VLC includes a fairly easy-to-use streaming feature that can stream music and videos over a local network or the Internet. You can tune into the stream using VLC or other media players.
VLC包括一个相当易于使用的流媒体功能,可以通过本地网络或Internet流媒体音乐和视频。 您可以使用VLC或其他媒体播放器收听流。
Use VLC’s web interface as a remote control to control the stream from elsewhere. Bear in mind that you may not have the bandwidth to stream high-definition videos over the Internet, though.
使用VLC的Web界面作为远程控制来控制其他地方的流。 请记住,尽管如此,您可能没有足够的带宽在Internet上流式传输高清视频。
广播流 (Broadcasting a Stream)
To start broadcasting a network stream, click the Media menu in VLC and select Stream.
In the Open Media dialog, select the media you want to stream. You can select one or more files on the Files tab, select a CD or DVD on the Disc tab, or even capture video from a specific device on the Capture Device tab. For example, you could stream your desktop by selecting Desktop on the Capture Device tab.
在“打开媒体”对话框中,选择要流式传输的媒体。 您可以在“文件”选项卡上选择一个或多个文件,在“光盘”选项卡上选择CD或DVD,甚至可以在“捕获设备”选项卡上捕获来自特定设备的视频。 例如,您可以通过在“捕获设备”选项卡上选择“桌面”来传输桌面。
Click the Stream button after selecting your media.
The Stream Output window will appear. The first pane just lists the media source you selected – click Next to continue.
将出现“流输出”窗口。 第一个窗格仅列出您选择的媒体源–单击“下一步”继续。
On the Destination Setup pane, you’ll need to choose a destination for your stream. For example, you can select HTTP to listen for connections – other computers can connect to your computer and watch the stream. You can also select UDP to broadcast to a specific IP address or range of IP addresses.
在“目标设置”窗格上,您需要为流选择一个目标。 例如,您可以选择HTTP来侦听连接-其他计算机可以连接到您的计算机并观看流。 您也可以选择UDP广播到特定的IP地址或IP地址范围。
After selecting your destination, click the Add button. You may also want to activate the Display locally check box – if you do, you’ll see and hear the media being streamed on your local computer, so you’ll know it’s playing correctly.
选择目的地后,单击添加按钮。 您可能还需要激活“在本地显示”复选框-如果这样做,您将看到并听到本地计算机上正在播放的媒体,因此您将知道它正在正确播放。
After adding a destination, you’ll be able to customize its settings. With the HTTP destination, you could specify a custom path – but the default one will work fine.
添加目的地后,您将可以自定义其设置。 使用HTTP目标,您可以指定一个自定义路径-但默认路径可以正常使用。
You can also tweak the transcoding settings – by transcoding to a lower quality, VLC can save network bandwidth.
Click Next to continue to the Option Setup pane – you probably don’t need to tweak any of the advanced options here. To start streaming, click the Stream button.
单击“下一步”继续到“选项设置”窗格-您可能不需要在此处调整任何高级选项。 要开始流式传输,请单击“流式传输”按钮。
If you selected the Display locally option, the media will start playing locally on your computer.
If you have a firewall enabled, ensure that VLC is an allowed program or no computers will be able to connect. If you’re trying to stream over the Internet, you may also need to forward ports on your router.
如果启用了防火墙,请确保VLC是允许的程序,否则将无法连接任何计算机。 如果您尝试通过Internet进行流传输,则可能还需要转发路由器上的端口。
连接到流 (Connecting to a Stream)
To tune in to a stream, click the Media menu in VLC on another computer and select Open Network Stream.
Assuming you used HTTP, enter an address like http://IP.Address:8080. See this post if you need help finding the other system’s IP address.
假设您使用的是HTTP,请输入一个类似http://IP.Address:8080的地址。 如果您需要查找其他系统的IP地址的帮助,请参阅此文章。
(If you specified a custom path for your HTTP stream in the Path box, you’ll need to specify the custom path here. For example, if you specified /path as your custom path, you’d enter http://IP.Address:8080/path in the box here.)
(如果您在“路径”框中为HTTP流指定了自定义路径,则需要在此处指定该自定义路径。例如,如果您将/ path指定为自定义路径,则需要输入http:// IP。地址:8080 /路径(在此框中)。
After clicking Play, the stream should start playing. To control playback remotely, try setting up VLC’s web interface. If you encounter an error, make sure VLC isn’t being blocked by a firewall on the streaming system.
单击播放后,流应开始播放。 要远程控制播放,请尝试设置VLC的网络界面。 如果遇到错误,请确保VLC未被流系统上的防火墙阻止。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/118075/how-to-stream-videos-and-music-over-the-network-using-vlc/