


Whether you’re looking for apartments or used gadgets on Craigslist, you don’t have to keep checking the website. You can stay on top of things by getting notified when new posts go up that match your searches.

无论您是在Craigslist上寻找公寓还是二手小工具,都不必继续检查网站。 当出现与您的搜索相匹配的新帖子时,您会收到通知,从而随时掌握最新信息。

如何获取电子邮件通知 (How to Get Email Notifications)

Craigslist has built-in email alerts. You can get an email alert for any Craigslist search, and it’s free.

Craigslist具有内置的电子邮件警报。 您可以获取有关任何Craigslist搜索的电子邮件警报,而且它是免费的。

To set up email notifications, just head to the Craigslist website and perform whatever search you want. For example, you might pick a city, select the apartments for rent section, enter how many bedrooms you want, and provide the maximum amount of rent you’re willing to pay per month.

要设置电子邮件通知,只需访问Craigslist网站并执行所需的任何搜索即可。 例如,您可能选择一个城市,选择要出租的公寓部分,输入所需的卧室数量,并提供您愿意每月支付的最大租金。

The official Craigslist alerts FAQ says that the more specific your search, the more often it will run and the more alerts you’ll get. In other words, if you’re searching for all cars for sale in a city, Craigslist will check for new posts less often than if you’re searching for only a specific model of car.

官方的Craigslist警报常见问题解答说,您的搜索越具体,搜索的频率就越高,并且您会收到越多的警报。 换句话说,如果您要搜索城市中所有待售的汽车,那么与只搜索特定型号的汽车相比,Craigslist会较少地查找新帖子。

After you’ve performed your search, click “Save Search” to the right of the search bar on the Craigslist website. This same option appears right by the search box on the Craigslist mobile website, too.

完成搜索后,在Craigslist网站上单击搜索栏右侧的“保存搜索”。 同样的选项也会在Craigslist移动​​网站上的搜索框旁边显示。

If you’re not already signed in to Craigslist, you’ll be prompted to either sign in or create an account. If you don’t yet have an account, it’s easy and quick to create one.

如果您尚未登录Craigslist,则系统会提示您登录或创建帐户。 如果您还没有帐户,可以轻松快捷地创建一个帐户。

You’re then taken to the Searches page in your Craigslist account settings. To activate email alerts for the search you just saved, click the “Alert” checkbox to the left of the search.

然后,您将转到Craigslist帐户设置中的“搜索”页面。 要为刚刚保存的搜索激活电子邮件警报,请单击搜索左侧的“警报”复选框。

Checking the “Alert” box activates email notifications for that search. They’re sent to the email address associated with your Craigslist account, so keep an eye out for the emails.

选中“警报”框将激活该搜索的电子邮件通知。 它们会被发送到与您的Craigslist帐户关联的电子邮件地址,因此请留意这些电子邮件。

Remember, the more specific your search, the more often Craigslist checks for new posts and emails them to you.


You can see all the searches for which you’re receiving emails, as well as deactivate, edit, or delete those searches.


如何设置短信提醒 (How to Set Up SMS Alerts)

Craigslist doesn’t have built-in SMS alerts, but you can set up your own with the popular IFTTT (If This, Then That) service. This is useful if you want instant notifications of new Craigslist posts on your phone without having to check your email.

Craigslist没有内置的SMS警报,但是您可以使用流行的IFTTT(如果输入,然后输入)服务来设置自己的警报。 如果您想在手机上立即收到有关Craigslist新帖子的通知,而不必查看电子邮件,则此功能很有用。

Update: IFTTT no longer offers SMS alerts. However, if you install the IFTTT app on your phone, you can set up push notification alerts instead. Follow the below process but choose notifications instead of SMS as your action.

更新:IFTTT不再提供SMS警报。 但是,如果您在手机上安装了IFTTT应用程序,则可以设置推送通知警报。 请按照以下过程进行操作,但是选择通知而不是SMS作为您的操作。

To do this, head to the IFTTT website and create an account if you haven’t already done so. After you’re signed in to your IFTTT account, click “My Applets” and then click “New Applet.” You can also do this in the IFTTT app for iPhone or Android, or on the mobile website.

为此,请访问IFTTT网站并创建一个帐户(如果尚未创建)。 登录IFTTT帐户后,单击“我的小程序”,然后单击“新小程序” 。 您也可以在iPhone或Android的IFTTT应用程序中或在移动网站上执行此操作。

On the New Applet page, click the “This” link.


Search for “Classifieds” and click the “Classifieds” option.


Select “New Post From Search.”


Copy-and-paste the search results address from Craigslist into the box here.  To get this address, head to Craigslist and search for whatever you want. Select the web address in your browser’s address bar and copy it.

将搜索结果地址从Craigslist复制并粘贴到此处的框中。 要获取此地址,请前往Craigslist并搜索所需的内容。 在浏览器的地址栏中选择网址,然后将其复制。

When you’re done, click “Create Trigger.”


Next, click the “That” link to set up what happens when the trigger is activated.

接下来,单击“ That”链接以设置激活触发器时发生的情况。

Click the “SMS” option in the list of services.

单击服务列表中的“ SMS”选项。

Click “Send Me an SMS.”


With the default settings, you’ll receive an SMS with the title of each post and a clickable link. Click “Create Action” to accept this.

使用默认设置,您将收到一条带有每个帖子标题和一个可单击链接的短信。 点击“创建操作”接受此操作。

You’ve now created your action, and you can click “Finish.”


Ensure the applet is set to “On” on the final page. If you ever want to disable the applet, you can head to the My Applets page on the IFTTT website to toggle applets on and off.

确保在最后一页上将小程序设置为“开”。 如果要禁用该小程序,则可以转到IFTTT网站上的“我的小程序”页面以打开和关闭小程序。

To choose the phone number where those searches are going, head to the SMS Settings page and enter your phone number.

要选择进行这些搜索的电话号码,请转到“ SMS设置”页面并输入您的电话号码。

The IFTTT service also has a premade recipe that automatically sends you smartphone notifications from Craigslist searches if you have the IFTTT app on your phone. If you’d prefer to receive push notifications about new posts matching your search than SMS messages, this also works well.

IFTTT服务还具有一个预制的配方,如果您的手机上装有IFTTT应用程序,该配方会自动通过Craigslist搜索向您发送智能手机通知。 如果您希望接收有关搜索匹配的新帖子而不是SMS消息的推送通知,则此方法也很好。

This is a good example of what you can do with IFTTT, too. You can either head to the IFTTT website and choose a premade applet or string together an applet you like by combining a trigger and an action.

这也是使用IFTTT的一个很好的例子。 您可以访问IFTTT网站并选择预制的applet,也可以通过组合触发器和操作将自己喜欢的applet串在一起。







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