


Yesterday’s Sony presentation showed us the final look of the PlayStation 5, as well as an impressive of next-gen games that will be released with it. What we didn’t get to see, however, is the new operating system and it’s user interface.

Ÿ esterday索尼演示 向我们展示了PlayStation 5的最终外观,以及令人印象深刻的次世代游戏,将它发布。 但是,我们没有看到的是新的操作系统及其用户界面。

As UX designer, I’m incredibly curious about the look, feel, and features of the new operating system. After all, this generation brought us built-in streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify, built-in sharing and streaming, and even the advent of cross-play thanks to Fortnite turning it on “by accident”.

作为UX设计师,我对新操作系统的外观,感觉和功能非常好奇。 毕竟,这一代为我们带来了诸如Netflix和Spotify之类的内置流媒体平台,内置共享和流媒体功能,以及交叉播放的出现,这要归功于Fortnite“意外”将其打开。

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Apparently, this isn’t the latest addition to the Belkin Nighthawk family of Wi-Fi routers. Who knew?
显然,这不是Belkin Nighthawk系列Wi-Fi路由器的最新产品。 谁知道?

A good UX designer always starts with a user problem, and takes that problem, alongside any relevant information gleaned through discovery, to design a solution that both solves the problem and enhances the user experience.


I’m sure someone far more serious than me will do exactly that. Instead, I’d like to wildly speculate on a few features that I’d like to see, and take a shot at how those features might look on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. I’ve divided these into three key predictions.

我敢肯定有人会比我认真得多。 相反,我想疯狂地推测自己想看到的一些功能,然后试一试这些功能在PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X上的外观。我将这些功能分为三个主要预测。


1 预测: 适用于一切的应用

Most devices you buy these days have some level of modularity. You can get fitness apps on your phone, phone apps on your treadmill, and so on and so forth.

这些天您购买的大多数设备都具有一定程度的模块化。 您可以在手机上获得健身应用程序,在跑步机上获得电话应用程序,依此类推等等。

There’s a real appetite for this on consoles — when the Switch launched, people were surprised to see that the Netflix app (a popular addition to the Wii U) was nowhere to be found. In fact, some people are still complaining about it now.

在主机上对此有真正的胃口-当Switch推出时,人们惊讶地发现找不到Netflix应用(Wii U的流行补充)了。 实际上,现在有些人仍在抱怨 。

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We’ve got YouTube, Netflix, and a smattering of other apps — almost all of them streaming media players. That being said, I think it’s about time that our beloved gaming consoles reach the next level of customisability (although, let’s hope for better curation than the Google Play store).

我们拥有YouTube,Netflix和少量其他应用程序-几乎所有这些应用程序都是流媒体播放器。 话虽这么说,我认为现在是时候让我们心爱的游戏机达到可定制性的下一个水平了(尽管我们希望比Google Play商店提供更好的策展)。

Not only would this open up console players to popular gaming apps like Discord, but it could also augment other features — wouldn’t it be great for streamers to have access to Streamlabs, or to use VoiceMod to play online? You could even have Twitter on your console! Although, in retrospect, maybe that’s not such a great idea…

这不仅会为诸如Discord之类的流行游戏应用程序打开控制台播放器,而且还可以增强其他功能-流媒体访问Streamlabs或使用VoiceMod在线播放是否很棒? 您甚至可以在控制台上使用Twitter! 尽管回想起来,也许这不是一个好主意……


2 预测:现代流式处理功能

Last generation brought us the greatest innovation in video game controllers ever — the share button. Okay, it wasn’t that big a deal, but it did allow us to do some really cool things. I certainly spent a fair share of my time with launch titles like Infamous: Second Son taking screenshots and sending them to anyone who would look at them.

上一代为我们带来了视频游戏控制器史上最伟大的创新-共享按钮。 好的,这没什么大不了的,但是确实允许我们做一些非常酷的事情。 我当然将大部分时间都花在了诸如Infamous:Second Son之类的发布标题上,并将屏幕截图发送给愿意看的人。

Since then, a lot has changed. Sharing your screenshots and clips is still a great feature, but streaming has taken centre stage. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer, professional Twitch affiliate or a casual gamer who wants to share the experience with friends, streaming has allowed us to share some of our most exciting gaming moments. Or, in my case, allowed me to share some seriously embarrassing deaths in Call of Duty.

从那以后,发生了很多变化。 共享您的屏幕截图和剪辑仍然是一个很棒的功能,但是流媒体已成为焦点。 无论您是硬核游戏玩家,专业的Twitch会员还是想与朋友分享经验的休闲游戏玩家,流媒体传输都使我们能够分享一些最激动人心的游戏时刻。 或者,就我而言,允许我在《 使命召唤》中分享一些令人尴尬的死亡案例

Streaming also represents a major marketing channel for publishers — it sells games. But to get your game to the top of Twitch (yes, yes, or Mixer), you need to deliver the features streamers need to showcase your games.

流媒体还代表了发行商的主要营销渠道-它销售游戏。 但是要使您的游戏达到Twitch(是,是,或Mixer)的最高水平,您需要提供流媒体展示您的游戏所需的功能。

While most streaming takes place on a PC using software like OBS or Streamlabs, it seems like a natural evolution that the streaming features we’ve already seen on the PS4 and Xbox One will be expanded upon. In particular, the ability to customise your streaming overlay is a significant advantage to PC that I’d love to see addressed on consoles.

