

Level up your video calls with a custom backdrop created using Noun Project icons.

使用使用Noun Project图标创建的自定义背景来升级视频通话。

The only thing more visually pleasing than a well-designed icon is a neat, eye-catching pattern made with dozens of them. You can level up your Zoom backgrounds, social media cover photos and more by building your own repeating pattern with your favorite icons.

唯一比一个精心设计的图标更具视觉吸引力的是,由数十个图标组成的整洁,醒目的图案。 您可以通过使用自己喜欢的图标构建自己的重复图案来升级Zoom背景,社交媒体封面照片等。

Drawing from Noun Project’s extensive library, you can use Adobe Illustrator or a free online pattern-making tool like Patterninja to build your own.

从Noun Project的广泛库中提取内容,您可以使用Adobe Illustrator或免费的在线模式制作工具(例如Patterninja)来构建自己的工具。

Let’s get started!


使用Noun Project附加组件在Illustrator CC中创建重复图案 (Creating a repeating pattern in Illustrator CC with the Noun Project Add-On)

The Noun Project Adobe Add-On is your new best friend for bringing Noun Project’s vast library of over 3 million icons right into your workflow. Just like our Mac App, this extension allows you to search within our boundless database and instantly drag and drop icons right onto your artboard.

Noun Project Adob​​e附加组件是您最好的新朋友,它将Noun Project拥有超过300万个图标的庞大库带入您的工作流程。 就像我们的Mac App一样 ,此扩展程序可让您在无限的数据库中进行搜索,并将图标立即拖放到画板上。

This extension comes with 100 free starter icons, but a NounPro account will allow you to search and instantly download any icon you want, royalty-free, and enjoy the additional options to customize color, size, rotation and background shape instantly.


  • Download the Adobe Add-On, open Illustrator and click “Create New” to make a new document. Illustrator comes with several templates for web or print — in this example, let’s just click their “Web-Large” template that’s 1920 px wide by 1080 px tall, a common aspect ratio for web pages, YouTube videos, and more. Make sure the document Color Mode is in RGB for web, and click “Create.”

    下载Adobe Add-On ,打开Illustrator,然后单击“新建”以创建新文档。 Illustrator带有多个用于Web或打印的模板-在此示例中,我们只需单击其“ Web-Large”模板,该模板的宽为1920像素,高为1080像素,是网页,YouTube视频等的常见宽高比。 确保文档“色彩模式”在RGB中用于Web,然后单击“创建”。

    Download the Adobe Add-On, open Illustrator and click “Create New” to make a new document. Illustrator comes with several templates for web or print — in this example, let’s just click their “Web-Large” template that’s 1920 px wide by 1080 px tall, a common aspect ratio for web pages, YouTube videos, and more. Make sure the document Color Mode is in RGB for web, and click “Create.” Note: Other common dimensions you might want to try include a Twitter cover photo (1500 px wide by 500 px tall) or a Facebook cover photo (820 px wide by 360 px tall). If you’d like to print your pattern, just be sure to pick the common “Letter” size and make sure the Color Mode is on CMYK.)

    下载Adobe Add-On ,打开Illustrator,然后单击“新建”以创建新文档。 Illustrator带有多个用于Web或打印的模板-在此示例中,我们只需单击其“ Web-Large”模板,该模板的宽为1920像素,高为1080像素,是网页,YouTube视频等的常见宽高比。 确保文档“色彩模式”在RGB中用于Web,然后单击“创建”。 注意: 您可能想尝试的其他常见尺寸包括Twitter封面照片(宽1500像素,高500像素)或Facebook封面照片(宽820像素,高360像素)。 如果要打印图案,请确保选择常用的“ Letter”尺寸,并确保“ Color Mode”处于CMYK上。)

  • Find the Noun Project Extension under Window > Extensions > Noun Project.


  • If you’re a NounPro subscriber, sign in to your account to unlock your unlimited, royalty-free icon downloads and customization options.


  • Search for your an icon of your choice and click “Enter”. In this example, I’ve searched for “Business Cat” by Denis Sazhin. Hovering over an icon, click the black “download” arrow in the upper-right to instantly insert it onto the canvas, or you can click the icon to reveal customization options.

