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android wi-fi

android wi-fi

Are you curious about what kind of connection speed you are getting with your Android phone? Today we’ll take a look at how to easily check your Wi-Fi or 3G speeds with Speedtest.net’s Speed Test app.

您是否对Android手机的连接速度感到好奇? 今天,我们来看看如何使用Speedtest.net的Speed Test应用轻松检查您的Wi-Fi或3G速度。

Download and install the app from the Android Market.



Once it’s installed and you’ve opened the App, you find a straightforward interface. To begin the test simply select Begin Test.

安装并打开应用程序后,您会发现一个简单的界面。 要开始测试,只需选择开始测试。


The speed test will begin. It should take just a few moments over Wi-Fi or 3G connection.

速度测试将开始。 通过Wi-Fi或3G连接只需花费一些时间。


When it’s finished you’re Download and Upload speeds are displayed.



The test results are automatically saved for you to refer back to at a later time. Tap the Results button at the top to display previous test results.

测试结果将自动保存,以供以后参考。 点击顶部的结果按钮以显示以前的测试结果。


You can distinguish the Wi-Fi and 3G results by the icons next to the times. The little cell tower will indicate 3G while the Wi-Fi symbol indicates a Wi-Fi connection.

您可以通过时间旁边的图标来区分Wi-Fi和3G结果。 小蜂窝塔将指示3G,而Wi-Fi符号则指示Wi-Fi连接。


By selecting the menu button on your device while on the Results screen, you can delete the history or have the results exported as comma separated values via email.



The Settings Tab allows you to change how the speeds are displayed, sort history, and IP Address and Latitude and Longitude. You can even change the server you use for your test.

设置选项卡使您可以更改速度的显示方式,排序历史记录以及IP地址以及纬度和经度。 您甚至可以更改用于测试的服务器。


Select and different server and tap Done.





The Speed Test app is a nice way to quickly test download and upload speeds from your mobile carrier, home network, or Wi-Fi hotspot. There is also a Speed Test App available for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Speed Test应用程序是从移动运营商,家庭网络或Wi-Fi热点快速测试下载和上传速度的好方法。 还有一个适用于iPhone和iPod Touch的速度测试应用程序。

Need help connecting to a Wi-Fi network? Check out our post on how to connect your iPhone or Android device to a Wi-Fi network.

需要连接到Wi-Fi网络的帮助吗? 查看有关如何将iPhone或Android设备连接到Wi-Fi网络的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24564/beginner-find-your-3g-or-wi-fi-speed-on-your-android-phone/

android wi-fi





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