ios 取消交互_每日新闻摘要:Google披露了iOS“无交互”漏洞

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Google, through its Project Zero initiative, disclosed six vulnerabilities in iOS. In each case, a hacker could execute remote code on someone’s iPhone without any interaction by the user. Apple’s iOS 12.3 fixes five of the issues.

谷歌通过其“零项目”计划披露了iOS中的六个漏洞。 在每种情况下,黑客都可以在某人的iPhone上执行远程代码,而无需用户进行任何交互。 苹果的iOS 12.3修复了五个问题。

Project Zero is Google’s initiative to discover zero-day vulnerabilities and disclose them to the appropriate manufacturer, followed by a public announcement of the problem.


Recently, two members of the project team described six vulnerabilities in iOS. In each case, an attacker could send a malformed message through iMessage and the code would execute as soon as the victim opened and viewed the item. The announcement included proof-of-concept code and full details for five of the vulnerabilities.

最近,项目团队的两名成员描述了iOS中的六个漏洞。 在每种情况下,攻击者都可以通过iMe​​ssage发送格式错误的消息,并且一旦受害者打开并查看该项目,该代码就会立即执行。 该公告包括概念验证代码和五个漏洞的完整详细信息。

Apple fully patched those five issues in iOS 12.3, so if you haven’t fully updated your devices, you should. Google withheld details of the sixth vulnerability for now as Apple hasn’t fully patched that issue yet. [ZDNet]

Apple已在iOS 12.3中完全修复了这五个问题,因此,如果尚未完全更新设备,则应该这样做。 由于苹果尚未完全修补此问题,因此Google暂时保留了第六个漏洞的详细信息。 [ ZDNet ]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • Samsung announces Galaxy Tab S6: The Galaxy S6 is official and the tablet has impressive specs to take on competitors. Boasting a Snapdragon 855 chipset, 6GB or 8GB of RAM, and 128GB or 256GB of storage, the tablet checks all the boxes to hit the high-end market. The Galaxy Tab S6 starts at $649 and includes an S-Pen. Samsung is also offering an optional keyboard and kickstand case for $179. [Samsung]

    三星宣布推出Galaxy Tab S6: Galaxy S6是官方产品,这款平板电脑具有吸引竞争对手的出色规格。 这款平板电脑拥有Snapdragon 855芯片组,6GB或8GB RAM以及128GB或256GB存储空间,可以检查所有设备以打入高端市场。 Galaxy Tab S6的起价为649美元,包括一个S笔。 三星还提供可选的键盘和支架保护套,价格为179美元。 [三星]

  • Apple’s Credit Card launches in August: In March, Apple announced the Apple Card. The company said the credit card would come in both digital and physical forms, although the titanium card wouldn’t display any card numbers, CCV, or expiration date. Now, Apple says it will start accepting applications for the card in August. [The Verge]

    Apple的信用卡于8月推出: 3月,Apple宣布了Apple Card。 该公司表示,尽管钛金卡不会显示任何卡号,CCV或有效期,但信用卡将以数字和物理两种形式出现。 现在,苹果表示它将在八月份开始接受该卡的申请。 [边缘]

  • Wyze will offer smart plugs at insanely cheap prices: You could describe the entire Wyze business model as “smart things for cheaper than dirt.” The company is continuing that trend with upcoming smart plugs. The plugs will cost $14.99 for a two-pack, more than half the price of iClever plugs. Pre-orders ship in September. [Wyze]

    Wyze将以低廉的价格提供智能插头:您可以将整个Wyze商业模式描述为“比尘土便宜的智能产品”。 该公司将通过即将推出的智能插头继续这一趋势。 两盒装的插头售价为14.99美元,是iClever插头价格的一半以上。 预购将于9月开始。 [ Wyze ]

  • Chrome 76 released yesterday with new features in tow: Google took the wraps off Chrome 76 yesterday. Once you receive this update, Chrom will block Flash by default, prevent websites from detecting incognito mode, and more. You should get the update automatically, but you can force it in Chrome’s “About” dialog. [How-To Geek]

    Chrome 76昨天发布,具有两个新功能: Google昨天取消了Chrome 76的包装。 收到此更新后,默认情况下,Chrom将阻止Flash,阻止网站检测隐身模式,等等。 您应该会自动获得更新,但是可以在Chrome的“关于”对话框中强制执行该更新。 [怪胎指南]

Facebook wants to read your mind, but not in the usual creepy way. A few years ago, the company announced an effort to create technology that can read brain patterns and interpret thoughts without using invasive technology, like implanted electrodes. Technology like that could enable someone to communicate who otherwise can’t speak or move their limbs.

Facebook希望读懂您的想法,但不是以通常的令人毛骨悚然的方式。 几年前,该公司宣布了一项努力,以创造一种无需使用侵入性技术即可读取大脑模式和解释思想的技术,例如植入电极。 像这样的技术可以使某人进行交流,否则他们将无法讲话或移动肢体。

The company has been experimenting with patients with electrodes implanted in their brains and made new progress in the ultimate goal. Research subjects were asked to answer out loud a list of simple multiple-choice questions ordered randomly. During that process, by monitoring brain patterns, Facebook’s algorithms correctly detected what question the patient heard 75 percent of the time and what answer they chose 61 percent of the time.

该公司一直在对患者的大脑植入电极进行实验,并在最终目标上取得了新进展。 研究对象被要求大声回答随机排列的简单选择题清单。 在此过程中,通过监视大脑模式,Facebook的算法可以正确检测出患者有75%的时间听到了什么问题,以及他们有61%的时间选择了什么答案。

The company is still many years away from a non-invasive method, but these are significant first steps. [IEEE Spectrum]

该公司距离无创方法尚有很多年,但这是重要的第一步。 [ IEEE频谱]


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