Courtesy of Instructables user Inducktion shares a very detailed tutorial on how to build a wireless power charger. He explains the impetus behind the project:
由Instructables用户提供Inducktion分享了有关如何构建无线电源充电器的非常详细的教程。 他解释了该项目背后的推动力:
I’ve searched around on this website, and noticed that almost all of the instructables on here with wireless power seem to lack a proper explanation about how to build one; Or, when they did build one, they used an inefficient method of doing so…
我在这个网站上四处搜寻,发现这里几乎所有带有无线电源的教学人员似乎都缺乏关于如何建造一个的正确解释; 或者,当他们建造一个时,他们使用了效率低下的方法……
This transmitter works fantastic, and can run on pretty much any voltage above 12 volts, and below 24! It’s also extremely efficient (little power lost) and, it generates almost no interference. (one wireless power instructable used a square wave in the primary; Square waves have a lot of harmonics, and can cause havoc on computer systems, radios, and other sensitive electronics)
该变送器工作出色,可在几乎所有高于12伏且低于24伏的电压下运行! 它也非常高效(功率损耗很小),并且几乎不产生干扰。 (一种可指示的无线电力在初级中使用了方波;方波具有很多谐波,并且可能对计算机系统,收音机和其他敏感电子设备造成破坏)
I’ve come to solve all of these problems!
For what the project lacks for in miniaturization it more than makes up for with thoroughness. Hit up the link below to check the project out.
对于项目在小型化方面所缺乏的东西,它远远不能完全弥补。 点击下面的链接签出项目。
Wireless iPod Charger [via Make]
无线iPod充电器[通过Make ]
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/113447/diy-wireless-induction-charger/