c# 设计原则需要学习吗_向最好的学习:产品设计原则

c# 设计原则需要学习吗

重点 (Top highlight)

In my job as Design Team Lead at SimpleSite, I’ve recently been part of creating a set of Product Design Principles. In this process, I spent a lot of time studying the theory, learning about best practices, and getting inspired by some of the most successful companies.

在SimpleSite担任设计团队负责人的工作中,我最近参与了创建一组产品设计原则的工作。 在此过程中,我花费了大量时间研究理论,了解最佳实践并从一些最成功的公司中获得启发。

Being able to connect the theory with concrete, real-life examples has been a huge help for us as we’ve worked on defining our own principles. That’s why I decided to put together this article. It consists of 2 main parts:

在我们努力定义自己的原理时,能够将理论与具体的实际示例联系起来对我们来说是一个巨大的帮助。 这就是为什么我决定整理这篇文章的原因。 它包括2个主要部分:

  1. 4 characteristics of the best Product Design Principles


    4 characteristics of the best Product Design PrinciplesI also wrote about these in my more elaborate guide to Design Principles.

    最佳产品设计原则的4个特征 在我更详尽的《 设计原则》指南中, 我也写了这些

  2. Collection of the best Product Design PrinciplesScroll down a bit if you’re just here to get inspired by Asana, Codecademy, Medium, Pinterest, and more.

    最佳产品设计原则集合 如果您只是在这里,请向下滚动一下,以获取Asana,Codecademy,Medium,Pinterest等的启发。

Whether you’re here to learn what the best Product Design Principles have in common, or simply get inspired by some concrete examples, I hope this article will be useful!


最佳产品设计原则的4个特征 (4 characteristics of the best Product Design Principles)

As you’ll see in the examples later, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the format of your Product Design Principles. However, there are certain characteristics that the best ones seem to share. Use them as guidelines when creating your own set of principles, and let the examples at the end inspire your formatting and phrasing.

正如您将在后面的示例中看到的那样,在“产品设计原则”的格式上,没有一个万能的。 但是,某些特征似乎是最好的。 在创建自己的原则集时将它们用作准则,并让最后的示例激发您的格式和措辞。

1.️数量少✔️ (1.️ Small in number ✔️)

Aim for 3 to 5 principles to ensure they will actually be remembered and used. More than that won’t be manageable, and there’s no way you and everyone else will be able to remember them all.

目标是3到5条原则,以确保将它们真正记住并使用。 除此之外,这将是无法管理的,您和其他所有人也将无法记住它们。

A small number of principles will make decisions easier — too many will make them harder.

少数原则会做出决定 更轻松 - 太多会使他们 更难

Take Pinterest as an example. While each of them is clarified with a few headlines and sentences, they stick to just three principles:

以Pinterest为例。 虽然每个标题都有一些标题和句子,但它们仅遵循三个原则:

  1. Lucid


    It’s intuitive, not learned. It makes the user feel powerful. It makes the content taste better.

    这是直观的,不是学习的。 它使用户感到强大。 它使内容味道更好。

  2. Animated


    It’s colorful. It’s visually responsive. It’s unexpected.

    真是丰富多彩。 视觉响应。 真是出乎意料

  3. Unbreakable


    It’s built for exploration. It’s impossible to mis-tap. It’s reversible.

    它是专为探索而设计的。 轻按是不可能的。 这是可逆的。

2.区分️✔️ (2. Differentiating ️✔️)

Why should someone pick you and not your competitor? Your Product Design Principles should help you answer this question.

为什么有人选择您而不是您的竞争对手? 您的产品设计原则应该可以帮助您回答这个问题。

Universal Design Principles are for everyone. Your Product Design Principles are not. Copying a Universal Design Principle and slapping your name on it is redundant. Avoid truisms like “We’re user-friendly” and “Keep things simple”.

