

If you’ve seen an Instagram story involving a question and people tilting their heads, you probably were looking at the “Who Is More” Instagram filter. In this article, I will share the creative process and decision making behind this filter.

如果您已经看到一个涉及一个问题的Instagram故事,并且人们都歪着头,那么您可能正在看“ Who Is More” Instagram过滤器。 在本文中,我将分享此过滤器背后的创作过程和决策。

Note: this is not a technical guide on how to create the filter

注意:这 不是 有关如何创建过滤器的技术指南

想出主意 (Coming up with the idea)

In anticipation of Valentine’s day, I wanted to create a filter to be played by couples. I had only created single-player filters so far and it would be a fun challenge to build something for multiple players.

为了迎接情人节,我想创建一个可供情侣演奏的过滤器。 到目前为止,我只创建了单人游戏过滤器,为多人游戏构建一个东西是一个有趣的挑战。

The initial idea was to show a question (e.g. “Who has higher IQ?”) and have the filter randomly select one person as the answer.


But then I thought, “Wouldn’t it be more interesting if the players themselves can choose the answer?” Not only that, but it would also provide a much more interactive experience for users too.

但是后来我想:“如果玩家自己可以选择答案,会不会更有趣?” 不仅如此,它还将为用户提供更多的交互式体验。

This led to the idea that is similar to the Shoe game commonly played at wedding ceremonies. In the Shoe game, the couple raises a heel to represent the bride, or a shoe to represent the groom.

这导致了类似于婚礼上通常玩的鞋类游戏的想法。 在“鞋”游戏中,夫妇举起脚跟代表新娘,或举起鞋代表新郎。

If we want to build this game as an Instagram filter, how do we translate that experience onto a mobile screen?


设计用户体验 (Designing the user experience)

Once we have an idea for the game, we move on to a huge part of the user experience — the game controls. Fortunately, Spark AR (the tool to create Instagram filters) provides a variety of user interactions for us to play around with.

一旦有了关于游戏的想法,我们便会进入用户体验的很大一部分-游戏控制。 幸运的是, Spark AR (创建Instagram过滤器的工具)为我们提供了各种用户交互方式。

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Head turn

Since players can be expected to be beside each other (one on the left, one on the right), it made sense to use a directional interaction — either head turn or head tilt. When trying out both actions, it was clear to me that head tilt was the better option.

由于可以期望玩家彼此相邻(一个在左边,一个在右边),所以使用方向性交互是有意义的-旋转头或倾斜头。 在尝试这两种动作时,对我来说很明显头倾斜是更好的选择。

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Head tilt

Turning your head makes it difficult to maintain eye contact with the screen, which would negatively affect gameplay. Also, continuously turning your head physically strenuous and disorientating.

转动头部很难使眼睛与屏幕保持接触,这会对游戏玩法产生负面影响。 同样,不断地使您的头部剧烈疲劳并迷失方向。

(Try turning your head right-left-right vs tilting your head right-left-right and you’ll get the idea)


Another component of the game experience is the user interface. Due to the nature of the Instagram stories platform, users are limited to small screen sizes and have a little time to take in new information. This means that interactive filters should be intuitive and frictionless.

游戏体验的另一个组成部分是用户界面。 由于Instagram故事平台的性质,用户只能使用小尺寸的屏幕,并且很少有时间获取新信息。 这意味着交互式过滤器应该直观且无摩擦。

For the “Who Is More” filter, I applied these concepts:


  • Colour as feedback


    IMO colour is the fastest method to give feedback to users, better than icons or text. Changing the background colour to green/red also saves screen space, as compared to displaying a “Correct” or “Wrong” text.

    与图标或文本相比,IMO颜色是向用户提供反馈的最快方法。 与显示“正确”或“错误”文本相比,将背景颜色更改为绿色/红色还可以节省屏幕空间。

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Neutral, wrong & correct states
  • Minimalistic visual design


    Every visual element in the filter (text, boxes, icons or circles) exists only to convey useful information to the users. I made the design choice to minimise unnecessary elements so that users do not have to waste time figuring out what to do during the game. For example, the purpose of the countdown timer is to tell users when to tilt their heads. It appears only when it is needed, and disappears once it has served its purpose.

    过滤器中的每个可视元素(文本,框,图标或圆圈)都仅用于向用户传达有用的信息。 我做出了设计上的选择,以尽量减少不必要的元素,以便用户不必浪费时间弄清楚游戏中的操作。 例如,倒数计时器的目的是告诉用户何时倾斜他们的头。 它仅在需要时显示,而在达到其目的后消失。

  • Delightful animation


    Animation is an excellent way of adding delight to a filter. Additionally, it’s a useful method to smoothly transition between different states of a filter. However, animation should always be used with caution as we don’t want to ‘over-animate’ and distract users. For the “Who is more” filter, I used a simple rotation animation to indicate the start and end of the game.

    动画是为滤镜增添欢乐的绝妙方法。 此外,这是在滤波器的不同状态之间平滑过渡的有用方法。 但是,动画时应谨慎使用,因为我们不想“过度动画化”并分散用户的注意力。 对于“更多”过滤器,我使用了一个简单的旋转动画来指示游戏的开始和结束。

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最大化重放价值 (Maximising replay value)

Personally, I find that the best filters are those that can be used over and over again. It’s a lot more fun when the users can keep replaying the filter with a different experience each time.

我个人认为,最好的过滤器是可以反复使用的过滤器。 当用户每次都能不断以不同的体验重播滤镜时,这会带来更多的乐趣。

Having a high replay value also helps to boost the virality of the filter. More times played per user means more stories posted and higher chances of their followers discovering the filter.