    搜索您选择的图标,然后单击“ Enter”。 在此示例中,我搜索了Denis Sazhin的“商务猫” 。 将鼠标悬停在图标上,单击右上角的黑色“下载”箭头将其立即插入画布,或者单击图标以显示自定义选项。

  • If desired, you can select a color from the bar of options or click the gray “+” to hand-select your own or enter a HEX value. Once you’ve selected a color, all new icons you search will appear in that color by default until you revert to black.

    如果需要,您可以从选项栏中选择一种颜色,或单击灰色的“ +”以手动选择您自己的颜色或输入一个十六进制值。 选择颜色后,默认情况下,搜索到的所有新图标都会以该颜色显示,直到您恢复为黑色为止。
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From the Noun Project Extension window, search any term and click on an icon to see customization options. The gray “+” by the bar of colors will allow you to custom-select your own color for all icons you search and insert.
在名词项目扩展名窗口中,搜索任何术语,然后单击图标以查看自定义选项。 颜色栏旁边的灰色“ +”将允许您为搜索和插入的所有图标自定义选择自己的颜色。
  • You can insert as many additional icons onto your artboard as you want. Here, I’m going to keep my “corporate chic” going by inserting papers, a printer, a telephone, a coffee mug, and a calculator.

    您可以根据需要在画板上插入尽可能多的其他图标。 在这里,我将通过插入纸张 , 打印机 , 电话 , 咖啡杯和计算器来保持“公司时尚”。

  • Using the selection tool “V” (the black cursor in your tool bar), click and drag your icons into new positions. You can also scale them up and down by grabbing a corner of their bounding box and holding “Shift” while you click and drag to ensure proportional resizing. Hovering your cursor just beyond the bounding box corners, you’ll see the cursor turn into a rotational arrow — click and drag this around to rotate the icon clockwise or counterclockwise.

    使用选择工具“ V”(工具栏中的黑色光标),单击并将图标拖到新位置。 您也可以通过抓住它们的边界框的一个角并在单击和拖动时按住“ Shift”来缩放它们,以确保按比例调整大小。 将光标悬停在刚刚超越边界框角落,你会看到光标转成旋转箭头-点击并拖动这个绕到图标顺时针或逆时针旋转。

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With a NounPro account, you can just keep inserting new icons, royalty-free, to your heart’s content. Start to think about your balance of white space, rotating and resizing icons in a cluster so they fit together visually like puzzle pieces.
使用NounPro帐户,您可以继续在您的心中插入新的图标(免版税)。 开始考虑您在白色空间上的平衡,在群集中旋转和调整图标大小,以便它们像拼图一样在视觉上组合在一起。

Pattern-making is a highly intuitive and visual art; it’s all about how you fill the negative spaces and achieve balance. Start spacing out and arranging your cluster of icons in a way that feels cohesive to you — then you can fine tune it in the next step.

图案制作是一种高度直观和视觉化的艺术。 这一切都是关于如何填补负面空间并实现平衡的。 开始排列并以对您有凝聚力的方式排列图标集群,然后可以在下一步中对其进行微调。

制作自己的图案……并尝试! (Make your pattern… and experiment!)

Using the selection tool “V,” drag your cursor across all icons on the artboard to select them.

使用选择工具“ V”,将光标拖动到画板上的所有图标上以将其选中。

Then go to Object > Pattern > Make. Here’s where it gets super fun.

然后转到“ 对象”>“图案”>“制作”。 这是超级有趣的地方。

You’ll see a pop-up window alerting you that the pattern you’ve made will be saved under your swatches (Window > Swatches), meaning it can ultimately behave as a “fill” just like any solid color.

您会看到一个弹出窗口,警告您制作的图案将保存在色板下(“ 窗口”>“色板” ),这意味着它最终可以像任何纯色一样充当“填充”。

In this pattern-making view, you’ll see your artwork repeat itself based on the icons arrayed within the highlighted rectangle frame (or “tile”) on your artboard.


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I can see my pattern repeating in an even pattern because the Tile Type is set to “Grid.” Rearranging elements in the central tile (the highlighted rectangle) changes every instance in which they repeat throughout the artboard.
因为平铺类型设置为“网格”,所以我可以看到我的模式以偶数模式重复。 在中心图块(突出显示的矩形)中重新排列元素会更改在整个画板上重复的每个实例。

In the Pattern Options window that pops up, you’ll see some key formatting options that dictate how your tile appears and repeats.


