

I use Instagram. But I don’t use Instagram in the way that my daughters, who are 21 and 14, use Instagram. More to the point, Instagram doesn’t use me in quite the same way it uses my daughters.

我使用Instagram。 但是,我不会像21岁和14岁的女儿那样使用Instagram。 更重要的是,Instagram使用我的方式与使用我女儿的方式完全不同。

From the moment they were born, members of Generation Z have lived their lives on the digital record. Everything about their experience of life is recorded visually. So many of their decisions — food, drinks, holiday destinations — are viewed through the prism of what can effectively be described as “potential Instagrammability”.

从他们出生的那一刻起, Z世代的成员就在数字唱片上过着自己的生活。 关于他们生活经历的一切都以视觉方式记录下来。 他们的许多决定-食物,饮料,度假胜地-通过可以被有效描述为“潜在的Instagram传播能力”的棱镜来查看。

It is a generation, too, that has money to spend. They might never be able to buy a house, priced forever out of property ownership by boomers and Generation X, but in the meantime, they have side hustles to create multiple income streams and apps on their phones to keep track of their spending; they’re a lot more financially savvy than their elders might give them credit for. And, crucially for marketers, they’re happy to spend eye-watering sums on the products they believe to be worth the online hype.

一代人也有钱可以花。 他们可能永远无法买到一头房子,但价格永远不会被婴儿潮一代和X世代所拥有的财产所取代。 他们在财务上比年长的人要聪明得多。 而且,对于营销人员而言,至关重要的是,他们乐于在他们认为值得在线大肆宣传的产品上花费大量资金。

With her birthday money this year, my youngest daughter bought shampoo and conditioner. But not just any shampoo and conditioner. These ones are, apparently, tailored specifically to her hair type. Her name is written in cursive on the bottles. When she made the order she could choose everything about the products, down to the pastel colour of the liquid and the strength of its scent.

我今年最小的女儿用她的生日钱买了洗发水和护发素。 但不仅是洗发水和护发素。 这些显然是专门针对她的发型设计的。 她的名字草写在瓶子上。 当她下订单时,她可以选择有关产品的所有内容,包括液体的柔和颜色及其气味的强度。

The shampoo and conditioner are made by Function of Beauty and they were endorsed by Kim Kardashian in February, when she posed next to her Function of Beauty products (pastel pink ones, of course!) and gushed about how great they were. My daughter, who hadn’t even heard of the brand last Christmas, by July was prepared to allocate a significant portion of her birthday money to acquire their products.

这款洗发水和护发素是由Function of Beauty制造的,并于2月得到了Kim Kardashian的认可,当时她与她的Function of Beauty产品(当然是粉红色的产品)并肩摆姿势,并询问它们的功效如何。 我的女儿去年7月份甚至没有听说过这个品牌,到7月,她准备将她生日礼物中的很大一部分用于购买他们的产品。

It was a significant portion, too. For one bottle of shampoo, one bottle of conditioner and a tub of hair mask, and after applying a 20% discount code, my daughter paid £48. That’s about sixty dollars. Sixty dollars. For liquid soap.

这也是很大的一部分。 一瓶洗发水,一瓶护发素和一桶发膜,并应用20%的折扣代码后,我的女儿付了48英镑。 那大约是六十美元。 六十元 。 用于液体肥皂。

You see, then, it’s a lucrative game. And it’s a heady combination, the sweet-spot pairing of surplus disposable income with a life lived predominantly online. Crack the mysterious code of Instagram- or YouTube popularity, and that whole market is yours for the gobbling.

您会看到,这是一个有利可图的游戏。 这是一个令人兴奋的组合,多余的可支配收入与生活在网上的甜蜜点配对。 破解Instagram-或YouTube受欢迎程度的神秘密码,整个市场就是您的强项。

As a result, more than ever, packaging is vitally important. Because of those visuals. Packaging can make or break a new product, regardless of that product’s quality or provenance. If it doesn’t look good in an Instagram #shelfie, chances are it’s going nowhere fast.

因此,包装比以往任何时候都至关重要。 因为那些视觉效果 。 包装可以制造或破坏新产品,无论该产品的质量或出处如何。 如果它在Instagram #shelfie中看起来不太好,则很有可能发展得很快。

And what I’ve noticed, more and more, is that in the skincare and beauty world it is impossible to ignore the new and growing trend for a particular, non-sugary, slightly medicinal pink. It’s called millennial pink, and it’s a colour that’s been on everything from walls to dinner plates in the past few years. But nowhere is it more prevalent right now than in the beauty industry.

