

There’s plenty of misunderstanding around user research, whether it’s the concept of validation or one-off anecdotes being thrown around as concrete evidence for a product decision.


As designers, you may be lucky enough to have a dedicated UX researcher on your team, or otherwise, be in the role of understanding, empathizing and communicating user findings yourself.


Through experience, I have learned that user research is a hidden superpower when used in combination with design. If you want to make better design decisions, start with research. But with great powers, come great responsibilities. One unfortunate outcome after all the effort that goes into user research is that the findings falls onto deaf ears.

通过经验,我发现与设计结合使用时,用户研究是隐藏的超级能力。 如果要做出更好的设计决策,请从研究开始。 但是,有了强大的力量,就要承担巨大的责任。 经过用户研究的所有努力之后,一个不幸的结果是,这些发现充耳不闻。

Here’s some simple habits to help you make the most out of your next research effort.


1.确保研究见解可行 (1. Ensure research insights are actionable)

Understand the actionable part of your research:


  • Does your team have budget to take action? If the answer is no, your role might be to make a case for why more budget is necessary.

    您的团队有预算采取行动吗? 如果答案是否定的,那么您的角色可能是弄清楚为什么需要更多的预算。
  • Are there core features that your target customers must have?

  • Are you timing the studies so your research results have maximum impact?


Start your process with finding needs and gaps vs. selling solutions.


Reporting is half the effort. Analysis paralysis can be an uphill battle (for that part of us that likes to wade through all the data).

报告是事半功倍。 分析瘫痪可能是一场艰苦的战斗(对于我们那部分喜欢浏览所有数据的人而言)。

Takeaway: In this age of information overload, too many meetings and cluttered inboxes, lead with ways for your audience to empathize, prioritize and take action.


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You X VenturesYou X Ventures

2.好的研究应该缩小与客户的差距 (2. Good research should narrow the gap to the customer)

There’s ways to make the process of learning from research more personal: you can add a mix of real stories along with data, invite as many cross discipline team members to be involved (while being practical about their time), and avoid the dreaded information dump at the end of a process by giving bite-sized updates.


Good presentation design matters. The presentation design shouldn’t overwhelm the information. Instead, incorporate the right image, visual or video clip rather than using a page full of text. Smaller chunks of information can make findings more palatable.

好的演示设计很重要。 演示设计不应压倒信息。 而是合并正确的图像,视觉或视频剪辑,而不要使用充满文本的页面。 较小的信息块可以使发现更可口。

It’s easy to get derailed by subjective opinions during share-outs (ex. I hate this shade of blue, I liked the old way better, etc.).


Takeaway: Focus of a product discussion around the customer, the hypothesis, and how well a proposed solution ultimately adds value to the customer.


3.预期会出错 (3. Anticipate that things will go wrong)

With Murphy’s Law, things that go could wrong, will.


First, determine the right questions — what can feasibly be answered or can’t be answered with research and given method.


Second, remember to over-recruit participants, assuming there will be no-shows, and that some people might just not be a good fit for the study even with a careful screener. Be wary of scope creep from too many stakeholders.

其次,请记住要招募过多的参与者,前提是他们没有参加演出,而且即使经过仔细的筛选,有些人可能也不适合参加这项研究。 警惕范围太多的利益相关者的潜移默化。

With any live session, there may be issues with call quality, connection or video. Try to have a backup for prototypes, such as a simple slideshow presentation. Make sure to pilot the sessions as it’s easy to miss things once you’ve begun feeling comfortable with the content.

在任何实时会话中,通话质量,连接或视频都可能存在问题。 尝试备份原型,例如简单的幻灯片演示。 确保试点这些会话,因为一旦您对内容感到满意后就很容易错过一些东西。

Takeaway: Fresh eyes are helpful to check for leading questions and unnecessary jargon. Having another researcher check that your questions are answerable, neutral and clear.

要点:新鲜的眼睛有助于检查主要问题和不必要的行话。 让另一位研究人员检查您的问题是否可以回答,保持中立和清晰。

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Volodymyr HryshchenkoVolodymyr Hryshchenko

4.谦虚地听众 (4. Moderate with the audience in mind)

Ramp up your question difficulty, to help someone get adjusted to the conversation.


The experience of sharing feedback on a product is not always natural. You have to speak your thoughts out loud, to a stranger (who might be rapidly taking notes), sometimes over the internet. Your role as a researcher is to set expectations for how the session will go and make the person on the other side feel as comfortable as they can be given the situation.

分享产品反馈的经验并不总是很自然。 您有时必须通过互联网与陌生人(可能正在Swift记笔记)大声说出自己的想法。 您作为研究人员的角色是对会议进行的方式设定期望,并使另一端的人尽可能地适应情况。

Takeaway: Note the contradictions between behavior and what people say. People enjoy helping others and are generally agreeable by nature. They will try to answer the question you ask and give you the answers you want (even if the question is poorly constructed).

要点:注意行为与人们所说的话之间的矛盾。 人们乐于帮助他人,并且自然而然地乐于接受。 他们将尝试回答您提出的问题,并为您提供所需的答案(即使问题的构造不佳)。

5.追踪核心问题 (5. Track the core questions)

Grouping questions under themes can help as you may be able to solve multiple problems in fewer actions.


Note whether you’re trying to understand “why” (qualitative) vs. “how many, how much, how often” (quantitative) questions. There’s a bias toward generalizing big data because of the numbers involved can fee l impressive and fail proof— surveying 500 people appears like a great thing as opposed to just doing interviews with 5 subject matter experts.

注意您是否要理解“为什么”(定性)与“多少,多少,多久”(定量)问题。 由于涉及的大量数据可能会给人留下深刻的印象和失败的证据,因此倾向于对大数据进行概括—与不与5名主题专家进行访谈相比,对500人进行调查似乎是一件大事。

Yet without understanding the “why” behind actions, observing and listening for needs beyond what is obvious, big data can become a crutch for speculating that we already know what we’re looking for.


Takeaway: At the end of the day, it’s ok to end up with more questions, as long as they are better questions.


结论 (Conclusion)

The process of continual learning is a necessary part of healthy product development. Designers can benefit by learning from user researchers, and vice versa. Try these habits to make sure your research efforts aren’t wasted!

持续学习的过程是健康产品开发的必要部分。 设计师可以通过向用户研究人员学习而受益,反之亦然。 尝试这些习惯,以确保您的研究工作不会浪费!

翻译自: https://blog.prototypr.io/5-habits-to-improve-ux-research-ed82d1c1f2cd






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