  • First, pay attention to “Tile Type.” The drop-down menu of options includes “Grid” (the elements will repeat with a straight vertical and horizontal stacking pattern) or “Brick by Row” (tile will repeat horizontally, but additional rows on top and beneath will be staggered). In the latter case, you can play with “Brick Offset” to dictate how much these stacked rows are staggered from the baseline, as shown below.

    首先,请注意“平铺类型”。 选项的下拉菜单包括“网格”(元素将以垂直的垂直和水平堆叠图案重复)或“按行砖砌”(平铺将水平重复,但顶部和下方的其他行将错开)。 在后一种情况下,您可以使用“砖块偏移”来规定这些堆叠的行与基线之间的间隔,如下所示。
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Switching the Tile Type to “Brick by Row,” and setting Brick Offset to 1/2, means the repeating rows will be staggered half a tile-length off. This gives a bit more fluidity than the grid arrangement. Continue to tweak and rearrange each icon to fill the white space evenly.
将“图块类型”切换为“按行排列”,并将“图块偏移”设置为1/2,表示重复的行将错开一半的图块长度。 这比网格布置提供了更多的流动性。 继续调整并重新排列每个图标以均匀填充空白区域。
  • Above all, this is the time to experiment and see what works best for your pattern. “Hex” tile options allow for tighter spacing by using a stackable hexagon shape instead of a rectangular tile.

    最重要的是,这是尝试并查看最适合您的模式的时间。 “十六进制”图块选项通过使用可堆叠的六边形形状而不是矩形图块,可以缩小间距。
  • You can also play with the “Width” and “Height” field (use arrow keys, and shift+arrow keys to adjust pixel values) to see how it changes the spacing by extending or contracting your tile. Again, this process is highly optical and intuitive, so just keep playing!

    您也可以使用“宽度”和“高度”字段(使用箭头键和Shift +箭头键调整像素值)来查看其如何通过扩展或收缩图块来改变间距。 同样,此过程高度直观且直观,因此请继续玩!

As you explore these Pattern Options, you may start to see some overlap or spacing issues between your icons. The great thing about this view is you can continue using the selection tool “V” to move and scale the icons within your tile as much as necessary.

当您浏览这些模式选项时,您可能会开始看到图标之间的重叠或间距问题。 关于此视图的妙处在于,您可以继续使用选择工具“ V”在必要时移动和缩放图块中的图标。

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Some icons are spilling over the boundary of my tile, but not to worry — they remain intact and I can keep optically spacing them out.

As you go, keep looking for that visual balance and make sure the icons are arrayed to fill in any white space. You can continue inserting new Noun Project icons, right in the pattern view. Also observe how you can drag an icon across or even beyond the highlighted boundary of your central tile, and it will maintain its form and continue repeating, so that you can continue optically spacing it out.

进行时,请继续寻找视觉平衡,并确保将图标排列成可填充任何空白的位置。 您可以继续在模式视图中继续插入新的Noun Project图标。 还要观察如何将图标拖到中心图块的突出边界上,甚至超出它,它将保持其形状并继续重复,以便您可以继续以光学方式将其隔开。

保存您的图案并将其用作填充 (Save your pattern and use it like a fill)

Once you’re generally happy with this pattern (you can always return to edit it later), give your pattern a name at the top of the same Pattern Options window. Along the top of your artboard (within the gray banner that shows you current “Isolation Mode” controls), click “Done.”

一旦对此模式大体满意(以后随时可以返回编辑),请在同一“模式选项”窗口的顶部为您的模式命名。 在画板的顶部(在显示您当前的“隔离模式”控件的灰色横幅内),单击“完成”。

Great! Now, where did your pattern go?

大! 现在,您的模式到哪里去了?

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That tile at the end of my swatches, called “Business Time!,” is my new pattern.

It’s automatically saved in your swatches (Window > Swatches), right at the end of your first group of default colors.

它会自动保存在您的色板(“窗口”>“色板” )中,就在第一组默认颜色的末尾。

Let’s see it in action:


First, clean up your artboard clutter by hiding the original icons you used. In your layers panel (Window > Layers), click the eyeball icon next to the layer where all your icons are listed to make them all invisible. You can create a new layer above it with the “+” icon at the bottom of the Layers panel to start working with new shapes.