我越来越注意到的是,在护肤和美容界,不可能忽视一种特殊的,非食用性的,略带药用的粉红色的新趋势。 它被称为千禧年粉红色 ,过去几年来,这种颜色一直出现在从墙壁到餐盘的所有东西上。 但是,现在没有比美容行业更普遍的了。

On my own bathroom shelves, a quick glance is all I need to see that pale pink is everywhere. My Beauty Pie cleanser, Lixirskin Vitamin C serum and Frank Body coffee scrub all feature neat black writing on a delicate peachy-pink background. So does my Glossier Futuredew moisturising primer.

在我自己的浴室架上,我只需要看一眼便看到到处都是浅粉红色。 我的Beauty Pie洁面乳,Lixirskin维生素C精华液和Frank Body咖啡磨砂膏均在精致的桃粉色背景上呈现出纯净的黑色书写效果。 我的Glossier Futuredew保湿底霜也是如此。

I didn’t buy any of these things after seeing them on Instagram, but I definitely judged them visually when I was out shopping. I don’t see myself as a particularly easily influenced consumer, but I’ve clearly already absorbed the message that there’s something classy and covetable about those bottles and tubes; that their contents must be worth a second look.

在Instagram上看到这些东西后,我没有买任何东西,但我绝对是在外出购物时凭视觉判断它们。 我不认为自己是一个特别容易受到影响的消费者,但是我显然已经吸收了这样的信息:这些瓶子和管子有一些优雅而令人信服的东西。 他们的内容必须值得一看。

光泽器:一切开始 (Glossier: Where It All Began)

When Emily Weiss launched Glossier in 2014, she was ahead of the curve. “Millennial Pink” didn’t hit mainstream headlines for another 3 years, but Weiss’ vision was strong from the outset.

当艾米丽·韦斯(Emily Weiss)在2014年推出《光荣榜》时,她处于领先地位。 “千禧粉红色”再过三年都没有成为主流新闻,但从一开始,魏斯的愿景就很强烈。

As well as her bold direct-to-consumer marketing strategy, which envisioned from the very start a brand based entirely online and marketed predominantly via social media, she had a clear idea of how her packaging would look.


Glossier branding is clean and clear. The font is sans serif, black and stark on a white background — but when colour does appear, that colour is pink.

光泽度较高的品牌干净清晰。 字体为无衬线字体,黑色和白色背景上的鲜明色彩,但是当出现颜色时,该颜色为粉红色。

When I visited the brand’s pop-up shop on Floral Street in London’s Covent Garden earlier this year (with my daughter, of course), Covid-19 was not yet a thing and hordes of teenagers and twenty-something girls were queueing several blocks deep to take selfies next to the pastel-pink rooftops and floral walls that formed the 3D backdrop to the flatlay-style cosmetics displays.

当我今年早些时候( 当然是和我的女儿)在伦敦考文特花园的花卉街上访问该品牌的快闪店时,Covid-19尚不算什么,成群的十几岁的少年和二十多岁的女孩正在排队几个街区在粉彩粉红色的屋顶和花墙旁边拍照,这些花色形成了平板式化妆品展示的3D背景。

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Image source: author’s own

The actual stock was not on show. We placed our orders via sleek iPad screens touted by pink-jumpsuited staff members, who then retreated behind a pink curtain and brought our purchases out in iconic pink bubblewrap pouches, tucked into pink floral bags.

未显示实际库存。 我们通过光滑的iPad屏幕下订单,这些屏幕由穿着粉色连身衣的工作人员吹捧,然后他们退回到粉红色的窗帘后面,然后将我们的购物装进标志性的粉红色气泡包装袋中,塞入粉红色的花袋中。

It was, honestly, a bit like being doused in candy floss. But my daughter loved it and she spent money. Most everybody in that tiny shop was spending. More importantly, everybody was documenting their spending online, thus promoting the brand for free. And it had already been growing fast online for 5 years.

