使用iOS 4越狱iPhone或iPod Touch

In case you haven’t heard the news over the past couple of days, there is now an incredibly easy way to jailbreak your iPod Touch or iPhone running iOS 4. Here we will take a look at how easy the process is.

如果您在过去的几天里没有听到这个消息,现在有一种非常简单的方法可以让运行iOS 4的iPod Touch或iPhone越狱。在这里,我们将看看该过程有多简单。

Here we are using an iPod Touch 32GB device, but it works the same with an iPhone as well.

在这里,我们使用的是iPod Touch 32GB设备,但在iPhone上也可以使用。

Note: There is always a risk of “bricking” your device when you jailbreak it. Make sure this is something you want to do and know there are potential risks involved. Also, this may void the warranty with Apple.

注意:越狱设备时,始终存在使设备“变砖”的风险。 确保这是您要执行的操作,并且知道其中涉及潜在的风险。 另外,这可能会使Apple的保修无效。


Update to iOS4


If you haven’t done so already…to update your device, plug it into your computer and open iTunes. Then under Devices click on the iPod or iPhone and under the Summary Tab and Version click Update.

如果您尚未这样做……要更新设备,请将其插入计算机并打开iTunes。 然后在“设备”下单击iPod或iPhone,在“摘要”选项卡和“版本”下单击“更新”。


Click the Update button…



You will get information on the new iOS 4 version.

您将获得有关新的iOS 4版本的信息。


Agree to the Software License Agreement…



Then the update will take place, give it a few minutes while it completes.



Sync & Backup Your iPod or iPhone


Before we get started with the jailbreak, make sure to sync and backup your device. Under Devices right-click the iPod Touch or iPhone and select backup and Sync.

在我们开始越狱之前,请确保同步并备份您的设备。 在设备下,右键单击iPod Touch或iPhone,然后选择备份和同步。


You will get a message at the top of iTunes letting you know it has completed.



Connect to Wi-Fi Network


Disconnect your iPhone or iPod Touch from your computer and connect to a Wi-Fi Network. If you’re a beginner and now sure how to do this, check out our article on how to connect your mobile devices to a Wi-Fi network.

断开iPhone或iPod Touch与计算机的连接,然后连接到Wi-Fi网络。 如果您是初学者,现在确定如何执行此操作,请查看有关如何将移动设备连接到Wi-Fi网络的文章。


Now open Safari and navigate to jailbreakme.com.



Once connected you will get a message explaining JailbreakMe and you simply need to slide to jailbreak.



It might take a couple minutes for the tool to download and install…especially the last couple of days the site has been quite busy. You won’t need to do anything else, just let it install and wait until you get the message “Cydia has been added”. It will then ask you if you’re a User, Hacker, or Developer to help apply filters.

该工具的下载和安装可能需要几分钟的时间,尤其是该站点最近很忙的最后几天。 您无需执行任何其他操作,只需安装它,然后等待直到收到消息“ Cydia已添加”。 然后它将询问您是用户,黑客还是开发人员,以帮助您应用过滤器。


That’s all there is to it! This is the easiest method to jailbreak an iPod Touch or iPhone that we have seen yet.

这里的所有都是它的! 这是我们迄今为止所见的越过iPod Touch或iPhone的最简单方法。

sshot-2010-08-02-[21-37-19] - Copy



When we first tried this on our iPod Touch, the screen in Safari would freeze up.

当我们首次在iPod Touch上尝试此操作时,Safari的屏幕将冻结。


Then we would get a message saying it didn’t work and to try it again. After repeated attempts at trying it again, we finally went in and reset the iPod Touch. Go into Settings and under General select Reset.

然后,我们会收到一条消息,指出它不起作用,然后重试。 经过反复尝试后,我们终于进入并重置了iPod Touch。 进入设置,然后在常规下选择重置。


Then select Reset All Settings.



You will get a warning message verifying you want to reset all settings. No data or media will be deleted, but you might want to make sure to back it up for good measure.

您将收到一条警告消息,确认您要重置所有设置。 不会删除任何数据或媒体,但是您可能需要确保对其进行备份,以防万一。


After we did that, we went back to jailbreakme.com and the process was successful and could access Cydia and enjoy our jail broken iPod Touch.

完成此操作后,我们返回jailbreakme.com,该过程成功完成,可以访问Cydia并享受我们越狱的iPod Touch了。


Reverse JailbreakMe


If you decide that a Jailbreak is not for you, it’s easily reversible! Just plug in your phone or iPod and then open iTunes and sync it.

如果您认为不适合越狱,那么它很容易逆转! 只需插入手机或iPod,然后打开iTunes并进行同步即可。


After that is done, under Version click the Restore button.



You will be asked to backup your settings first…



Then verify you want to restore it to factory settings. Unfortunately all media and other data will be erased, though you should have the option to restore all your data.

然后,确认您要将其恢复为出厂设置。 不幸的是,尽管您应该可以选择恢复所有数据,但是所有媒体和其他数据都将被删除。


It will take several minutes to complete and will be shown the status at the top of iTunes.



And will get a few other screens that come up showing the restore process.



Now you can set it up as a new device or restore from a backup.



We still had iOS 4 installed and our screen shots were restored, however our music and apps collection was missing on the device.

我们仍然安装了iOS 4,并且恢复了屏幕截图,但是设备上缺少音乐和应用程序集合。


Here we searched for Cydia and it was completely gone.



We also had to go in and re-add the Apps and our music. We didn’t have a whole lot of music and apps installed anyway so it wasn’t a big deal. However, if you have a lot of data, just keep in mind results may vary.

我们还必须进入并重新添加应用程序和我们的音乐。 无论如何,我们没有安装大量的音乐和应用程序,因此这没什么大不了的。 但是,如果您有大量数据,请记住结果可能会有所不同。




This technique is by far the easiest way to jailbreak your iPod Touch or iPhone running iOS 4.0. Other than the first few attempts at installing it, after we reset the iPod Touch it installed perfectly. Remember, you’ll only want to do this if you’re not worried about voiding your warranty with Apple, and want the ability to use apps, themes, and other tweaks not approved by Apple. Once you’ve done a jailbreak you’ll probably want to leave it how it is and not reverse it, especially if you have a lot of data on the device.

到目前为止,此技术是越狱运行iOS 4.0的iPod Touch或iPhone的最简单方法。 除了最初尝试进行几次安装以外,我们将iPod Touch重置后,安装已完美。 请记住,只有当您不担心与Apple一起放弃保修,并希望能够使用Apple认可的应用,主题和其他调整功能时,才需要这样做。 越狱后,您可能想要保留原样而不回退,尤其是在设备上有大量数据的情况下。

What is your take? Have you ever done a Jailbreak on an Apple device before and are you happy you did? Let us know in the comments.

你拿什么您以前曾经在Apple设备上进行过越狱,但您是否高兴? 让我们在评论中知道。



翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24344/jailbreak-your-iphone-or-ipod-touch-with-ios-4-the-easy-way/




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