

的Photoshop (Photoshop)



At first glance, the UX looks okay; it’s pretty clear. The user gets to know how to use this tool right away. The color palette is located above, and the gradient down below. The diamond between the two colors controls gradient intensity and smoothness, which is useless in my opinion. What is not easily understood is why there are four (4) color indicators, one set above and another set below. And then you realize it’s for opacity. Maybe they could do it differently.

乍一看,UX看起来还不错。 很清楚 用户立即知道如何使用该工具。 调色板位于上方,渐变位于下方。 两种颜色之间的菱形控制渐变强度和平滑度,我认为这是没有用的。 不容易理解的是为什么有四(4)种颜色指示器,一个在上面,另一个在下面。 然后您意识到这是为了不透明。 也许他们可以做不同的事情。

Feedback and Preview:


The user doesn’t get an instant preview when he is performing the action, and this is a problem.


Gradient Level:


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The gradual blend of the gradient is not smooth enough. However, the handles of the gradient tool outside itself are great, except that I can’t change the gradient intensity: I need to hop again into the menu.

渐变的逐渐融合不够平滑。 但是,渐变工具本身外部的手柄很棒,除了我无法更改渐变强度:我需要再次跳入菜单。

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Unable to control gradient intensity outside the menu

插画家 (Illustrator)

In Illustrator, the situation is a little bit different. You can see two dots that you can play with to achieve the desired result. But color selection is done through the primary color picker, not by clicking on the dots.

在Illustrator中,情况有些不同。 您可以看到两个点,可以使用它们来实现所需的结果。 但是颜色选择是通过主颜色选择器完成的,而不是通过单击点来完成的。



When the user wants to edit the gradient, they do so on a shape. They need to find the hidden gradient panel, then click on one of the dots on the gradient to change the color. (With one click it works, and with another click it doesn’t.)

当用户想要编辑渐变时,他们会在形状上进行编辑。 他们需要找到隐藏的渐变面板,然后单击渐变上的点之一以更改颜色。 (单击一次可以使用,而单击另一次则不能。)

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Click or double-click?

And after the panel opens, the right mental model that I know from every Adobe software is double-click on the color square = the color picker opens, and I select a color. But think again.

在面板打开之后,我从每种Adobe软件中都知道的正确的心理模型是双击颜色方块=颜色选择器打开,然后选择一种颜色。 但是再想一想。

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want to pick a color? think again
想选择一种颜色? 再想一想

And then the user goes to the Swatches panel in the same window, but is unable to pick from the color picker. One can only choose from specific colors here. Disappointment.

然后,用户转到同一窗口中的“色板”面板,但无法从颜色选择器中进行选择。 在这里只能选择特定的颜色。 令人失望

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swatches panel

A pleasant surprise is that you can stretch the handles outside the shape and create a more gradual blend.


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good manipulation handles

But if you want to pick a specific color, you need to click on the first color of the left main panel, not on the little circles like everybody would think.


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not so obvious

设计中 (Indesign)

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Everything is clear as to what the user needs to do. But again, the same problem. Double-click on the color indicator, and nothing happens. You need to drag from the Swatches panel a color on top of the indicator or pick from the main panel. Frustration.

所有关于用户需要做什么的事情都是清楚的。 但是同样,同样的问题。 双击颜色指示器,没有任何React。 您需要从“色板”面板中拖动指示器顶部的颜色或从主面板中进行选择。 挫折。

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double click doesn’t do anything

Feedback and Preview:


The preview is right online: I make a change and see it too. Here, the gradient change is on the panel, unlike Illustrator where the change is on the shape itself.

预览是在线的:我进行了更改并看到了它。 在这里,渐变更改位于面板上,这与Illustrator不同,该更改位于形状本身上。

Gradient Level:


Here you can change it right on the panel, and it’s not as gradual and smooth as in Illustrator.


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stiff and not so gradual

And the winner is…


🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 (🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺🎺 🎺)


✔ Great UI: the handles can be manipulated like butter, and the gradient is silky smooth.


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✔ You can also adjust the opacity, and it’s fun.


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✔ You can add as many colors as you like and it’s smooth.


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✔ There is always an instant preview near the gradient panel — very comfortable.


To sum it up:


The only missing link is the change in the gradual blend of the gradient, because the handles here are so elastic that you can stretch them far. With this action, you can control the gradient, but it’s not enough.

唯一缺少的链接是渐变渐变混合的更改,因为此处的手柄非常有弹性,您可以将其拉伸得很远。 通过此操作,您可以控制渐变,但还不够。

Overall, I’m delighted with this gradient tool. Good job, guys! I look forward to its implementation in other Adobe products.

总的来说,我对这个渐变工具很满意。 干得好,伙计们! 我期待它在其他Adobe产品中的实现。







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