首先,通过隐藏使用的原始图标来清理画板中的杂物。 在“图层”面板(“ 窗口”>“图层” )中,单击列出所有图标的图层旁边的眼球图标,使它们全部不可见。 您可以使用“图层”面板底部的“ +”图标在其上方创建一个新图层,以开始使用新形状。

Make a rectangle to span your whole artboard (click M, and drag from one corner to the opposite corner). Traditionally, you can fill your rectangle with any solid color you click in your Swatches, but let’s go ahead and click our pattern swatch to see it fill the shape! Nice.

制作一个矩形以覆盖整个画板(单击M ,然后从一个角拖动到另一个角)。 传统上,您可以在色板中单击任何纯色来填充矩形,但让我们继续单击我们的图案色板以查看其填充形状! 真好

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Your pattern acts as a fill, so it needs to fill a shape. Make a rectangle (M) and select your pattern to fill it from the swatches panel.
您的图案充当填充,因此需要填充形状。 制作一个矩形(M),然后从“色板”面板中选择要填充的图案。

如果我要缩小并看到图案的更多重复该怎么办? (What if I want to zoom out and see more repetitions of my pattern?)

Maybe you’re not seeing as much of the repeating pattern as you’d like. Let’s look at how to scale the pattern within your rectangle to zoom in or out of it.

也许您没有看到想要的重复模式。 让我们看一下如何缩放矩形中的图案以放大或缩小矩形。

  • With the rectangle selected with “V,” Go to Object > Transform > Scale.

    用“ V”选择矩形后,转到“ 对象”>“变换”>“缩放”

  • Under “Options,” make sure the box that says “Transform Pattern” is checked, but not the box that says “Transform Object.” This will leave the size of your overall rectangle intact, but let you zoom in or out of the pattern.

    在“选项”下,确保选中“转换模式”框,但不要选中“转换对象”框。 这将使整个矩形的大小保持不变,但可以放大或缩小图案。

  • Make sure “Preview” is also selected so you can see the changes immediately.

  • At the top, under “Scale,” click the percentage next to “Uniform” and use your up and down arrow keys to change the scale — you’ll see it zooming in and out. Hold “shift” along with the arrows to more quickly scroll by multiples of 10%.

    在顶部的“比例”下,单击“均匀”旁边的百分比,然后使用向上和向下箭头键更改比例-您会看到它在放大和缩小。 按住箭头上的“ shift”,可以更快地滚动10%的倍数。
  • When you’ve done the amount of scaling you’d like, click “OK.”

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To see more or less of your repeating pattern, go to Object > Transform > Scale, and be sure to check “Transform Patterns” but not “Transform Objects.” Then, adjust the percentage of uniform scaling.
要查看或多或少的重复模式,请转到“对象”>“变换”>“缩放”,并确保选中“变换模式”,而不是“变换对象”。 然后,调整均匀缩放的百分比。

我可以改变图案的颜色吗? (Can I change my pattern’s color?)

You can make any adjustments to your pattern you’d like — just double click the pattern from your Swatches panel to bring up the pattern editing mode again.


You can select the entire cluster of icons (using “V”), or any single icon you want, and simply click a different color within the swatches or color window.

您可以选择整个图标组(使用“ V”),也可以选择任何单个图标,然后只需在色板或颜色窗口中单击另一种颜色即可。

Want to set this pattern against a different background color? Make an additional layer to fill with a new rectangle, and select a new fill color.

是否要针对其他背景颜色设置此图案? 新建一个图层以填充新的矩形,然后选择一种新的填充颜色。

Hint: A great way to quickly use a pleasing, harmonious color scheme is to use Adobe Color Themes (Window > Color Themes). Under the “Explore” button, you can browse some of the most popular color palettes contributed by fellow designers, or do a keyword search using theme ideas like “sunset” or “forest” to find inspiration.

