重点 (Top highlight)
I had an idea for another mindblowing test, so here it is. Since you guys liked the first one so much, and I got so many nice, funny responses and private messages on how accurate it actually was, I thought you will probably enjoy this one, too.
我想到了另一项令人兴奋的测试 ,所以就在这里。 既然你们非常喜欢第一个,并且我收到了许多不错,有趣的回复以及关于其实际准确性的私人消息,我想您也可能会喜欢上它。
Please note that both tests are meant to be fun and ironic, so don’t take it too seriously. I always wonder why designers are so deadly serious about their jobs? The whole industry needs to chill a bit! 🧘♀️
请注意, 这两个测试都是有趣且具有讽刺意味的,因此请不要太在意 。 我总是想知道为什么设计师如此认真地对待他们的工作? 整个行业需要放松一下! ♀♀️
As in the previous test, count down your answers and let me know what you got down in the comments section! I hope this will bring a little joy and some cute smiles on your faces! 😊
与之前的测试一样,记下您的答案,让我知道您在评论部分记下的内容! 希望这会给您带来些许快乐和一些可爱的笑容! 😊
3, 2, 1…let’s start!
1. What would your perfect office have?a) Wooden floors, chimney with a crackling fire, a bear rug under your desk.b) Modern, ascetic open spaces, robots, big hologram screens.c) Silenced rooms with sleek, minimal designer furniture.d) Big cozy cocoon swingers and a cafeteria with free coffee and pastries.e) Every possible gaming console, free drinks and pizza.
1.您理想的办公室会有什么? a)木地板,带熊熊火焰的烟囱,在桌子下面的小熊地毯 d)舒适的大型茧铺子和带有免费咖啡和糕点的自助餐厅。 e)每个可能的游戏机,免费饮料和比萨饼。
2. How would you dress for a regular day at work?a) Checkered buttoned shirt (preferably red), jeans and yellow Timberlands.b) Dark sunglasses and very minimal, designer pieces, mostly monochromatic.c) Perfectly ironed white shirt and straight trousers.d) Cozy oversized sweater and coffee cup in hand as an accessory.e) Just a regular white shirt, trousers, and Nikes.
2.您每天工作时会穿什么样的衣服? a)方格的纽扣衬衫(最好是红色),牛仔裤和黄色的Timberlands.b)深色太阳镜和极少的设计师作品,大多是单色的。c)完美熨烫的白衬衫和直筒长裤。d)舒适的超大毛衣和咖啡杯e)只是一件普通的白衬衫,裤子和耐克。
3. If you could become a CEO at one company, which one would you choose?a) Working in a corporation is not really for me.b) SpaceX.c) Google.d) Apple.e) Microsoft.
3.如果您可以成为一家公司的首席执行官,您会选择哪一家? a)在公司工作并不适合我。b)SpaceX.c)Google.d)Apple.e)Microsoft。
4. How do you like your coffee?a) Homemade, in my favorite old school cup.b) Only bulletproof.c) Simple, preferably black.d) Big milky latte with some syrup and spices on top.e) I don’t really like coffee, cola is just fine.
4.您喜欢咖啡吗? a)自制的,放在我最喜欢的老杯子里; b)防弹c。简单,最好是黑色。d)牛奶状的拿铁咖啡,上面加糖浆和香料。e)我真的不喜欢咖啡,可乐就很好了。
5. What is your favorite TV series?a) Game of Thrones.b) Altered Carbon.c) House Of Cards.d) Friends.e) Silicon Valley.
5.您最喜欢的电视连续剧是什么? a)权力游戏b)碳改变了c)纸牌屋d)朋友e)硅谷
6. What is the app you use the most?a) Endomondo.b) Headspace.c) Evernote.d) Instagram.e) Facebook.
6.您最常使用的应用是什么? a)Endomondo.b)Headspace.c)Evernote.d)Instagram.e)Facebook。
7. You’re ordering a pizza. Which one do you get?a) The one with all kinds of meat on it.b) I’d just stick with my salad and protein shake.c) Margherita, please.d) Hawaiiiiiian!e) Definitely the spiciest one.