具有较高的重播值还有助于提高过滤器的病毒性。 每个用户播放的时间越长,意味着发布的故事越多,其关注者发现过滤器的机会就越高。

Now, you can probably guess that the #1 method to increase the replay value is to have a large variety of questions. But what other ways can we encourage the user to replay the game? This is where we discuss the format of the game.

现在,您可能会猜到提高重放值的#1方法是各种各样的问题。 但是,我们还可以通过哪些其他方式鼓励用户重玩游戏? 这是我们讨论游戏格式的地方。

We already know what we have is a question-and-answer type of game. If you watch a lot of game shows (I’m a huge fan of the Korean variety show Running Man), you may know a couple of ways to structure a game like this.

我们已经知道我们拥有的是问答游戏。 如果您观看了很多游戏节目(我是韩国综艺节目《奔跑的人》的忠实粉丝),那么您可能会知道几种构造游戏的方法。

At first, I structured the game as such: Players can continuously answer new questions but the game ends when a question is answered wrongly. I thought this could boost replay-ability by encouraging users to beat their ‘high-score’ (similar to Flappy Bird). But I realised this is not a strong reason especially when considering the platform and the users.

首先,我是这样构造游戏的:玩家可以不断回答新问题,但是当错误回答问题时游戏就结束了。 我认为这可以通过鼓励用户击败其“高分”(类似于Flappy Bird)来提高重播能力。 但是我意识到这并不是一个强烈的理由,尤其是在考虑平台和用户时。

Instagram users are less likely to be motivated by achieving high scores. Majority of them just want something fun to play or something funny to post.

Instagram用户不太可能因获得高分而受到激励。 他们中的大多数人只想玩点有趣的东西或张贴有趣的东西。

This format can cause the game to end too early and be discouraging for players who continuously get their first question wrong. Also, users who get a lot of questions correct will quickly learn all the questions and get bored.

这种格式可能会导致游戏结束得太早,并且对于不断错误地提出第一个问题的玩家感到沮丧。 此外,如果用户对很多问题的回答正确无误,他们将很快学习所有问题并感到无聊。

I then switched to another format that uses a fixed number of questions. Players receive a fixed number of questions per session and try to answer as many as they can correctly. This effectively shifts the motivation for replay from getting a new high score to finding out more questions.

然后,我切换为使用固定数量问题的另一种格式 玩家每节会收到固定数量的问题,并尝试尽可能正确地回答。 这有效地将重播的动机从获得新的高分转变为发现更多问题。

This option provides some advantages too:


  1. Users get to enjoy the game even if they get all questions wrong

  2. Consistent game duration — not too short that they cannot enjoy the game, or too long that it gets draggy or strains the players’ necks

  3. Players receive a rating at the end which subconsciously encourages them to replay the game until they get full marks (similar to the 3-star rating system in Candy Crush and Overcook)

    玩家最终会获得一个评分,这会潜意识地鼓励他们重新玩游戏直到获得满分(类似于Candy Crush和Overcook中的三星级评分系统)

结果 (Result)

After much testing, tweaking and updating, the result of this process is the “Who Is More” filter that you see on your Instagram stories feed. It has 3 different modes: Friends, Couples and Burning Bridges editions and a total of 173 questions.

经过大量测试,调整和更新后,此过程的结果是您在Instagram故事源上看到的“更多”筛选器。 它具有3种不同的模式:“朋友”,“情侣”和“燃烧桥”版本,共173个问题。

The filter was launched on 13 Feb 2020 and has over 1 billion impressions so far.


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It was amazing to see the filter go viral and spread from Singapore to all over the world. Influencers, YouTubers and even Hollywood celebrities have played it!

看到过滤器Swift传播并从新加坡传播到世界各地,真是太神奇了。 有影响力的人,YouTuber甚至好莱坞名人都曾玩过它!

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@mongabong, Shane Dawson, Sarah Hyland (from Modern Family), Victoria Justice, @ mongabong ,Shane Dawson,Sarah Hyland(来自《现代家庭》),Victoria Justice, @laurdiy@ laurdiy

The filter was also featured in a few articles:


  • https://www.elitedaily.com/p/14-best-instagram-story-filters-for-couples-showing-your-love-for-bae-22656035


  • https://secretlosangeles.com/10-instagram-filters-that-will-keep-you-entertained-during-quarantine/


  • https://shout.sg/6-most-entertaining-instagram-game-filters/


  • https://focuzmedia.tech/who-is-more-likely-to-couple-edition-burning-bridges-instagram-filter-and-tiktok


Hope you enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it.


For those who want to try out the filter, here’s the link!

对于那些想尝试过滤器的人,这里是链接 !

If you’re interested in creating filters, it’s actually really simple thanks to the free Spark AR program provided by Facebook. (Click here to get started). It’s up to your creativity to create all sorts of cool, interesting and beautiful filters.

如果您对创建过滤器感兴趣,那么实际上非常简单,这要归功于Facebook提供的免费Spark AR程序。 ( 单击此处开始)。 创建各种酷炫,有趣和漂亮的滤镜取决于您的创造力。

Let me know down below if you have any questions. In the meantime, I will continue to create and publish new filters. Free feel to check out my other filters on my Instagram profile @vamonke ;)

如果您有任何疑问,请在下面告诉我。 同时,我将继续创建和发布新的过滤器。 免费查看我的Instagram个人资料@vamonke上的其他过滤器;)

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Huge thanks to my sis for helping when I needed another person to playtest!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-i-created-the-who-is-more-viral-instagram-filter-567f4c51beac





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