通用设计原则适合所有人。 您的产品设计原则不是 复制通用设计原则并在其上打上您的名字是多余的。 避免诸如“我们对用户友好”和“让事情简单”这样的琐事 。

Ask yourself: Could the opposite be a Design Principle for another product? If not, it’s probably too universal to be a good differentiator for your product.

问问自己:相反的可能是另一种产品的设计原则吗? 如果不是这样,那么它可能太普遍了,无法成为您产品的出色差异化产品。

Consider the “[Option A] over [Option B]” format to emphasize what your product is and what it is not. This will help you say no to features and ideas. The early Product Design Principles by Medium are a great example of this:

考虑“ [选项A]而非[选项B]”格式以强调您的产品什么,而不是产品 。 这将帮助你说不特点和想法。 中等的早期产品设计原则就是一个很好的例子:

  • Direction over Choice.


  • Appropriate over Consistent.


  • Evolving over Finalized.


Choice, consistent, and finalized could hypothetically be prioritized in another product, which makes these principles work as differentiators for Medium.

假设可以在其他产品中优先考虑选择,一致最终确定 ,这使这些原则可以作为Medium的区分因素。

Screenshot from Medium’s story editor, showing the limited options for text styling.
Screenshot from Medium’s story editor, showing the limited options for text styling.

3.明确且可行的️✔️ (3. Unambiguous and actionable ️✔️)

Your Product Design Principles should help you take action in your daily work. They’re meant to eliminate potential solutions and guide you to a decision. A vaguely phrased statement with ambiguous terms won’t do that.

您的产品设计原则应有助于您在日常工作中采取行动 。 它们旨在消除潜在的解决方案,并指导您做出决定。 含糊不清的用语含糊措词的声明将无法做到这一点。

A great example is Codecademy’s first Design Principle. It’s extremely specific, it explains the underlying rationale, and it provides a concrete example:

一个很好的例子是Codecademy的第一个设计原则。 它非常具体,它解释了基本原理,并提供了一个具体示例:

  • One Column


    Whenever possible, we have constrained our entire content to a single-column layout. This helped us focus on the core purpose of the page, while also giving us more control over our narrative. A one-column layout was also easier to implement within our first responsive design system, by minimizing variation between different screens and form factors, such as mobile and tablet.

    只要有可能,我们都将整个内容限制为单列布局。 这帮助我们专注于页面的核心目的,同时也使我们能够更好地控制自己的叙述。 通过最小化不同屏幕和外形尺寸(例如手机和平板电脑)之间的差异,在我们的第一个响应式设计系统中也更容易实现单列布局。

Screenshot of a notifications list on Codecademy.
Single-column layout of Codecademy’s notifications.Codecademy通知的单列布局 。

4.简洁而令人难忘的️✔️ (4. Concise and memorable ️✔️)

Even if you limit yourself to 3 principles, you and your team won’t be able to remember them if they’re abstract and long-winded. They won’t stick in your minds and encourage a certain way of thinking. Instead, make sure your Product Design Principles are concise and memorable.

即使您将自己限制在3个原则上,但如果您和您的团队过于抽象和费力,他们将无法记住它们。 他们不会留在您的脑海中,并会鼓励某种思考方式。 相反,请确保您的产品设计原则简明易懂。

Asana shows a good example of well-phrases Product Design Principles. Here are a couple of them for inspiration:

Asana展示了措辞良好的产品设计原则的一个很好的例子。 以下是一些启发灵感的方法:

  • Increase confidence through clarity.Within the application, and more broadly within teams, it is unambiguous what is happening and why.

    通过清晰度提高信心。 在应用程序内部以及更广泛的团队内部,正在发生什么以及为什么是明确的。

  • Be consistent and standard, and innovate when it’s worth it.


    Users should feel like Asana is familiar yet modern.


Asana uses both icons and text labels to increase the clarity of their features, and even tooltips when a user hovers anything they can interact with (see screenshot below). They stick to familiar patterns, yet keep the design modern and joyful to use. I’m personally a big fan of Asana.

