As of Ubuntu 10.04, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons on all windows were moved to the left side and the system menu was removed. Prior to version 11.10, you could use several methods to restore the original button arrangement.
从Ubuntu 10.04开始,所有窗口上的“最小化”,“最大化”和“关闭”按钮均移至左侧,并且删除了系统菜单。 在版本11.10之前,您可以使用多种方法来还原原始按钮排列。
To move the windows buttons in 10.04, 10.10, and 11.04, you could use Ubuntu Tweak or the Gnome-Art Manager or manually move the buttons using the Configuration Editor (gconf-editor). However, in Ubuntu 11.10 with the Gnome 3 desktop environment, these methods for moving the buttons are obsolete. The only way to move the buttons now is to use a program called Mwbuttons (Metacity Window Buttons) that allows you to specify the availability and position of the window buttons.
要在10.04、10.10和11.04中移动Windows按钮,可以使用Ubuntu Tweak或Gnome-Art Manager或使用配置编辑器(gconf-editor)手动移动按钮。 但是,在具有Gnome 3桌面环境的Ubuntu 11.10中,这些用于移动按钮的方法已过时。 现在移动按钮的唯一方法是使用一个名为Mwbuttons(城市窗口按钮)的程序,该程序可用于指定窗口按钮的可用性和位置。
To install Mwbuttons, download the Debian/Ubuntu DEB ALL file, not the tar.gz file.
要安装Mwbuttons,请下载Debian / Ubuntu DEB ALL文件,而不是tar.gz文件。
Go to the desktop or open the file manager (from the Places menu) and navigate to the folder where you saved the .deb file. Double-click on the file.
转到桌面或打开文件管理器(从“位置”菜单),然后导航到保存.deb文件的文件夹。 双击文件。
The Ubuntu Software Center opens and the mwbuttons screen displays. Click Install.
将打开Ubuntu软件中心,并显示mwbuttons屏幕。 单击安装。
To install software, you must authenticate. Enter your password in the Password edit box on the Authenticate dialog box and click Authenticate.
要安装软件,您必须进行身份验证。 在“身份验证”对话框的“密码”编辑框中输入密码,然后单击“身份验证”。
The progress of the installation displays where the Install button was.
When the installation is done, “Installed” displays next to a check mark. To close the Ubuntu Software Center, click the X button on the window’s title bar.
安装完成后,复选标记旁边将显示“ Installed”。 要关闭Ubuntu软件中心,请单击窗口标题栏上的X按钮。
To start mwbuttons, click the Dash home icon on the Unity desktop.
Enter “mwbuttons” (without the quotes) in the search box. You don’t need to press Enter. Results are displayed as you type. Click the Metacity Window Buttons icon that displays.
在搜索框中输入“ mwbuttons”(不带引号)。 您无需按Enter。 输入时显示结果。 单击显示的“ Metacity窗口按钮”图标。
The Metacity Window Buttons window displays. There are eight drop-down lists from which you can choose which buttons will be available and the order of the buttons on all windows in Ubuntu.
显示“ Metacity窗口按钮”窗口。 有八个下拉列表,您可以从中选择可用的按钮以及Ubuntu中所有窗口上的按钮顺序。
For example, to put the close button back in its usual place, select the X button from the drop-down list on the far right side of the Metacity Window Buttons window.
例如,要将关闭按钮放回其通常位置,请从“ Metacity窗口按钮”窗口最右侧的下拉列表中选择X按钮。
NOTE: The buttons available in each drop-down list are as follows, in this order: system menu, maximize, minimize, close. The maximize button is a toggle button. Clicking it once maximizes the window, if it isn’t already, and clicking it again returns it to its previous state.
注意:每个下拉列表中可用的按钮如下,按此顺序:系统菜单,最大化,最小化,关闭。 最大化按钮是一个切换按钮。 单击一次将最大化窗口(如果尚未打开),然后再次单击将其返回到先前状态。
We selected the buttons as shown on the following image to put the window buttons back in their usual places.
Any window you open now will display the window buttons where you placed them.
You can also quickly set the buttons to the way they were in Karmic Koala (9.10). To do this, move your mouse to the top panel on the desktop to access the menu bar for Metacity Window Buttons and select Karmic style from the Settings menu. You can also use this menu to go back to the style from Lucid Lynx (10.04) or you can even select the Mac OS X style. To go back to the previously set button arrangement, select Restore style.
您还可以将按钮快速设置为Karmic Koala(9.10)中的按钮。 为此,将鼠标移到桌面的顶部面板上,以访问“ Metacity窗口按钮”的菜单栏,然后从“设置”菜单中选择“业力样式”。 您也可以使用此菜单从Lucid Lynx(10.04)返回样式,甚至可以选择Mac OS X样式。 要返回到先前设置的按钮排列,请选择“还原样式”。
When you maximize a window on the Unity desktop in Ubuntu 11.10, the buttons go back to the left side in the following order: close, minimize, maximize. They also move to the top panel along with the menu. If you click the maximize button again, the buttons go back to where you placed them.
在Ubuntu 11.10中的Unity桌面上最大化窗口时,按钮按以下顺序返回左侧:关闭,最小化,最大化。 它们也随菜单一起移至顶部面板。 如果再次单击最大化按钮,则按钮将返回到放置它们的位置。