raspberry pi
For the morning of March 19th, 2019, Apple unveiled an updated iMac, NVIDIA showed off a Raspberry Pi competitor, Instagram will let you buy things without leaving the service, Call of Duty is coming to mobile, and a lot more.
在2019年3月19日上午,苹果推出了更新的iMac,NVIDIA展示了Raspberry Pi的竞争对手,Instagram可以让您在不离开服务的情况下购买东西,《使命召唤》即将出现在移动设备上,还有更多。
苹果新闻 (Apple News)
Yesterday, Apple announced a couple of new/updated iPads with the Air and Mini. Today, it surprised everyone with another announcement: an updated iMac.
昨天,苹果公司宣布了一些带有Air和Mini的新iPad。 今天,它又发布了一个令所有人惊讶的新版本:更新的iMac。
The new iMac looks the same, but its guts got better. This includes 6 and 8-core chips. [9to5Mac]
新的iMac外观相同,但胆量变得更好。 这包括6核和8核芯片。 [ 9to5Mac ]
Similarly, you can add up to 256GB of RAM (for Chrome, probably) if you want. Of course, that also adds $5,200 to the price. Oof. [9to5Mac]
同样,您可以根据需要添加最多256GB的RAM(可能适用于Chrome)。 当然,这也使价格增加了5,200美元。 钱币。 [ 9to5Mac ]
Oh, and if you want to buy the thing as maxed out as it comes, that will set you back $15,699. What a bargain. [AppleInsider]
哦,如果您想购买的东西尽可能多,那将使您损失$ 15,699。 这真是个便宜货。 [ AppleInsider ]
That rumored Apple TV service that’s expected to be announced next week? Apparently, Netflix won’t be a part of it. Ouch. [MacRumors]
有传闻称Apple TV服务将于下周宣布吗? 显然,Netflix不会参与其中。 哎哟。 [ MacRumors ]
Okay, so this isn’t really “news” per se, but The Verge got to take a look at the first iPhone prototype and it is so cool. Since this isn’t really news, is it called “olds”? 🤔 [The Verge]
好的,这本身并不是真正的“新闻”,但是The Verge不得不看一下第一个iPhone原型,它是如此的酷。 既然这不是真正的新闻,它是否被称为“老人”? 🤔[边缘]
Microsoft和Windows新闻 (Microsoft and Windows News)
Like pretty much every day, Microsoft didn’t have a lot going on this morning. But there’s always at least one thing, right?
就像每天几乎一样,微软今天早上没有很多事情。 但是总有至少一件事吧?
Microsoft is letting PC players check out Halo: The Master Chief collections before it’s released. Neat. [The Verge]
Microsoft允许PC播放器在发布之前查看Halo:The Master Chief系列。 整齐。 [边缘]
I’m not sure if this is Google or Microsoft news, so I’m just putting it here. The two companies worked together for a year to understand a new Windows flaw. That’s the level of comittment I think we can all appreciate. [Ars Technica]
我不确定这是Google还是Microsoft的新闻,所以我只是将其放在此处。 两家公司共同努力了一年,以了解Windows的新漏洞。 我认为这就是大家的共同承诺。 [ Ars Technica ]
Google和Android新闻 (Google and Android News)
Compared to most days, Google has been pretty quiet this morning. Probably has a lot to do with the fact that the company is expected to announce its new game streaming service at GDC later today. Keep an eye on Review Geek for coverage of that!
与大多数日子相比,今天早上Google一直很安静。 可能与该公司将于今天晚些时候在GDC上宣布其新游戏流媒体服务有关。 留意Review Geek的报道!
Google is beefing up Tasks with time-based notifications and better integration with Gmail and Inbox. [9to5Google]
Google通过基于时间的通知以及与Gmail和Inbox的更好集成来增强Tasks。 [ 9to5Google ]
Speaking of Inbox, it’s getting shut down “by April 2nd.” Back to Gmail you go. [Engadget]
说到收件箱,它将在“ 4月2日”关闭。 返回Gmail。 [ Engadget ]
其他新闻 (Other News)
Interestingly, some of the biggest stories are coming from the “other” category today. Mostly because of GDC, but still. Some cool stuff, especially from NVIDIA.
有趣的是,今天一些最大的故事来自“其他”类别。 主要是因为GDC,但仍然如此。 一些很棒的东西,尤其是来自NVIDIA的东西。
NVIDIA announced a Raspberry Pi competitor called Jetson Nano. It’s faster, beefier, and $99er. [Liliputing]
NVIDIA宣布了Raspberry Pi的竞争对手Jetson Nano。 它速度更快,功能更强大,价格为99美元。 [ Liliputing ]
Also! It’s bringing ray tracing to some older GTX cards, which is beyond cool. Beyond. [Engadget]
也! 它为一些较旧的GTX卡带来了光线追踪功能,这太酷了。 超越。 [ Engadget ]
NVIDIA also announced a bunch of stuff for GeForce Now. So much stuff. [NVIDIA Blog]
NVIDIA还宣布了GeForce Now的许多功能。 好多东西[ NVIDIA博客]
Call of Duty is coming to mobile! Android and iOS are both getting a mobile version of the game. It’s so cool to see AAA titles like this show up on mobile. Welcome to the future, enjoy your stay. [Engadget]
使命召唤即将到来! Android和iOS都正在获得该游戏的移动版本。 看到这样的AAA标题出现在移动设备上真是太酷了。 欢迎来到未来,祝您逗留愉快。 [ Engadget ]
In VR news, Qualcomm is working on a headset that can be connected to a PC or work as a standalone device. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it. [The Verge]
在VR新闻中,高通公司正在开发一种可以连接到PC或作为独立设备使用的头戴式耳机。 当您考虑它时,这很有意义。 [边缘]
Qualcomm also announce da new chip just for smart speakers. Your smart speaker is about to be a smarter speaker. [Engadget]
高通公司还宣布了一款仅用于智能扬声器的新芯片。 您的智能扬声器将成为更智能的扬声器。 [ Engadget ]
In other VR news, HP announced a new Pro VR headset. [Ars Techinca]
在其他VR新闻中,HP宣布了新的Pro VR耳机。 [ Ars Techinca ]
Instagram is adding a checkout page directly in the app so you can buy stuff without ever leaving the service. There are so many things I don’t like about this, most of which revolves around how much money it’s going to cost me. [9to5Mac]
Instagram在应用程序中直接添加了一个结帐页面,因此您无需离开服务即可购买商品。 我对此不满意,有很多事情与我要花多少钱有关。 [ 9to5Mac ]
Firefox hit version 66, which blocks autoplaying videos by default. This is a good step in the war against internet annoyances. [The Verge]
Firefox的版本为66,默认情况下会阻止自动播放视频。 这是对抗互联网烦恼的重要一步。 [边缘]
Did you watch Black Mirror: Bandersnatch on Netflix? Well the company’s next interactive show is “Man vs. Wild” with Bear Grylls. Insert joke about drinking pee here. [Engadget]
您是否在Netflix上观看了《黑镜:班德斯纳奇》? 该公司的下一个互动节目是与Bear Grylls一起的“ Man vs. Wild”。 在这里插入有关喝尿的笑话。 [ Engadget ]
There we go—the biggest stories from this morning. Crazy how much happens before…whatever time it is where you live.
我们去了-今天早上最大的故事。 疯狂……之前发生了什么……无论住什么时间。
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挖新格式? 让我知道!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408117/daily-news-roundup-new-imacs-nvidias-raspberry-pi-competitor-and-more/
raspberry pi