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Google offers a pretty comprehensive set of online applications which many of you probably take advantage of. Here is how to easily configure Firefox to use Google’s online offerings for email, RSS, PDF and office documents as your default in-browser viewer without the need for a pesky toolbar.

Google提供了一套非常全面的在线应用程序,很多人可能会利用它。 这是如何轻松配置Firefox,以将Google的电子邮件,RSS,PDF和Office文档在线产品用作默认的浏览器内查看器,而无需讨厌的工具栏。

电子邮件Gmail (Gmail for Email)

Firefox has the native ability to use Gmail for email. Open the Options dialog and go to the Applications tab and for the content type “mailto”, select “Use Gmail”.

Firefox具有使用Gmail收发电子邮件的本机功能。 打开“选项”对话框,然后转到“应用程序”选项卡,对于内容类型“ mailto”,选择“使用Gmail”。


Now whenever you click on a mailto email link, assuming you are logged into Gmail, a new message will be created in Gmail.



Additionally, the “Send Link” context menu command will create a new Gmail message with the current page title set as the email subject and a link to the page in the message body.



Google Reader for RSS (Google Reader for RSS)

Like Gmail, Firefox has the native ability to use Google Reader as the default RSS reader. In the Applications tab for the content type “Web Feed”, select “Use Google”.

像Gmail一样,Firefox具有将Google阅读器用作默认RSS阅读器的本机功能。 在内容类型为“ Web Feed”的“应用程序”选项卡中,选择“使用Google”。


Once set, whenever you click on an RSS feed link, you will be presented with the option to choose whether you want to add the fees subscription to your Google homepage or Google Reader.

设置完成后,每当您单击RSS feed链接时,系统都会为您提供选择是否要向您的Google主页或Google Reader添加费用订阅的选项。


Google Apps for PDF和Office文档 (Google Apps for PDF and Office Documents)

Unfortunately, Firefox does not natively allow you to configure Google Apps as your default viewer for PDF, DOC, XLXS, etc. files. Before covering how to configure this, you may be asking why you would want to use Google Apps when you have a PDF reader and/or MS Office/OpenOffice installed on your machine. The short answer: security.

不幸的是,Firefox本身不允许您将Google Apps配置为PDF,DOC,XLXS等文件的默认查看器。 在介绍如何配置它之前,您可能会问为什么在计算机上装有PDF阅读器和/或MS Office / OpenOffice时为什么要使用Google Apps。 简短的答案:安全性。

As you may know, office files (PDF’s especially) are a popular vehicle for distributing malware. By opening these types of files you encounter on the web inside of Google Apps instead of on your local machine, you virtually eliminate the security risk.

如您所知,办公文件(尤其是PDF文件)是分发恶意软件的流行工具。 通过在Google Apps内部而不是在本地计算机上打开您在网络上遇到的这些类型的文件,实际上消除了安全风险。

So with the ‘why’ answered, we now move on to the ‘how’ which is essentially handled by the add-on, gViewer. Simply install this add-on and then restart Firefox.

因此,在回答了“为什么”之后,我们现在转到实质上由附加组件gViewer处理的“如何”。 只需安装此插件,然后重新启动Firefox。


Edit the options for gViewer.



Configure gViewer to use the respective file formats you want to open using Google Apps.

将gViewer配置为使用要使用Google Apps打开的相应文件格式。


Now whenever you open one of the respective file types in your browser, you will see an information bar appear for a few seconds at the top. If you click the “Choose another application” button, you can open the document in your system’s default viewer, otherwise the document will be opened in Google Apps.

现在,无论何时在浏览器中打开相应的文件类型之一,您都将在顶部看到几秒钟的信息栏。 如果单击“选择其他应用程序”按钮,则可以在系统的默认查看器中打开文档,否则将在Google Apps中打开该文档。


For example, clicking a PDF link on the IRS website opens the document in Google Apps. From here, if I am signed in to my Google account, I can easily add this document to my library of Google Docs.

例如,单击IRS网站上的PDF链接可在Google Apps中打开文档。 从这里,如果我登录了自己的Google帐户,就可以轻松地将此文档添加到我的Google文档库中。


It is important to remember that while Google Apps will open the vast majority of documents with no issue, it is not a complete replacement for local system viewers. If you are trying to open a PDF or Word document which utilizes complex functionality, these may not open successfully in their Google Apps equivalent.

重要的是要记住,尽管Google Apps可以毫无问题地打开绝大多数文档,但它并不是本地系统查看器的完整替代品。 如果您尝试打开利用复杂功能的PDF或Word文档,则这些文件可能无法在与之等效的Google Apps中成功打开。

Download gViewer Firefox Add-on

下载gViewer Firefox附加组件

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/59451/how-to-set-up-firefox-to-use-google-apps-for-opening-everything/






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