Asana同时使用图标和文本标签来提高其功能的清晰度,甚至在用户悬停可以与之交互的内容时提供工具提示(请参见下面的屏幕截图)。 他们坚持熟悉的模式,但保持设计的现代感和使用乐趣。 我个人是Asana的忠实粉丝。

Screenshot of an Asana task.
Screenshot of an Asana task.

产品设计原则的最佳范例 (The best examples of Product Design Principles)

The following products are sorted alphabetically, not by the quality of their principles. They’re all great, yet very different in their formatting and presentation. Check them out, get inspired, and use whatever you can when creating your own! We’ll cover the following:

以下产品按字母顺序排序,而不是按其原理的质量排序。 它们都很棒,但格式和显示方式却大不相同。 检查它们,激发灵感,并在创建自己的模型时竭尽所能! 我们将介绍以下内容:

  1. Asana

  2. Codecademy

  3. Degreed

  4. Firefox

  5. Medium

  6. Pinterest

  7. Windows

  8. Wonderbly

Asana logo.

朝体 (Asana)

This nice article explains why and how Asana created their Design Principles.

这篇不错的 文章 解释了Asana为何以及如何创建其设计原则。

  • Allow users to focus on their work without interference.


    A user’s focus should be in their control, only distract users with changes that are personally relevant.


  • Increase confidence through clarity.


    Within the application, and more broadly within teams, it is unambiguous what is happening and why.


  • Foster productive and emotionally satisfying interpersonal dynamics.


    Users feel like they are part of a team, where they can count on each other to do their part, and feel like they’re moving forward towards a common goal.


  • Design for fast, effortless, and intentional interactions.


    Simple and common tasks should be frictionless and obvious; complex tasks should feel efficient and delightful. But, speed should not lead to inaccuracies.

    简单而常见的任务应该毫不费力且显而易见。 复杂的任务应该感到高效而令人愉快。 但是,速度不应导致错误。

  • Empower everyone through progressive discoverability.


    Everyone at all levels of experience with Asana should feel like they know how to use the product, regardless of how many features they use.


  • Be consistent and standard, and innovate when it’s worth it.


    Users should feel like Asana is familiar yet modern.


Codecademy logo.

密码学 (Codecademy)

For a full description of each principle, check out this article.

有关每种原理的完整说明,请查看 本文

  1. One Column


  2. Social Proof


  3. More Contrast


  4. Few Form Fields


  5. Keeping Focus


  6. Direct Manipulation


  7. Visual Hierarchy


  8. Visual Recognition


  9. Larger Targets


  10. Design for Edge Cases


Degreed logo.

学位的 (Degreed)

With a set of 12 Design Principles, Degreed has too many for easy recall. At the same time, not all of them share the common traits of the best Product Design Principles. I’ve included my favorites below.

凭借 12条设计原则 的集合 ,Degreed有太多内容不容易回忆。 同时,并非所有人都具有最佳产品设计原则的共同特征。 我在下面列出了我的最爱。

5. Focus the user on one primary action at a timeGuide the user by focusing screens, views, or actions on one primary task. Be ruthless with the prioritization, make the choices stupidly simple. Limit distraction. All elements and styling that are not helping the user focus on the primary task can be considered as visual clutter and a huge distraction for the user. Be aware that everything in the interface has to be processed by the user’s brain, the less there is to process the lower the cognitive load is.

5.一次将用户集中在一个主要任务上,通过将屏幕,视图或操作集中在一个主要任务上来引导用户。 毫不留情地进行优先排序,使选择变得愚蠢。 限制分心。 所有不能帮助用户将精力集中在主要任务上的元素和样式都可以看作是视觉混乱和对用户的极大干扰。 请注意,界面中的所有内容都必须由用户的大脑来处理,处理的内容越少,认知负担就越低。

6. Minimize user inputUser input takes a lot of effort and time. Always strive for the least amount of user input to reach a goal. Every input that is required from the user increases the friction that the user experiences and increases the chance of giving up.