提示:快速使用令人愉悦的,和谐的配色方案的一种好方法是使用Adobe颜色主题(“ 窗口”>“颜色主题” )。 在“浏览”按钮下,您可以浏览由其他设计师提供的一些最受欢迎的调色板,或者使用诸如“日落”或“森林”之类的主题创意进行关键字搜索以找到灵感。

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Patterns can always be edited and recolored. Just double-click the pattern from swatches to edit it again. Click each icon in your tile and then click a new solid color swatch to recolor it. Clicking “Save a Copy” along the top banner is a good idea to try out different colored versions of your pattern.
图案总是可以编辑和重新着色。 只需双击色板中的图案即可再次对其进行编辑。 单击拼贴中的每个图标,然后单击一个新的纯色色标重新着色。 单击顶部横幅上的“保存副本”是尝试使用图案的不同彩色版本的好方法。

奖励:使用Live Paint用多种颜色填充每个图标 (Bonus: Fill each icon with multiple colors using Live Paint)

We’ve previously written a tutorial about using Live Paint (K) to color in the white spaces of an icon and add multiple colors for a more detailed and eye-catching effect. You can supercharge your patterns with the same method.

之前,我们已经编写了有关使用Live Paint(K)在图标的白色空间中进行着色并添加多种颜色以获得更详细和醒目的效果的教程 。 您可以使用相同的方法来增强样式。

In short:


  • Select an icon on your artboard with “V” and make sure that it’s a compound path, as that’s the only way it can be colored in (Object > Compound Path > Make)

    在画板上用“ V”选择一个图标,并确保它是复合路径,因为这是可以在( 对象>复合路径>生成 )中对其进行着色的唯一方法

  • With the object still selected, hit “K” for Live Paint (or go to Object > Live Paint > Make)

    在仍然选择对象的情况下,对Live Paint单击“ K” (或转到Object> Live Paint> Make )。

  • With the Live Paint tool (K) selected, you can hover over the white spaces within your icon and you’ll see their borders highlighted. Simply click inside to manually color each space, using colors from your Swatches window (this is where it’s especially great to use Color Themes).

    选中“动态绘制”工具(K)后,您可以将鼠标悬停在图标上的空白区域上,并且其边框将突出显示。 只需单击内部以使用“色板”窗口中的颜色手动为每个空间上色(这在使用“颜色主题”时特别有用)。
  • Once you’ve colored the icons how you’d like, select each one and make a new pattern just as before.


Note: You cannot Live Paint an icon within the pattern editing view — painting must be done before you make the pattern.


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Plants in Pots collection. Click on an icon then hit “K” to Live Paint it. Like a traditional paint bucket tool, it’ll highlight a region when you hover over it, then you can click to manually color each region with a chosen swatch. Just be sure to finish your Live Painting before you make a new pattern.Pots in Pots收藏的新作品。 单击一个图标,然后单击“ K”对其进行实时绘制。 就像传统的油漆桶工具一样,当您将鼠标悬停在某个区域时,它将高亮显示一个区域,然后您可以单击以使用选定的样本为每个区域手动着色。 只需确保在完成新图案之前完成“动态绘画”即可。
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After Live Painting each icon on your artboard, make the pattern as before. Adobe Color Themes will be your friend in quickly finding harmonious palettes to draw from. Create a background color by making a rectangle with a solid fill on its own layer, and be sure the backdrop layer is ordered beneath your pattern’s layer in the Layers panel to the right.
对画板上的每个图标进行实时绘画后,请像以前一样制作图案。 Adobe Color Themes将成为您的朋友,可以快速找到可用来绘制的和谐调色板。 通过制作一个在其自己的图层上带有实心填充的矩形来创建背景颜色,并确保背景图层在右侧的“图层”面板中的图案图层之下排序。

Not an Adobe subscriber? Not to fear. Some free online pattern making sites exist, such as Patterninja. Patterninja has the advantage of being simple and intuitive to use, as you can upload (or drag and drop) your Noun Project SVG icon files from your computer, and manually resize, rotate, color, and move the icons across your canvas.

不是Adobe订阅者? 不要害怕。 存在一些免费的在线制版网站,例如Patterninja 。 Patterninja具有使用简单直观的优点,因为您可以从计算机上载(或拖放)Noun Project SVG图标文件,并在画布上手动调整图标的大小,旋转,着色和移动。

请务必查看我们的其他教程,以获取更多创造性的方法来充分利用Noun Project图标,或者只是涉足新的艺术爱好! (Be sure to check out our other tutorials for other creative ways to make the most of Noun Project icons, or simply dabble in a new artistic hobby!)

