

As Product Designers, most likely, we have come across illustrative work. Visual design is one important element in enhancing the user experience. As many gravitate toward attractive looking products, designers are also adapting to the changing needs of the users.

作为产品设计师,我们很有可能遇到了说明性工作。 视觉设计是增强用户体验的重要元素之一。 由于许多人倾向于外观精美的产品,因此设计师也正在适应用户不断变化的需求。

说明性工作如何对UX设计产生影响 (How Illustrative Work Makes an Impact on UX Design)

One example shows only text with no illustrations. Second example show how visuals aids in communicating business services.

It’s not mandatory for every product designer to know how to illustrate. Some product designers may have come from a graphic design background and already know how to dabble with some illustrative work. While other designers, like myself, come from a Marketing background. Not all designers encompass their skillsets with each other. In fact, during my past freelancing work, I’ve often outsourced or delegated illustrative work with an artist.

并非每个产品设计人员都知道如何进行说明。 一些产品设计师可能来自图形设计背景,并且已经知道如何进行一些说明性工作。 其他设计师(例如我)也都来自市场营销背景。 并非所有的设计师都能相互融合他们的技能。 实际上,在我过去的自由职业生涯中,我经常与艺术家外包或委托插图作品。

There’s no definite guide to tell you when to include illustrative work. You can make your own judgment on whether it’s appropriate to include illustrations based on the company’s brand, mission, and branding. Let’s take a look at Uber’s recent rebrand, launched in September 2018, lists illustration as one of nine pillars making up Uber’s brand system. Streamlined shapes, simple lines, and a limited color palette make the illustrations easy to understand at a glance.

没有明确的指南可以告诉您何时包括说明性工作。 您可以根据公司的品牌,使命和品牌,自行决定是否包括插图。 让我们看一下Uber在2018年9月推出的最近更名,将插图列为构成Uber品牌体系的九大Struts之一。 流线型的形状,简单的线条和有限的调色板使插图一目了然。

Image for post
Image for post

The design team at Uber has defined three basic principles for their illustrations to influence conversion as significantly as possible. Uber’s illustrations must be:

Uber的设计团队为他们的插图定义了三个基本原则,以尽可能地影响转换。 Uber的插图必须是:

  1. Hyper efficient

  2. Easy to understand

  3. Inspiring through metaphor


Uber provides a personalized approach to create loyalty between drivers and riders. They also make ridesharing easy to understand for new customers.

Uber提供了个性化的方法来在驾驶员和骑手之间建立忠诚度。 它们还使新客户容易理解拼车。

Illustration work has been increasingly effective in communicating products to people. While many users are skim readers, illustrations serve as a visual aid to the UI. I highly recommend brushing up your skillsets and include illustrations as a tool to enhance the user experience. You don’t necessarily need high-level artistic skills to start getting into illustration. Many illustrations can be simple but effective in getting the message across. Here are some tools to help you get started:

插图作品在与人们交流产品方面越来越有效。 尽管许多用户是略读本 ,但是插图充当UI的视觉辅助。 我强烈建议您提高技能,并包括插图作为增强用户体验的工具。 您不一定需要高水平的艺术技能就可以开始插图创作。 许多插图可能很简单,但可以有效地传达信息。 以下是一些可帮助您入门的工具:

繁殖 (Procreate)

An illustrator drawing on Procreate
Gal ShirGal Shir

With an intuitive interface and affordable price tag, Procreate is a classic favorite for aspiring artists. It empowers artists everywhere to take their digital sketches on the go. I love their easy and fluid navigation with zero lag response. The app offers exceptional performance, powerful layers support, stunning filters, hundreds of brush presets (including pens, pencils, and abstract tools), and the ability to import, create, and share custom brushes.

凭借直观的界面和实惠的价格, Procreate是有抱负的艺术家的经典之选。 它使各地的艺术家都可以随时随地进行数字素描。 我喜欢它们零延迟响应的轻松流畅的导航。 该应用程序提供出色的性能,强大的图层支持,出色的滤镜,数百种笔刷预设(包括笔,铅笔和抽象工具),以及导入,创建和共享自定义笔刷的功能。

Adobe Illustrator的 (Adobe Illustrator)

An illustrator drawing on adobe illustrator
Digital Art Creation数字艺术创作

Adobe Illustrator has taken the spotlight as the industry standard for professional graphic design software. This program is for creating and editing vector-based work such as graphics, logos, and other design elements.You can create Trade show booths, banners, posters, labels, box designs, etc. The choices are limitless. What I love about Adobe Illustrator is the large selection of the vector tools and the ability to create custom brushes.