6.最小化用户输入用户输入需要大量的精力和时间。 始终力争以最少的用户输入量达成目标。 用户需要的每个输入都会增加用户所经历的摩擦,并增加放弃的机会。

8. Make decisions for the userDon’t be afraid to make decisions for the user. Offering less choice and options will give the user a more confident feeling, because there is less to worry about. Be aware of the paradox of choice; offering a lot of choices will make the user feel overwhelmed because he/she needs to assess each and every option if it meets his/her goal.

8.为用户决定不要害怕为用户做决定。 提供更少的选择和选项会给用户带来更自信的感觉,因为不必担心。 注意选择的悖论; 提供很多选择将使用户感到不知所措,因为他/她需要评估每个选择是否满足他/她的目标。

11. Don’t go for ‘WOW’, go for ‘of course’Never chase the ‘wow-effect’. Product design succeeds when it solves the problem or need of our users in the best possible way. Design the product effective & delightful. The reaction we are after from our users is “Of course, that is obvious”.

11.不要追求“哇”,不要追求“ 当然”。永远不要追求“哇效果”。 产品设计以最佳方式解决了我们用户的问题或需求时,便成功了。 设计有效有效的产品。 我们对用户的React是“当然,这很明显”。

Firefox logo.

火狐浏览器 (Firefox)

Notice how they do things a little differently at Firefox, showcasing that there isn’t a right and wrong when it comes to the format of your Product Design Principles. Each bullet is what Firefox calls a Design Value, with related principles below.

请注意,它们在 Firefox上 的处理方式有所不同 ,表明在“产品设计原则”的格式上没有对与错。 每个项目符号就是Firefox所称的设计价值,以下是相关原则。

  • Takes care of you. Principles:- user-sovereignty

    照顾你 原则:-用户主权

    - default to privacy


    - no surprises


    - actionable advice


  • You help make it. Principles:- research gives a voice to our non-core community

    您帮助实现。 原则:-研究使我们的非核心社区有发言权

    - start people with smart defaults


    - implicit as well as explicit customization


    - invite people to be more than users


  • Plays well with others. Principles:

    和别人一起玩。 原则:

    - user control and choice


    - simple to use the services you choose


    - suggest ways to get the most out of the web


  • Exuberant. Principles:

    旺盛。 原则:

    - feels like there is a person at the other end


    - fun tools are easier to use


    - humor and whimsy


    - have a point of view


  • Finely crafted. Principles:

    做工精细。 原则:

    - see also our visual design guidelines


    - continuity of look and feel across platforms


    - perceivable quality is vital


  • Global. Principles:

    全球。 原则:

    - global means local and local and local


  • Balances power and simplicity. Principles:

    兼顾力量和简单性。 原则:

    - 80/20/2: default to surface minimalism and easy access to the rest


    - user-agency and understanding, not just less


  • Makes sense of the web. Principles:

    了解网络。 原则:

    - focus on real human tasks and contexts


    - many real tasks involve a browser and other tools


    - quick access to your stuff and web


    - no jargon


  • High user-performance. Principles:

    高用户性能。 原则:

    - performance is objective, but responsiveness is subjective


    - a happy user performs better


Medium logo.


Note that these are mentioned in a reply as “… a few of the early design principles we crafted at Medium”. They’re not necessarily the official and final ones, but still a great source of inspiration.

请注意,这些在 答复中 被提及 为“……我们在Medium制定的一些早期设计原则”。 它们不一定是正式的,也不是最终的,但仍然是灵感的重要来源。

  • Direction over Choice. This principle was often referred to while we were designing the Medium editor. We purposely traded layout, type, and color choices for guidance and direction. Direction was more appropriate for the product because we wanted people to focus on writing, and not get distracted by choice.