虽然大多数流媒体都是使用OBS或Streamlabs之类的软件在PC上进行的,但似乎自然而然地就会扩展我们已经在PS4和Xbox One上看到的流媒体功能。 特别是,自定义流媒体叠加层的功能是PC的一大优势,我很想在控制台上看到它。

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This example screen showcases what that might look like. Given the lack of fidelity in a console controller (compares to a mouse and keyboard), I could see an arrangement that allowed the user to anchor different elements of their overlay to different corners of the screen.

此示例屏幕展示了可能的外观。 考虑到控制台控制器缺乏保真度(与鼠标和键盘相比),我可以看到一种允许用户将覆盖图的不同元素锚定到屏幕不同角落的安排。

A real killer feature that would really make a difference in the experience is true streaming integration. For example, you could have an overlay panel that shows the streamers best lap time against those of their viewers, or have viewers vote for the next map or which weapon the streamer uses. We’ve seen this sort of integration start to happen, but it could potentially be much more powerful on a closed system like a console.

真正的杀手级功能会真正改善体验,那就是真正的流媒体集成。 例如,您可能有一个覆盖面板,用于显示彩带相对于其观看者的最佳转圈时间,或者让观看者为下一张地图或彩带使用哪种武器投票。 我们已经看到了这种集成的开始,但是在封闭的系统(如控制台)上,它的功能可能会强大得多。


3 预测:真正的交叉比赛

If I had to pick a single standout feature of this last console generation, it’s the long-awaited arrival of cross-play.


Fortnite’s little accident showed us it’s possible to put players in a lobby from Xbox, PlayStation, and PC at the same time (to be fair, this had been done before, but rarely). Since they opened the floodgates, the feature has become more and more common.

Fortnite发生的一次小事故表明我们可以同时将玩家放在Xbox,PlayStation和PC的大厅中(公平地说,这是以前做过的,但很少这样做)。 自从他们打开闸门以来,该功能已变得越来越普遍。

My most played game of 2020 by far is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and the majority of those 300 hours is playing on my PC, with my father-in-law, on his PlayStation 4. It’s completely changed how I look at picking hardware, and my first question anytime I’m looking at a new multiplayer game is ‘does it have cross-play?’

到目前为止,我2020年最常玩的游戏是《 使命召唤:现代战争》,而这300个小时中的大部分时间都是我岳父和我岳父在他的PlayStation 4上玩的。这完全改变了我挑选游戏的方式硬件,当我在看新的多人游戏时,我的第一个问题是“它是否具有交叉游戏功能?”

While Fortnite, Modern Warfare, and a few other games have cross-platform matchmaking, the experience isn’t completely there yet. Withstanding some limited functionality between Xbox and PC, players on different consoles can’t see each other on their friends lists, or join social groups. In fact, communication with other platforms has to take place on a third-party app for it to really come together.

尽管《 堡垒之夜》,《现代战争》和其他一些游戏具有跨平台的配对机制,但这种体验还不完全存在。 尽管Xbox和PC之间具有某些有限的功能,但不同控制台上的播放器无法在其好友列表上看到彼此,也无法加入社交组。 实际上,与其他平台的通信必须在第三方应用程序上进行,才能真正实现融合。

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This example screen shows how I’d like to see that change. It makes sense that, if we’re going to have a truly cross-platform experience, I can see what my friends are playing on other platforms. It also makes sense that I can see their recent activity and that I can send and receive messages or invites from them.

此示例屏幕显示了我希望如何看到这一变化。 有道理的是,如果我们要获得真正的跨平台体验,我可以看到我的朋友在其他平台上正在玩什么。 我可以看到他们的近期活动,并且可以收发消息或来自他们的邀请,这也很有意义。

The idea that I can buy the console of my choice and not worry about segmenting my friend group would mean consoles are now competing on merit, rather than a pseudo-popularity contest where you’re forced to buy the platform your friends have bought.


PlayStation 5 boot up sequence.
PlayStation 5启动顺序。

So, what will actually happen?


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Well, probably not much of what I’ve said above. These three features are really, really hard to implement. Furthermore, they’re not really what’s going to sell a console for most people.

好吧,我上面所说的可能不多。 这三个功能确实非常难以实现。 此外,对于大多数人来说,它们并不是真正能够出售游戏机的东西。

I’ll be happy if at least one of these ideas comes to fruition in some way, shape or form. However, it’s much more likely that the advent of longer console cycles will mean these sorts of changes won’t happen in big, generation-shifting hardware drops. Instead, I think we’ll see features like those we’ve discussed added to the consoles iteratively, as time goes on.

如果这些想法中的至少一个以某种方式,形式或形式实现,我将感到高兴。 但是,更长的控制台周期的到来很可能意味着在大型的,代代换代的硬件降级中不会发生这类变化。 相反,随着时间的流逝,我认为我们会看到像我们讨论过的那些功能反复地添加到控制台中。

But enough about me — what do you want to see in the next generation? What’s the killer feature that’ll make you rearrange your living room cabinet to accommodate the enormous silhouette of the PS5 or Xbox Series X?

但是对我来说足够了- 想在下一代中看到什么? 杀手级功能是什么,可以使您重新布置客厅柜,以容纳PS5或Xbox Series X的巨大轮廓?

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/designing-next-gen-console-uis-3753db21a618






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