老实说,这有点像被棉花糖所浸没。 但是我女儿喜欢它,所以花了钱。 那个小商店里的大多数人都在消费。 更重要的是,每个人都在网上记录他们的消费,从而免费推广该品牌。 而且它已经在网上快速增长了5年。

凯莉·斯凯(Kylie Skin):保持趋势 (Kylie Skin: Carrying On the Trend)

Five years after Glossier’s soaring success began (from $2m seed capital, the brand had grown to $1.2bn by March 2019), Kylie Jenner launched Kylie Skin, the May 2019 addition to her existing cosmetic brand Kylie Cosmetics, which had begun in 2015 with her famous “lip kits”.

在Glossier的飞速成功开始五年( 从200万美元的种子资金开始,到2019年3月,该品牌已增长至12亿美元 )之后,Kylie Jenner推出了Kylie Skin,这是她现有化妆品品牌Kylie Cosmetics于2019年5月推出的产品,该品牌于2015年开始她著名的“唇包”。

The lip kits were introduced in monochrome boxes, with white writing and graphics on a black background. The Kylie Skin product drop, though? Pastel pink, all the way. Put the name into Google and it’s a positive sea of pink.

口红套装被引入单色盒中,在黑色背景上带有白色文字和图形。 Kylie Skin产品下降了吗? 柔和的粉红色,一直。 将该名称放到Google中,这是一片充满希望的粉红色海洋。

Kylie Jenner, world-famous and a consummate veteran of the social media scene, knows her market inside-out. She, or her marketing team, knew that by choosing that particular shade they would be virtually guaranteed to enhance the inherent attraction of a range that, due to its founder’s huge fame, was already pretty much guaranteed to succeed.

举世闻名,社交媒体领域资深人士Kylie Jenner全面了解自己的市场。 她或她的营销团队知道,通过选择特定的阴影,实际上可以保证它们增强了该系列的内在吸引力,由于该系列的创始人声名fa起,已经可以保证成功。

为什么无处可去 (Why It’s Going Nowhere)

There’s something delightful, I think, about the use in serious big-dollar marketing of a colour so often associated historically with babies; with “sugar and spice and all things nice”; with dolls and cupcakes and candy.

我认为,在严肃的大美元营销中使用一种在历史上经常与婴儿相关的颜色是一件令人愉快的事情。 带有“糖和香料,一切都很好”; 与娃娃,纸杯蛋糕和糖果。

Today’s pink is still an undeniably feminine hue, but it’s carving a noticeable wodge of space in an arena typically dominated by wordy, faux-scientific labels on brown glass bottles, or by monochrome, such as the white-on-black historically favoured by brands like Chanel or YSL.


Women in business don’t need to hide any more behind the sort of branding that they think will be taken seriously by men. It’s a subtle but definite shift. But it’s a shift, too, away from the Victoria’s Secret-style Barbie pink, the sort of pink that men think women like. This new pink doesn’t need to be sexy, and as a result, it’s somehow sexier than ever.

从事商务活动的女性无需再将隐藏的品牌隐藏在她们认为男性会重视的品牌背后。 这是一个微妙但确定的转变。 但这也与维多利亚秘密风格的芭比粉红色( 一种男人认为女人喜欢的粉红色)有所不同 。 这种新的粉红色不需要性感,因此,它比以前更性感。

The pale Millennial pink used by today’s big hitters, with its clear neat logos and no-nonsense fonts, is a new force. It’s feminine but it’s not infantilising. It’s pretty on a bathroom shelf, but it speaks to the purported quality of the products it houses. It’s not just a pretty face.

当今的大型击球手使用的浅蓝色千禧年粉红色具有清晰利落的徽标和简洁的字体是一种新生力量。 这是女性的,但不是婴儿。 它很漂亮,放在浴室的架子上,但是它所声称的所声称的产品质量却可以证明这一点。 这不仅是一张漂亮的脸。

Most importantly, it speaks to the people who buy it and the sort of world they live in.


If you’re launching a line of cosmetics in the 2020s, a decent bet for swift organic growth is to harness the power of social media marketing. And the best way to harness that is to make your product pop in pictures.

如果您要在2020年代推出一系列化妆品,那么快速有机增长的一个不错选择就是利用社交媒体营销的力量。 最好的利用方法就是使您的产品在图片中弹出。

Millennial pink, clearly, is the colour right now to make that happen.


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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Being designers from an underestimated group, BABD members know what it feels like to be “the only one” on their design teams. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in.海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 作为来自一个被低估的团队的设计师,BABD的成员知道成为设计团队中“唯一的一个”的感觉。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/the-evergreen-power-of-pink-eb7f4762eae0





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