    选择方向。 在设计中型编辑器时,经常会提到此原则。 我们有目的地交换版式,类型和颜色选择,以提供指导和指导。 方向更适合产品,因为我们希望人们专注于写作,而不要因选择而分心。

  • Appropriate over Consistent. This might seem controversial, but when applied across devices, its purpose is clear. We were willing to break consistency if it was more appropriate for the OS, device, or context.

    适当超过一致。 这看似有争议,但在跨设备应用时,其目的很明确。 如果它更适合于操作系统,设备或上下文,我们愿意破坏一致性。

  • Evolving over Finalized. This is exemplified in the ability to share Medium drafts, write responses, and leave notes. The content on Medium should be antifragile, improving with use, and evolving over time. We did not want to design printed books for the internet.

    逐步完善。 共享中型草稿,撰写回复和留下笔记的能力就体现了这一点。 介质上的内容应具有抗脆弱性,随使用而改进并随着时间而发展。 我们不想为互联网设计印刷书籍。

Pinterest logo.

Pinterest (Pinterest)

For a full description of each principle, and how they’re made even more actionable with what Pinterest refers to as “The basics”, check out this article.

有关每个原则的完整说明,以及如何用Pinterest所称的“基础知识”使它们变得更具可行性,请查看 本文

  1. Lucid


    It’s intuitive, not learned. It makes the user feel powerful. It makes the content taste better.

    这是直观的,不是学习的。 它使用户感到强大。 它使内容味道更好。

  2. Animated


    It’s colorful. It’s visually responsive. It’s unexpected.

    真是丰富多彩。 具有视觉响应能力。 真是出乎意料

  3. Unbreakable


    It’s built for exploration. It’s impossible to mis-tap. It’s reversible.

    它是专为探索而设计的。 轻按是不可能的。 这是可逆的。

Microsoft logo.

视窗 (Windows)

Windows has 8 Design Principles, so likely too many for their employees to always keep in mind. They’re all of high quality though!

Windows 有8个设计原则,因此对于员工而言可能太多以至于牢记。 他们都是高质量的!


Reduce concepts to increase confidence


  • Have you introduced a new concept? Why? Is it necessary?

    您引入了新概念吗? 为什么? 有必要吗?
  • Can you get rid of unneeded concepts?

  • Are you making meaningful distinctions?

  • Does the UX continue the same concept?



Small things matter, good and bad


  • What are the important “small things” seen often or by many?

  • What small problems are you solving?

  • Do less better.

  • Don’t cut the small things in your experiences.

  • Plan for the thoughtful details.

  • Fix the small bugs.



Be great at “look” and “do”


  • What is your UX great at? Does its look reflect what it is great at?

    您的UX擅长什么? 它的外观反映出它的优点吗?
  • Does the first thing users see reflect what the UX is great at?

  • Does the UX match expectations?

  • Is it obvious what users can do?

  • Are you providing only the necessary steps?



Solve distractions, not discoverability


  • Reduce distractions.

  • Don’t let features compete with themselves.

  • Commit to new functionality.

  • These are not solutions to poor discoverability:


    - Pinning an icon in the Start menu.


    - Putting an icon on the desktop.


    - Putting an icon in the notification area.


    - Using a notification.


    - Having a first-run experience.


    - Having a tour.



UX before knobs and questions


  • Turn down the volume of questions.

  • Ask once.

  • Don’t require configuration to get value.

  • Was the question asked already?

  • Look for opportunities to consolidate.



Personalization, not customization


  • Does the feature allow users to express an element of themselves?

  • Have you made the distinction between personalization and customization?

  • Does the personalization have to be a new feature, or can it make use of existing features and information (such as the user’s location, background picture, or tile)?



Value the life cycle of the experience


  • Consider the user experience at all stages:


    - Installation and creation.


    - First use and customization.


    - Regular use.


    - Management and maintenance.


    - Uninstall or upgrade.


  • Walk through the experience as if it has been used for 12 months. Does it have:

    仿佛已经使用了12个月,就可以体验整个过程。 是否具有:

    - Realistic content.


    - Realistic volume.



