
While iOS 12 is still fairly fresh, the first point release will be rolling out starting today. This brings a handful of new features, like Group Facetime, dual SIM support, camera improvements, new emoji, and more.
尽管iOS 12仍然相当新鲜,但第一点发行版将从今天开始推出。 这带来了一些新功能,例如Group Facetime,双SIM卡支持,相机改进,新表情符号等等。
小组FaceTime (Group FaceTime)

Originally announced back in June at WWDC, Group Facetime will allow up to 32 people to FaceTime together at one time. That’s so many people.
Group Facetime最初是在6月在WWDC上宣布的,一次最多可允许32个人一起使用FaceTime。 这么多人。
But here’s the best part: all 32 of you crazy kids will be able to use Animoji and Memoji when you FaceTime, making the insane experience of FaceTimeing with 32 people even insane…r. Expect dogs, cats, aliens, dinosaurs, and everything else to join in on your chats.
但是,这是最好的部分:当您使用FaceTime时,您中的所有32个疯狂的孩子都将能够使用Animoji和Memoji,使32个人的FaceTimeing疯狂体验……r。 希望狗,猫,外星人,恐龙以及其他所有事物都能加入您的聊天室。
相机改进 (Camera Improvements)
When Apple announced the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR, the camera features were really talked up—especially the real-time depth of field control. While that feature wasn’t available at launch, iOS 12 .1 brings it to all compatible phones (XS, Max, XR). This will make your portrait photos even better.
当苹果公司发布iPhone XS,XS Max和XR时,相机功能得到了真正的讨论,尤其是实时景深控制。 虽然该功能尚未在发布时提供,但iOS 12 .1将该功能引入了所有兼容手机(XS,Max,XR)。 这将使您的人像照片更好。
Speaking of making portrait photos better, 12.1 also fixes the “beautygate” bug, which causes photographs to be overly smoothed like so many “beauty cams” do. Time to let your real self shine through.
说到使肖像照片更好,12.1还修复了“ beautygate”错误,该错误导致照片像许多“ beauty cams”一样过分平滑。 是时候让您的真实自我焕发光芒了。
双卡双待支持 (Dual SIM Support)

The XS, XS Max, and XR are the first iPhone to support dual SIM cards—here’s what that means—but again, this feature wasn’t active at launch. It is with 12.1, so you’ll be able to run two carriers at the same time on a single phone.
XS,XS Max和XR是第一款支持双SIM卡的iPhone(这就是这个意思),但同样,此功能在发布时并未启用。 它带有12.1,因此您可以在同一部手机上同时运行两个运营商。
新表情符号 (New Emoji)

What’s an iPhone update without a new emoji? I submit that it is no update worth talking about. To solidify 12.1’s relevance, over 70 new emoji are on board here. Phew—there for a second we thought this whole thing was one big waste of time.
没有新表情符号的iPhone更新是什么? 我认为这不值得讨论。 为了巩固12.1的相关性,这里有70多种新的表情符号。 哎呀,有一秒钟我们认为整个事情浪费了很多时间。
iOS 12.1 is rolling out today, head into Settings > General > Software Update to grab it once it becomes available.
iOS 12.1将于今天推出,进入设置>常规>软件更新以获取它。
via Apple
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/heres-whats-new-in-ios-12.1-available-today/