什么是“ rpcsvchost”,以及为什么它在Mac上运行?

You find something called rpcsvchost while using Activity Monitor to see what’s running on your Mac. What is this process, and should you be worried? In a word, no: rpcsvhost is a core part of macOS.

在使用“活动监视器”查看Mac上正在运行的内容时,您会找到一个名为rpcsvchost的东西。 这是什么过程,您应该担心吗? 总之,没有:rpcsvhost是macOS的核心部分。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列解释各种进程在活动监视器中发现,像kernel_task , hidd , mdsworker , INSTALLD , WindowServer ,发蓝, launchd会,备份, opendirectoryd ,和其他许多人。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

Today’s process, rpcsvchost, is a tool used to connect with certain kinds of networks, particularly Microsoft ones. To quote the man page for rpcsvchost:

当今的过程rpcsvchost是用于连接某些类型的网络(尤其是Microsoft网络)的工具。 引用rpcsvchost的手册页:

rpcsvchost is a very simple environment for hosting DCE/RPC services. It loads DCE/RPC services from the list of plugins given as arguments, binds to an appropriate set of endpoints and listens for protocol requests.

rpcsvchost是用于托管DCE / RPC服务的非常简单的环境。 它从作为参数给出的插件列表中加载DCE / RPC服务,绑定到一组适当的端点并侦听协议请求。

So now we know this is a process that helps coordinate networking, but that doesn’t clarify things because we don’t know what DCE/RPC is. It turns out this stands for Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Calls.

因此,现在我们知道这是一个有助于协调网络的过程,但是由于我们不知道什么是DCE / RPC,因此无法澄清问题。 事实证明,这代表了分布式计算环境/远程过程调用。

All sorts of network services use DCE/RPC, perhaps most notably Microsoft Exchange. Apple added DCE/RPC support back in 2010 as part of Mac OS X Lion 10.7. Apple’s implementation of DCE/RPC is available on macOS Forge, which is where Apple hosts the source code for its open source projects.

各种网络服务都使用DCE / RPC ,也许最著名的是Microsoft Exchange。 苹果在2010年作为Mac OS X Lion 10.7的一部分添加了DCE / RPC支持。 Apple的DCE / RPC实施可在macOS Forge上找到,macOS Forge是Apple托管其开源项目的源代码的地方。

DCE/RPC is an implementation of the Remote Procedure Call technology developed by the Open Group as part of the Distributed Computing Environment. DCE/RPC is most commonly used to interact with Windows network services.

DCE / RPC是Open Group在分布式计算环境中开发的远程过程调用技术的实现。 DCE / RPC最常用于与Windows网络服务进行交互。

Apple provides a list of links to further documentation for the truly curious, but for the most part, all you need to know is that rpcsvchost enables your Mac to connect with certain kinds of networks.


If rpcsvchost is using up a lot of CPU power, you might be having trouble connecting to a Microsoft Exchange server, or some other networking service that uses DCE/RPC. If this is the case, those apps are probably also using a lot of CPU power, so force quit them and see if that helps.

如果rpcsvchost消耗了大量CPU资源,则可能无法连接到Microsoft Exchange服务器或其他使用DCE / RPC的网络服务。 如果是这种情况,则这些应用程序可能还使用了大量CPU能力,因此请强制退出它们,看看是否有帮助。

It’s also possible, though not probable that a piece of malware is using DCE/RPC to phone home. Here’s how to remove malware from your Mac, just in case.

也有可能,尽管不太可能是某个恶意软件正在使用DCE / RPC来回拨电话。 以防万一,这是从Mac删除恶意软件的方法。

Photo credit: guteksk7/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: guteksk7 / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/364017/what-is-rpcsvchost-and-why-it-running-on-my-mac/





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