Time matters, so build for people on the go


  • All UX principles apply equally at 12-inch and 20-inch screen sizes.


    Be interruptible.


  • Account for starting and stopping (fast return, and do not get in the way of other UX).

  • Account for getting and losing connectivity.

  • Performance is the universal UX killer.

Wonderbly logo.

妙极了 (Wonderbly)

Check out Wonderbly’s Design System in which these Principles are used.

查看 使用这些原理的 Wonderbly 设计系统

  1. Be Storytellers


    Avoid one-sided conversations. Leave a deeper impression on customers by reflecting their needs and aspirations, whilst delighting them along the journey. Engaging our audience will drive sales and loyalty. By unifying content, community, and commerce we can inspire people to explore, interact, and shop with us.

    避免双方交谈。 反映客户的需求和期望,同时给他们带来愉快的旅程,从而给客户留下深刻的印象。 与我们的观众互动将促进销售和忠诚度。 通过统一内容,社区和商业,我们可以激发人们与我们一起探索,互动和购物。

  2. Join Our Club


    Create products, features, and qualities within our site that instill trust in the mind of the customer. Championing findability, reliability, and credibility will reduce uncertainty throughout the entire experience. Dependability will empower a customer to go from a one-off buyer to a lifelong customer.

    在我们的站点中创建产品,功能和质量,以灌输客户心中的信任。 提倡可发现性,可靠性和可信度将减少整个体验中的不确定性。 可靠性将使客户从一次性购买者转变为终身购买者。

  3. Optimized Experiences


    Leverage fluid layouts and a device-agnostic approach to create an optimum experience for every type of user. Constantly strive to streamline and simplify the journey for customers. Make use of native features to promote products and explore new technologies.

    利用流体布局和与设备无关的方法为每种类型的用户创造最佳体验。 不断努力简化和简化客户的旅程。 利用本机功能来推广产品和探索新技术。

  4. Grandma First


    Our customers are not just tech-savvy urban mums but also digitally novice grandparents. We must deliver a simple, effective, and rewarding customer experiences for every type of customer. Helping people to make the right decisions and guiding them along the path to purchase wherever needed.

    我们的客户不仅是精通技术的城市妈妈,还是数字化的新祖父母。 我们必须为每种类型的客户提供简单,有效和有益的客户体验。 帮助人们做出正确的决定,并指导他们在需要的地方进行购买。

额外资源 (Additional resources)

Lots of great content have been created on the topic of Design Principles. Just do a quick search on Google or Medium and you’ll see what I mean. I’ve also got a case study coming up, detailing how we went about created our own set of principles at SimpleSite. Until then, here are a few resources to check out.

关于“设计原理”的主题已经创造了很多精彩的内容。 只需在Google或Medium上进行快速搜索,您就会明白我的意思。 我还将进行一个案例研究,详细介绍我们如何在SimpleSite上创建自己的一套原则。 在此之前,这里有一些要检查的资源。

Principles.design is a great repository of Design Principles.


Anton Badashov wrote an article in 2013, which served as inspiration for the one you just read.

Anton Badashov在2013年撰写了一篇文章 ,该文章为您刚刚阅读的文章提供了灵感。

This article talks about the different types of Design Principles and why they’re so valuable.


Paul Boag has written a nice article about UI Design Principles, and why and how you should create your own.

Paul Boag写了一篇不错的文章,内容涉及UI设计原则,以及为什么以及如何创建自己的UI。

Last, but certainly not least, the amazing Julie Zhuo has written a must-read article called A Matter of Principle.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,惊人的朱莉卓(Julie Zhuo )写了一篇必读的文章,名为《原则问题》

For the podcast fans, I recommend this episode (and all the others for that matter) of the Design Details podcast.

对于播客爱好者,我推荐“设计细节”播客的这一集 (以及与此相关的所有其他内容)。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/learn-from-the-best-product-design-principles-3ca706ac7ccb

c# 设计原则需要学习吗




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