7.您要订购披萨。 你得到哪一个? a)上面放着各种各样的肉.b)我会坚持沙拉和蛋白质奶昔.c)请玛格丽特(Margherita).d)Hawaiianian!e)绝对是最辣的一个。
8. What does your perfect evening look like?a) Far away from the city, surrounded by nature, wandering.b) Sci-fi movie marathon.c) A book and a warm drink in hand.d) Head out to the city, concert or a party.e) Couch, games and takeaway.
8.您理想的夜晚是什么样的? a)远离城市,在大自然的包围中徘徊。b)科幻电影马拉松比赛。c)手里拿着书和一杯热饮。d)前往城市,音乐会或派对e。沙发,游戏和外卖。
9. Which one would be your idea for a startup?a) Solar-fueled vans.b) Foldable teleportation portal.c) Tinder for cats.d) Social platform with a fancy twist.e) Mobile games development studio.
9.创业的想法是什么? a)太阳能客货车。b)可折叠的传送门; c)抚摸猫的猫。d)带有幻想色彩的社交平台; e)移动游戏开发工作室。
10. You can get one exclusive ticket. Which one would you choose?a) Survival training in the middle of nowhere.b) One way ticket to Mars.c) A private session with my coaching guru.d) A whole tour with my all-time favorite band.e) E3 Premium Entrance.
10.您可以获得一张独家门票。 你会选哪一个? a)在茫茫荒野中进行生存训练。b)前往火星的单程票。c)与我的教练大师进行私人会谈。d)与我一直以来最喜欢的乐队一起进行整个巡回演出。e)E3 Premium Entry。
11. You’re giving a performance at TED. What would you talk about?a) “Technology is sabotaging our relationships.”b) “How Artificial Intelligence will take over the world?”c) “Self-discipline and being systematic is the key to success.”d) “A great digital product is a happy customer.”e) “Productivity tips and tricks for workaholics.”
11.您正在TED上表演。 你会说什么 a)“技术正在破坏我们的关系。” b)“人工智能将如何接管世界?” c)“自律和系统化是成功的关键。” d)“出色的数字产品是满意的客户。” e)“工作狂的生产率提示和技巧。”
The end! Now, count down your answers and take a look below.
结束! 现在,记下答案,并在下面查看。
拟态 (Skeuomorphism)
答案的优势A (Predominance of the answer A)
You are down-to-earth and present a realistic approach in life. You try to connect with the outside world as often as possible. You don’t really care about computers, and don’t understand what is going on these days. You prefer old, better times, when everything was easier and every little thing had a soul. If you could, you would throw your smartphone away and live in a cabin in the woods, with no Wi-Fi networks available.
您脚踏实地,展现了现实的生活态度 。 您尝试尽可能多地与外界联系。 您实际上并不关心计算机,也不了解这些日子的情况。 您更喜欢旧的,更好的时代,那时一切都变得更加轻松,每件事都充满了灵魂。 如果可以的话,您将把智能手机扔掉,住在没有Wi-Fi网络的树林里。
That’s also because you truly love to surround yourself with nature— it doesn’t matter if it means taking long walks in the forest, or just enjoying your coffee on a wooden table. You probably have a wooden watch and own a pair of Timberlands. Chopping wood is what truly relaxes you and climbing mountains makes you feel the most alive.
这也是因为您真正喜欢将自己包围在大自然中,这与在森林中散步或只是在木桌上享用咖啡无关紧要。 您可能有一个木制手表,并拥有一对Timberlands。 砍木头是真正让您放松的地方,爬山会使您感到最有活力。
神经同态 (Neuomorphism)
答案B的优势 (Predominance of the answer B)
You’re truly controversial — people either love you or hate you. Some of them strongly criticize you and say mean things, but you don’t seem to care. You kind of enjoy electrifying others.
您确实有争议-人们爱您或恨您。 他们中的一些人强烈批评您并说一些卑鄙的话,但您似乎并不在乎。 您喜欢为他人通电。
You are always on top of things. If something becomes popular, you’ve probably already known it before. You are all about the newest trends and fads, and you strongly enjoy everything that has a modern, sci-fi vibe to it.