翻译自: https://blog.thenounproject.com/make-an-eye-popping-pattern-with-icons-8260b033ab51








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大家好,我是若川。最近组织了源码共读活动,感兴趣的可以点此加我微信ruochuan12 进群参与,每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码,共同进步。已进行三个月了,很多小伙伴表示收获颇丰。我们从 UmiJS迁移到 Vite 已经上线半年…


1.在搞项目的时候一般会遇到,将GridView或者Repeater的内容以Excel的形式保存到本地,即导出功能。我总结了两个方法。 方法一: 1 DataTable dt query.GetItems().GetDataTable();2 if (dt ! null)3 {4 …


智能家居数据库设计重点 (Top highlight)Data tables are hard. There are many different ways to think about them. So, naturally, the first step would be to figure out what your users need.数据表很难。 有许多不同的方式来考虑它们。 因此,自然地&#x…



线段树专辑——pku 3667 Hotel

http://poj.org/problem?id3667 哈哈&#xff0c;经典中的经典题啊。利用线段树求最大连续空闲区间&#xff0c;并返回空闲区间的起点坐标。 View Code 1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<string> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 …

houseparty不流畅_重新设计Houseparty –用户体验案例研究

houseparty不流畅Houseparty has become very popular during the COVID-19 period because it helps you connect with others in a fun way. The concept is simple, you open the app and jump on a video call with your friends. You can even play online games with the…

你不知道的 Node.js 工具函数

从类型判断说起在 JavaScript 中&#xff0c;进行变量的类型校验是一个非常令人头疼的事&#xff0c;如果只是简单的使用 typeof 会到各种各样的问题。举几个简单的&#x1f330;&#xff1a;console.log(typeof null) // object console.log(typeof new Array) // object cons…


今天来说一个Java多机部署下定时任务的处理方案。 需求: 有两台服务器同时部署了同一套代码&#xff0c; 代码中写有spring自带的定时任务&#xff0c;但是每次执行定时任务时只需要一台机器去执行。 当拿到这个需求时我脑子中立马出现了两个简单的解决方案&#xff1a; 利用ip…


概念验证用户体验/概念证明/第1部分 (USER EXPERIENCE / PROOF OF CONCEPT / PART 1) This is the first article of a four-part series. Please read Part 2 and Part 3.这是由四个部分组成的系列文章的第一篇。 请阅读 第2 部分 和 第3部分 。 How do today’s top UX desi…

从 vue3 和 vite 源码中,我学到了一行代码统一规范团队包管理器的神器

1. 前言大家好&#xff0c;我是若川。最近组织了源码共读活动&#xff0c;感兴趣的可以加我微信 ruochuan12 参与&#xff0c;每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码&#xff0c;共同进步。已进行四个月了&#xff0c;很多小伙伴表示收获颇丰。想学源码&#xff0c;极力推荐之前我写…



unity 完美像素_像素完美

unity 完美像素从Kidpix到设计系统 (From Kidpix to design systems) Did you ever create stamps in KidPix? Kidpix is bitmap drawing software that’s been around since the nineties, and I remember many happy — more like maddening — hours creating tiny pixela…






在Oracle EBS中的Java并发程序&#xff08;Java Concurrent Program&#xff09;是系统功能中的一个亮点&#xff0c;它的出现使得用户可以在ERP系统中运行自己定义的Java程序。本文为学习笔记&#xff0c;所以不会介绍太多背景知识。 使用Java并发程序的好处&#xff1a; 当遇…


figma设计When starting a design project, a fast pace and multiple design iterations can easily lead to a cluttered mess. Taking the time in the beginning to build good organizational habits will save you time later. You’ll thank your past self when you do…

设计和实现一个 Chrome 插件提升登录效率

大家好&#xff0c;我是若川。最近组织了源码共读活动&#xff0c;感兴趣的可以点此加我微信ruochuan12 进群参与&#xff0c;每周大家一起学习200行左右的源码&#xff0c;共同进步。已进行4个月了&#xff0c;很多小伙伴表示收获颇丰。前言在我们的工作过程中&#xff0c;每当…


qq空间网页设计重点 (Top highlight)Because screens are limited, web design is also limited. It can be said that in the small box of the screen, each pixel is a piece of real estate.由于屏幕有限&#xff0c;因此网页设计也受到限制。 可以说&#xff0c;在屏幕的小…