Adobe Illustrator已经成为专业图形设计软件的行业标准。 该程序用于创建和编辑基于矢量的工作,例如图形,徽标和其他设计元素。您可以创建贸易展位,横幅,海报,标签,盒子设计等。选择是无限的。 我最喜欢Adobe Illustrator的是矢量工具的众多选择以及创建自定义画笔的能力。

油漆工具Sai (Paint Tool Sai)

An illustrator drawing an image of a woman on Paint Tool Sai

PaintTool SAI is a lightweight raster graphics editor and painting software. It is published by Systemax Software. The program has a simple interface and comes with easy-to-use tools. I recommend this one for beginners. It’s great for cartoons, anime, and realism. They have a wide variety of brush customization as well as its color blend modes. One can also easily switch saturation levels for a certain color and it gives you a wide variety of color modes. It does this by simply making adjustments to a color’s luminescence, one can quickly notice the darkness or lightness per color.

PaintTool SAI是轻型的光栅图形编辑器和绘画软件。 它由Systemax Software发布。 该程序具有一个简单的界面,并带有易于使用的工具。 我向初学者推荐这个。 非常适合卡通,动漫和写实风格。 他们具有多种画笔自定义以及其颜色混合模式。 您还可以轻松切换特定颜色的饱和度级别,它为您提供了多种颜色模式。 它可以通过简单地调整颜色的发光度来做到这一点,从而可以Swift注意到每种颜色的暗度或明度。

剪辑工作室油漆 (Clip Studio Paint)

An illustrator showing how to draw realism on clip studio paint by blending colors

Clip Studio Paint is the ideal combination of Adobe Photoshop and Paint Tool SAI. It has the best features from both programs for painters at the most affordable purchase price. I recommend it for advanced artists as their interface, while simple, has more options from drawing and painting to comics, storyboarding and photo editing, to the newest addition of animation. My favorite feature is its 3D model rendering. In other words, if you can’t draw bodies, faces, or buildings, the program has guides and tools to help you trace images without the guesswork.

Clip Studio Paint是Adobe Photoshop和Paint Tool SAI的理想组合。 它以最实惠的购买价格为画家提供了两个程序的最佳功能。 我向高级艺术家推荐它,因为它们的界面虽然简单,但具有更多选项,包括绘画,漫画,情节提要和照片编辑,以及最新的动画。 我最喜欢的功能是3D模型渲染。 换句话说,如果您无法绘制物体,面部或建筑物,该程序将提供指南和工具来帮助您无需猜测就可以跟踪图像。

亲和力设计师 (Affinity Designer)

Illustrator is drawing a vectored version of a pizza on affinity designer

Affinity Designer is a vector graphics editor designed as an alternative to Adobe Illustrator. It’s incredibly affordable but it packs a punch. Many professional designers work on this software on the Mac. With the ability to edit and create pixel layers, Affinity Designer ostensibly functions as an Illustrator hybrid. If you’re a vector artist who uses an iPad and often works on the go, Affinity Designer would be it. The tool is great for beginners and it supports seamless matrix, Photoshop, and other formats. Such file forms can also be formatted and edited quickly.

Affinity Designer是矢量图形编辑器,旨在替代Adobe Illustrator。 它的价格令人难以置信,但是却带来了很大的冲击。 在Mac上,许多专业设计师都在使用该软件。 具有编辑和创建像素层的能力,Affinity Designer表面上可以用作Illustrator混合。 如果您是使用iPad的矢量艺术家并且经常在旅途中工作,那么Affinity Designer就是您的最佳选择。 该工具非常适合初学者,并且支持无缝矩阵,Photoshop和其他格式。 这样的文件格式也可以快速格式化和编辑。

Image for post
UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/5-powerful-illustration-tools-for-designers-b5c7d22831e






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1前言大家好,我是若川。最近组织了源码共读活动,感兴趣的可以加我微信 ruochuan12 参与,已进行三个月了,大家一起交流学习,共同进步。想学源码,极力推荐之前我写的《学习源码整体架构系列》 包含jQuery、un…