IntelliJ IDEA——数据库集成工具(Database)的使用





如果没有,请点击上方的View(视图)-Tool Windows(工具窗口)-Database。



点击绿色加号-Data Source,选择你需要的连接的数据库








点击sql的图标右键选择Open Console可以打开控制台,做查询操作还能输出查询时间,很实用








代码评审会议Dialing a conference call doesn’t have to be a tedious process. Your iPhone or Android phone can automatically dial into the call and enter a confirmation code for you. You just have to create a special type of contact. 拨打电话会议不一定是一个…

使用iOS 4越狱iPhone或iPod Touch

In case you haven’t heard the news over the past couple of days, there is now an incredibly easy way to jailbreak your iPod Touch or iPhone running iOS 4. Here we will take a look at how easy the process is. 如果您在过去的几天里没有听到这个消息&#xff0c…

在Windows 7中禁用或修改Aero Peek的“延迟时间”

Are you looking for an easy way to modify the “delay time” for Aero Peek in Windows 7 or perhaps want to disable the feature altogether? Then see how simple it is to do either with the Desktop Peek Tweak. 您是否正在寻找一种简便的方法来修改Windows 7中Aer…


音频剪切Audacity novices often start with lofty project ideas, but sometimes they lack the basics. Knowing how to cut and trim tracks is basic audio editing and is a fundamental starting point for making more elaborate arrangements. 大胆的新手通常从崇高的项…

搭建spring boot环境并测试一个controller

Idea搭建spring boot环境一、新建项目二、起步依赖三、编写SpringBoot引导类四、编写Controller五、热部署一、新建项目 1.新建project 2.选择SpringInitializr,选择jdk,没有则需要下载并配置(若选择Maven工程则需要自己添加pom.xml所需依赖坐标和Java…


音频噪声抑制Laying down some vocals? Starting your own podcast? Here’s how to remove noise from a messy audio track in Audacity quickly and easily. 放下人声? 开始自己的播客? 这是在Audacity中快速轻松地消除杂乱音轨中噪声的方法。 Th…


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 12.21 php-fpm的pool php-fpm的pool目录概要 vim /usr/local/php/etc/php-fpm.conf//在[global]部分增加include etc/php-fpm.d/*.confmkdir /usr/local/php/etc/php-fpm.d/cd /usr/local/php/etc/php-fpm.d/vim…

Mysql+Navicat for Mysql

一、mysql 1.下载安装 Mysql官网下载地址 下载后解压 .zip (或安装.msi) 2.可加入全局变量mysqld (可选) 我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量->Path(系统变量),添加mysql下的bin目录,如 D:\Pr…


一、公钥加密 假设一下,我找了两个数字,一个是1,一个是2。我喜欢2这个数字,就保留起来,不告诉你们(私钥),然后我告诉大家,1是我的公钥。 我有一个文件,不能让别人看&…

MySQL中的日志类型(二)-General query log

简介 General query log记录客户端的连接和断开,以及从客户端发来的每一个SQL语句。 日志内容格式 General query log可以记录在文件中,也可以记录在表中,格式如下:在文件中会记录时间、线程ID、命令类型以及执行的语句示例如下&a…

android wi-fi_如何在Android手机上查找3G或Wi-Fi速度

android wi-fiAre you curious about what kind of connection speed you are getting with your Android phone? Today we’ll take a look at how to easily check your Wi-Fi or 3G speeds with’s Speed Test app. 您是否对Android手机的连接速度感到好奇&a…


Adding hyperlinks is an efficient way of getting your reader to the intended web page. Though it’s no secret that you can add hyperlinks to text, Gmail also lets you add hyperlinks to images in the body of the email. Here’s how to make it happen. 添加超链…


新垣结衣自拍照Khamosh PathakKhamosh PathakThe Photos app on your iPhone automatically populates all photos from the front-facing camera in the Selfies album. But what if you don’t want a photo to appear there? Here are a couple of solutions. iPhone上的“…

如何设置自定义任务栏图标_如何为任何应用程序自定义Windows 7任务栏图标

如何设置自定义任务栏图标Would you like to change out the icons on your taskbar with a beautiful set of icons that all go together? Here’s how you can change out the random candy-colored icons for a stylish icon set of your choice. 您是否要用一组漂亮的图…


安装vue-devtools一、拉取项目二、install、build三、添加扩展四、使用举例一、拉取项目 vue-devtools:git地址(master分支) 非master分支在build的时候会报错。 二、install、build 1、打开cmd进入项目目录,可以选择npm/cnpm/…

如何找到Windows 7或8家庭组密码?

So you’re about to setup your new Windows 7 PC into your Homegroup when you realized that you have no idea what the password is. How do you find it? It’s actually pretty simple, if you know where to look. 因此,当您意识到自己不知道密码是什么时…


title: MySQL索引背后的数据结构及算法原理 date: 2018-07-25 19:50:16 tags: mysql categories: mysql --- 本文转载自 摘要 本文以MySQL为研究对象,讨论与数据库索引相关的一些话题。特别需要说明…

使用mcBackup备份Windows 7 Media Center设置

If you’re a HTPC enthusiast and use Windows 7 Media Center, you probably have a lot of scheduled recordings and channel lineups you’d like to backup. Here we take a look at a simple tool that will allow you to do it easily. 如果您是HTPC爱好者并且使用Wind…


1.描述问题 2.解决方案 systemctl stop firewalld systemctl mask firewalldThen, install the iptables-services package: yum install iptables-servicesEnable the service at boot-time: systemctl enable iptablesManaging the service systemctl [stop|start|restart] i…

火狐可以打开谷歌打不开_如何设置Firefox以使用Google Apps打开所有内容

火狐可以打开谷歌打不开Google offers a pretty comprehensive set of online applications which many of you probably take advantage of. Here is how to easily configure Firefox to use Google’s online offerings for email, RSS, PDF and office documents as your d…