



This past month we covered topics such as why you only have to wipe a disk once to erase it, what RSS is and how you can benefit from using it, how websites are tracking you online, and more. Join us as we look back at the best articles for June.

在过去的一个月中,我们讨论了一些主题,例如,为什么只需要擦除一次磁盘就可以擦除磁盘,什么是RSS,以及如何从中受益,网站如何在线跟踪您,等等。 加入我们,回顾六月份的最佳文章。

六月最佳文章 (The Best Articles of June)

Note: Articles are listed as #10 through #1.


How to Find Your Computer’s Private & Public IP Addresses


An IP address (or Internet Protocol address) identifies each networked computer and device on a network. When computers communicate with each other on the Internet or a local network, they send information to each other’s IP addresses.

IP地址(或Internet协议地址)标识网络上的每台联网计算机和设备。 当计算机在Internet或本地网络上相互通信时,它们会将信息发送到彼此的IP地址。


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HTG Explains: What Is Windows RT and What Does It Mean To Me?

HTG解释:什么是Windows RT?对我来说意味着什么?

Windows RT is a special edition of Windows 8. It runs on ARM and you’ll find it alongside Intel x86 machines in stores, but you’ll be surprised just how much Windows RT differs from the Windows you know.

Windows RT是Windows 8的特殊版本。它在ARM上运行,您会在商店中与Intel x86机器一起找到它,但是您会惊讶于Windows RT与您所知道的Windows有多少不同。


What Happens When You Load a Web Page? [Video]

加载网页时会发生什么? [视频]

When you type in a URL and the web page loads, everything seems so simple. Peel back the layers, however, and you see a complex delivery system built around data packets. Watch this informative video to see how your web requests actually work.

当您输入URL并加载网页时,一切似乎都变得如此简单。 但是,剥离这些层,您会看到围绕数据包构建的复杂交付系统。 观看此内容丰富的视频,以了解您的Web请求实际上如何工作。


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42+ Text-Editing Keyboard Shortcuts That Work Almost Everywhere


Whether you’re typing an email in your browser or writing in a word processor, there are convenient keyboard shortcuts usable in almost every application. You can copy, select, or delete entire words or paragraphs with just a few key presses.

无论您是在浏览器中键入电子邮件还是在文字处理器中书写,几乎所有应用程序都可以使用便捷的键盘快捷键。 您只需几次按键就可以复制,选择或删除整个单词或段落。


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How to Make Your Laptop Choose a Wired Connection Instead of Wireless


Have you ever connected your Laptop to a wired network point in your house and continued to get wireless  network speeds ? Here’s how you can quickly fix that, the easy way.

您是否曾经将笔记本电脑连接到房屋中的有线网络点并继续获得无线网络速度? 您可以通过以下简单方法快速解决此问题。


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HTG Explains: What Is RSS and How Can I Benefit From Using It?


If you’re trying to keep up with news and content on multiple web sites, you’re faced with the never ending task of visiting those sites to check for new content. Read on to learn about RSS and how it can deliver the content right to your digital doorstep.

如果要跟上多个网站上的新闻和内容,您将面临访问这些网站以检查新内容的永无止境的任务。 继续阅读以了解RSS及其如何将内容直接传递到您的数字家门口。


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HTG Explains: Learn How Websites Are Tracking You Online


Some forms of tracking are obvious – for example, websites know who you are if you’re logged in. But how do tracking networks build up profiles of your browsing activity across multiple websites over time?



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HTG Explains: The Linux Directory Structure Explained


If you’re coming from Windows, the Linux file system structure can seem particularly alien. The C:\ drive and drive letters are gone, replaced by a / and cryptic-sounding directories, most of which have three letter names.

如果您来自Windows,那么Linux文件系统的结构似乎特别陌生。 C:\驱动器和驱动器号不见了,取而代之的是一个/和听起来有些神秘的目录,其中大多数都有三个字母名称。


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The 35 Best Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Your Windows PC

维护Windows PC的35个最佳技巧和窍门

When working (or playing) on your computer, you probably don’t think much about how you are going to clean up your files, backup your data, keep your system virus free, etc. However, these are tasks that need attention.



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HTG Explains: Why You Only Have to Wipe a Disk Once to Erase It


You’ve probably heard that you need to overwrite a drive multiple times to make the data unrecoverable. Many disk-wiping utilities offer multiple-pass wipes. This is an urban legend – you only need to wipe a drive once.

