chrome自动退出的原因_Chrome 70将让用户选择退出新的自动登录功能



An upcoming Chrome option allows users to log into Google accounts without logging into the browser. The change was prompted by a backlash among users and privacy advocates.

即将推出的Chrome选项允许用户无需登录浏览器即可登录Google帐户。 用户和隐私倡导者之间的强烈反对促使这一变化。

Chrome 69, which came out earlier this month, logs all Google users into Chrome, even if they’ve previously opted out of signing into Chrome. This did not enable Chrome’s sync feature, but some users saw it as intrusive.

本月初发布的Chrome 69将所有Google用户登录到Chrome中,即使他们先前已选择退出登录Chrome也是如此。 这并未启用Chrome的同步功能,但一些用户认为它具有侵入性。

Chrome 70, scheduled for general release on October 15, will include a toggle (seen above) allowing users to sign into Google service like Gmail without signing into Chrome. From an official Google Blog post:

Chrome 70计划于10月15日正式发布,其中将包含一个切换开关(如上所示),使用户无需登录Chrome即可登录Gmail等Google服务。 从官方的Google Blog帖子中:

While we think sign-in consistency will help many of our users, we’re adding a control that allows users to turn off linking web-based sign-in with browser-based sign-in—that way users have more control over their experience. For users that disable this feature, signing into a Google website will not sign them into Chrome.

虽然我们认为登录一致性将帮助我们的许多用户,但我们添加了一个控件,该控件允许用户关闭基于Web的登录与基于浏览器的登录之间的链接,从而使用户可以更好地控制自己的体验。 对于禁用此功能的用户,登录Google网站不会将他们登录Chrome。

Chrome 69 also stopped users from deleting their Google cookies, something Google also addressed:

Chrome 69还阻止用户删除其Google Cookie,Google还解决了以下问题:

We’re also going to change the way we handle the clearing of auth cookies. In the current version of Chrome, we keep the Google auth cookies to allow you to stay signed in after cookies are cleared. We will change this behavior that so all cookies are deleted and you will be signed out.

我们还将改变处理身份验证Cookie清除的方式。 在当前版本的Chrome中,我们保留Google身份验证Cookie,以便您在清除Cookie后保持登录状态。 我们将更改此行为,以便所有cookie都将被删除,并且您将注销。

It’s unlikely the vast majority of Chrome users will ever think about these features, or even realize they exist. But Google took the time to respond to concerns and provide options, which is something. We just wish all of these changes were communicated more clearly, and opt-outs were more clearly offered, to begin with.

绝大多数Chrome用户不太可能会想到这些功能,甚至不会意识到它们的存在。 但是Google花了一些时间来回应疑虑并提供选择,这就是事实。 首先,我们希望所有这些更改能得到更清晰的沟通,并提供更明确的退出选择。







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