea of the humidity levels in your home.

最后,我发现自己的身体可以让我对房屋的湿度水平有一个大致的了解-如果感觉闷热并且所有东西粘在一起,则湿度可能会过高。 而如果我发现我的喉咙,眼睛或皮肤干燥很多,那么湿度可能真的很低。 但是,依靠官方消息来源更好地了解家里的湿度水平并没有什么坏处。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/352651/how-to-monitor-humidity-levels-in-your-home/






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