您始终处于领先地位。 如果某事变得流行,您可能早就知道了。 您将了解最新的趋势和时尚,并且强烈享受拥有现代科幻氛围的一切。
You wish you could live long enough to experience floating hologram interfaces, space travels and teleportation. You don’t really mind living in a glass and plastic white futuristic house, eating protein blocks on a daily basis, as long as you could enjoy all the mindblowing technologies the future has to offer.
您希望自己的寿命足够长,可以体验浮动全息图界面,太空旅行和隐形传送。 只要您可以享受未来提供的所有令人兴奋的技术,您就不必介意住在玻璃和塑料的白色未来主义房屋中,每天都在吃蛋白质块。
材料设计 (Material Design)
答案的优势C (Predominance of the answer C)
You are not a very popular person, but you don’t really care. You own a small group of fans and friends who are absolutely crazy about you! You know your worth, you’re aware your strengths and weaknesses and you stay true to your beliefs.
你不是一个很受欢迎的人,但是你并不在乎。 您拥有一小撮对您感到疯狂的粉丝和朋友! 您知道自己的价值,知道自己的优点和缺点,并忠于自己的信念。
You have your life all figured out! You are the master of being organized, and you’re highly scrupulous. Everything around you needs to be tidy and coherent. The books in your bookshelf are laid in an alphabetical order. Everything you own has a label on it. You’re a true homebody. You don’t like to complicate your everyday life, so you try to automate and unify every task.
你的生活都想通了! 您是组织的主人,并且非常谨慎。 您周围的所有事物都需要保持整洁和连贯。 书架中的书按字母顺序放置。 您拥有的所有物品上都带有标签。 你是一个真正的家庭。 您不喜欢使日常生活复杂化,因此您尝试使每个任务自动化和统一。
柔软的 (Soft)
答案D的优势 (Predominance of the answer D)
You are the person that everyone likes. Subtle, friendly and gorgeous. You have strong charm that just magically attracts people. You know you have flaws, but you’ve learned to turn them into your advantages.
你是每个人都喜欢的人。 微妙,友好而华丽。 您拥有强大的魅力,正以神奇的方式吸引着人们。 您知道自己有缺陷,但是您已经学会了将缺陷转化为优势。
You’re an optimist with a big heart. You enjoy social life, attending different meetings and parties – you’re full of positive, vibrant energy and you put a smile on everyone’s faces. People like to be around you and often admit, that you make them feel better then they’ve felt before. That’s probably because you’re empathetic, trustworthy and genuinely nice.
你是一个胸怀宽广的乐观主义者。 您喜欢社交生活,参加各种会议和聚会–充满积极,充满活力的能量,并且每个人的脸上都挂着微笑。 人们喜欢和你在一起,并且经常承认,你让他们感觉比以前更好。 那可能是因为您善解人意,值得信赖并且真诚友善。
平面 (Flat)
答案E的优势 (Predominance of the answer E)
You are a person that doesn’t really stand out from the crowd — and actually, you kind of enjoy it. You don’t really have any enemies and everybody somehow likes being around you. You’re a very helpful person and you enjoy doing small things for others. Many of your skills often come in handy.
您是一个不会真正在人群中脱颖而出的人-实际上,您喜欢它。 您实际上没有任何敌人,每个人都喜欢以某种方式在您身边。 你是一个很有帮助的人,喜欢为他人做些小事情。 您的许多技能通常会派上用场。
You’re practical and easy-going. You enjoy simple things the most – you don’t really need anything fancy to spice up your life. A cozy couch, game pad in your hands and a cool beer is all you need to have a good time. You try to stay updated about newest technologies and you keep your ear to the ground when it comes to your industry.
你很实际,随和。 您最喜欢简单的事情–您真的不需要花哨的东西来充实自己的生活。 一个舒适的沙发,手里的游戏垫和一杯凉啤酒是您度过美好时光所需要的。 您尝试保持有关最新技术的最新信息,并在涉足行业时保持警惕。
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I just released a >📚 UI DESIGN BOOK 📚<I 🖋 write about design and I’m a 👩🏻🔧 co-founder/lead designer at HYPE4 design-driven software agency!
我刚刚发布了>📚 UI设计图书 📚<我🖋 写的设计 ,我在👩🏻🔧共同创始人/首席设计师HYPE4设计驱动的软件代理!
翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/which-design-style-are-you-97c47cdf6dd7