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If you switch between platforms a lot, you know it’s a hassle to move your stuff around. Fortunately, music files don’t have any sort of DRM tying them to a specific platform the way that movies do, so you can copy and paste your library around with ease. Or if your music is already in a cloud library, getting your music on a new device may be as easy as downloading a single app.

如果您经常在平台之间切换,那么您就知道移动这些内容很麻烦。 幸运的是,音乐文件没有任何DRM可以像电影那样将它们绑定到特定平台,因此您可以轻松地复制和粘贴您的音乐库。 或者,如果您的音乐已经在云库中,则将音乐下载到新设备上就像下载单个应用程序一样容易。

Here’s how to move your iTunes songs onto a Chromebook!


方法一:在Chromebook上安装Apple Music应用 (Option One: Install the Apple Music App on Your Chromebook)

If you’ve bought a bunch of music on iTunes—or if you’ve uploaded your CD rips with iTunes Match—you can get to these just by downloading Apple Music. Apple Music works on any Chromebook that supports downloading Android apps from the Google Play Store, which is most models released in the last few years. Just download the app, sign in with your Apple ID, and listen away!

如果您已在iTunes上购买了一堆音乐,或者已通过iTunes Match上传了CD翻录,则只需下载Apple Music即可获得这些音乐。 Apple Music可在任何支持从Google Play商店下载Android应用程序的Chromebook上使用,这是最近几年发布的大多数机型。 只需下载该应用程序,使用您的Apple ID登录并收听即可!

Scaling in that app isn’t exactly pretty. It comes off looking much like a small tablet screen in the middle of your display (check out the image at the top of the article). We hope Apple fixes this in the future, but it does work. You can install the Apple Music app and listen to your music without much hassle.

在该应用程序中扩展并不十分美观。 它看起来就像是显示屏中间的小平板电脑屏幕(请查看文章顶部的图像)。 我们希望Apple将来能解决此问题,但确实可以。 您可以安装Apple Music应用并轻松聆听音乐。

选项二:将iTunes歌曲上传到Google Play音乐 (Option Two: Upload Your iTunes Songs to Google Play Music)

If you’re making a clean break with Apple’s ecosystem, you can easily move your songs over to Google’s world. Google Play Music is still rocking along as Google’s music service, complete with a completely free cloud locker for all your songs.

如果您要与Apple的生态系统彻底融合,则可以轻松地将歌曲转移到Google的世界。 Google Play音乐仍在与Google的音乐服务一起发展,并为您的所有歌曲提供完全免费的云存储柜。

Start by downloading and installing Google Play Music Manager on the system where you’ve got your iTunes songs stored. It supports Windows and macOS. When you’ve got it installed, fire it up and sign in with your Google account.

首先在存储iTunes歌曲的系统上下载并安装Google Play音乐管理器。 它支持Windows和macOS。 安装后,启动它并使用您的Google帐户登录。

After signing in, select the “Upload Songs to Google Play” option and then click “Next.”

登录后,选择“将歌曲上传到Google Play”选项,然后单击“下一步”。

On the next page, select the “iTunes” option and then click “Next.”

在下一页上,选择“ iTunes”选项,然后单击“下一步”。

Next, you’ll decide what songs to upload. You can either go ahead and upload all your songs and playlists or you can select specific songs and playlists. You can also upload any podcasts you’ve downloaded to iTunes Make your choice and then click “Next.”

接下来,您将决定要上传哪些歌曲。 您可以继续上传所有歌曲和播放列表,也可以选择特定的歌曲和播放列表。 您还可以将已下载的所有播客上传到iTunes做出选择,然后单击“下一步”。

Google Play Music will start uploading all your music from iTunes. If you have a whole lotta music, just sit tight and let it do its thing.

Google Play音乐将开始从iTunes上传您的所有音乐。 如果您有完整的乐透音乐,请坐着并让它发挥作用。

When all the music is uploaded, you can get to it on your Chromebook by downloading the Google Play Music app, or by visiting the Google Play Music webpage. Select your favorite song or playlist, hit play, and enjoy your tunes!

上传完所有音乐后,您可以通过下载Google Play音乐应用或访问Google Play音乐网页,在Chromebook上获取音乐。 选择您喜欢的歌曲或播放列表,点击播放,然后欣赏您的音乐!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/392402/how-to-move-your-itunes-music-to-a-chromebook/






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