您可能听说过需要多次重写驱动器以使数据无法恢复。 许多磁盘擦除实用程序提供多次擦除。 这是一个城市传说–您只需要擦拭一次驱动器。


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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/117865/the-best-how-to-geek-articles-for-june-2012/






Linux logs a large amount of events to the disk, where they’re mostly stored in the /var/log directory in plain text. Most log entries go through the system logging daemon, syslogd, and are written to the system log. Linux将大量事件记录到磁盘上&#xff0c…


Ubuntu, like many other Linux distributions, is a community-developed operating system. In addition to getting involved and submitting patches, there are a variety of ways you can provide useful feedback and suggest features to Ubuntu. 与许多其他Linux发行版…

Tomcat 发布项目 conf/Catalina/localhost 配置 及数据源配置

本文介绍通过在tomcat的conf/Catalina/localhost目录下添加配置文件,来发布项目。因为这样对 tomcat 的入侵性最小,只需要新增一个配置文件,不需要修改原有配置;而且支持动态解析,修改完代码直接生效(修改配置除外)。在…

Centos7 中文乱码

1. 安装中文库 yum groupinstall "fonts" 2. 检查是否有中文语言包 locale -a 3. 查看当前系统语言环境 locale 解析如下 LANG:当前系统的语言LC_CTYPE:语言符号及其分类LC_NUMERIC:数字LC_COLLATE:比较和排序习惯LC_TIME&#xff…

chrome自动退出的原因_Chrome 70将让用户选择退出新的自动登录功能

chrome自动退出的原因An upcoming Chrome option allows users to log into Google accounts without logging into the browser. The change was prompted by a backlash among users and privacy advocates. 即将推出的Chrome选项允许用户无需登录浏览器即可登录Google帐户。…


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Moore-Penrose伪逆(pseudoinverse)。 非方矩阵,逆矩阵没有定义。矩阵A的左逆B求解线性方程Axy。两边左乘左逆B,xBy。可能无法设计唯一映射将A映射到B。矩阵A行数大于列数,方程无解。矩…


一、表关系请创建如下表,并创建相关约束导入现有数据库数据:/*Navicat Premium Data TransferSource Server : localhostSource Server Type : MySQLSource Server Version :50624Source Host : localhostSource Database : sqlexamTarget Server Type :…


ubuntu取消主目录加密Access an encrypted home directory when you’re not logged in – say, from a live CD – and all you’ll see is a README file. You’ll need a terminal command to recover your encrypted files. 当您未登录时(例如,从实时CD)访问加密…

python数据结构与算法第六讲_Python 学习 -- 数据结构与算法 (六)

栈 是一种 “操作受限”的线性表,只允许在一端插入和删除数据。从功能是上来说,数组和链表确实可以替代栈,但是特定的数据结构是对特定场景的抽象,而且,数组或链表暴露了太多的操作接口,操作上的确灵活自由…

spring-springmvc code-based


powershell 入门_使用PowerShell入门的5个Cmdlet

powershell 入门PowerShell is quickly becoming the preferred scripting language and CLI of Power Users as well as IT Pros. It’s well worth learning a few commands to get you started, so we’ve got 5 useful cmdlets for you to learn today. PowerShellSwift成为…

Part 3: Services

介绍 在第3部分中,我们将扩展应用程序并启用负载平衡。为此,我们必须在分布式应用程序的层次结构中提升一个级别:服务。 StackServices (你在这里)Container (涵盖在第2部分中)关于服务 在分布式应用程序中,应用程序的不同部分被称为“服务”…


diy感应usb摄像头拍照Courtesy of Instructables user Inducktion shares a very detailed tutorial on how to build a wireless power charger. He explains the impetus behind the project: 由Instructables用户提供Inducktion分享了有关如何构建无线电源充电器的非常详细…

常用模块之 time,datetime,random,os,sys

time与datetime模块 先认识几个python中关于时间的名词: 时间戳(timestamp):通常来说,时间戳表示的是从1970年1月1日00:00:00开始按秒计算的偏移量。我们运行“type(time.time())”,返回的是float类型。1970年之前的日期无法以此表…


Viewing the permissions of each installed Android app requires digging through the Manage Applications screen and examining each app one by one — or does it? aSpotCat takes an inventory of the apps on your system and the permissions they require. 要查看每…

xtrabackup备份mysql“ib_logfile0 is of different”错误分析

今天用xtrabackup工具完整备份mysql数据库的时候出现“./ib_logfile0 is of different”错误,具体的日志信息如下: 我第一时间查询了百度和谷歌都没有找见相对应的答案。决定从错误日志入手,上面的日志提示说:mysql数据库inondb的日志文件的大…


Discord has an excellent API for writing custom bots, and a very active bot community. Today we’ll take a look at how to get started making your own. Discord具有出色的用于编写自定义机器人的API,以及非常活跃的机器人社区。 今天,我们将探…


css3属性选择器总结 &#xff08;1&#xff09;E[attr]只使用属性名&#xff0c;但没有确定任何属性值 <p miaov"a1">111111</p> <p miaov"a2">111111</p> p[miaov]{background: red;} /*所有属性为miaov的元素都会被背景变红&a…


程序代码初学者Assigning shortcut keys to launch programs in Windows is probably one of the oldest geek tricks in the book, but in true geek fashion we are going to show you how to do it in Windows 8. 分配快捷键以在Windows中启动程序可能是本书中最古老的怪胎技…


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> setuptools维护的入口点注册表列出了可用的插件&#xff0c;但是并没有为最终用户提供使用或启用的方法。 下面将描述用于管理要使用的扩展集的公共模式。 通过安装方式启用 对于许多应用程序&#xff0c;仅仅安装一个扩…