动画 制作_您希望制作的10个醒目的徽标动画

动画 制作

重点 (Top highlight)

标志设计 (Logo Design)

Have you ever watched paint dry? No? I didn’t think so. How about watched a turtle crossing the road? Probably not. Maybe spent an hour standing in line at the post office? Well that’s pretty likely. But isn’t it so boring?

你看过油漆干吗? 没有? 我不这么认为。 看着乌龟过马路怎么样? 可能不是。 也许花一个小时在邮局排队吗? 好吧,这很有可能。 但这不是很无聊吗?

Without movement, things lose their buzz. Motion is exciting. It often tells a story that text or static images could not do alone. That’s why animated logos have taken a rise in the last few years.

没有运动,事情就会失去嗡嗡声。 动作令人兴奋。 它经常讲述一个故事,即文本或静态图像不能单独完成。 这就是为什么动画徽标在最近几年中呈上升趋势的原因。

为什么要为徽标制作动画 (Why animate a logo)

Our eyes gravitate to things that move. Large corporations like Google have invested time and money in giving their logo a life of its own. Google’s Daily Doodles are displayed on their homepage. It separates the top search engine from others and only deepens their brand value to the communities it serves.

我们的目光吸引了动静的事物。 像Google这样的大公司已经投入了时间和金钱来赋予其徽标以自己的生命。 Google的每日涂鸦显示在其首页上。 它将顶级搜索引擎与其他搜索引擎分开,仅将其品牌价值加深到其服务的社区。

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Google celebrated Mother’s Day with this lovely animationGoogle以可爱的动画庆祝母亲节

The animations don’t drive sales, improve traffic, or guarantee customers. However, the consistency and quality of the Daily Doodles change how we think of Google. They humanize the company.

动画不会推动销售,提高流量或保证客户。 但是,Daily Doodles的一致性和质量改变了我们对Google的看法。 他们使公司人性化。

The investment is not for short term profits, but to increase brand longevity. The benefits of an animated logo go deeper than money:

该投资不是为了短期利润,而是为了增加品牌寿命。 动画徽标的好处比金钱更重要:

  • Stand out amongst direct and indirect competitors — we are seeing more companies use simple shapes and structures in their logo. Colors have also been toned down and limited to the primary group. It can be all too easy for logos to share a common thread in their appearance. Adding animation can set your logo apart.

    直接和间接竞争者中脱颖而出 -我们看到越来越多的公司在徽标中使用简单的形状和结构。 颜色也已调低,仅限于主要人群。 徽标在外观上共享一个公共线程可能太容易了。 添加动画可以将徽标分开。

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Don’t these logos share an eerily similar style? In 2017, PayPal filed a lawsuit against Pandora over the similarity
这些徽标难道不具有相似的风格吗? 2017年, 贝宝(PayPal)就相似之处向潘多拉(Pandora)提起诉讼
  • Capture your visitor’s attention — With so many product options out there, companies have only seconds to share who they are. People will remember your brand if you send a strong signal at the beginning.

    吸引您的访客的注意力 -有了如此众多的产品选择,公司仅需几秒钟即可分享他们的身份。 如果您在一开始就发出强烈的信号,人们就会记住您的品牌。

  • Evoke emotions — you want people to feel something when they come in contact with any touchpoint of your brand. Of course you want those emotions to always be positive. With animation you can trigger surprise, excitement, and other positive emotions.

    唤起情感 -您希望人们在与您品牌的任何接触点接触时都能感受到某种感觉。 当然,您希望这些情绪始终是积极的。 借助动画,您可以引发惊喜,兴奋和其他积极情绪。

  • Communicate your story — a strong story is easier to relate to. If you can quickly share who your company is, the value you bring, and what you care about, customers are more likely to connect with your brand.

    交流您的故事 -精彩的故事更容易讲述。 如果您可以快速分享您的公司,您带来的价值以及您关心的是什么,则客户更有可能与您的品牌建立联系。

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Hamza Ouaziz takes 5 seconds to share PayPal’s story and missionHamza Ouaziz制作的动画耗时5秒分享PayPal的故事和任务

You do not need to be a billion-dollar company to transform your logo into something exciting. Animations look great on any logo! Here are some to inspire you:

您无需成为一家市值十亿美元的公司,即可将您的徽标转变为令人兴奋的东西。 动画在任何徽标上看起来都很棒! 以下是一些启发您的方法:

1.)好习惯 by Wevoke (1.) Goodhabitz by Wevoke)

Doesn’t it just look amazing when a logo’s proportions are all in check? Each letter extends perfectly to its cap line and falls on the baseline just as well. The structure of a design will either make or break an animation. Now that’s a good habit to never break.

当徽标的比例全部受到控制时,它看起来并不令人惊奇吗? 每个字母都完美地延伸到其上限线,并且也落在基线上。 设计的结构将制作或破坏动画。 现在,这是一个永不中断的好习惯。

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Goodhabitz by Wevoke的WevokeGoodhabitz

2.) Mate Miminoshvili的 台球 (2.) Billiards by Mate Miminoshvili)

A direct shot into the corner pocket! This animation by Mate Miminoshvili is playful and physics induced. The transformations of the B and the dot over the first “i” into the white ball was nothing short of spectacular.

直接射入角口袋! Mate Miminoshvili的动画很有趣,而且是物理诱发的。 B和第一个“ i”上的点到白球的变换简直是壮观。

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Billiards by 台球 Mate MiminoshviliMate Miminoshvili

3.) Tubik的Gotikket (3.) Gotikket by Tubik)

Some logo animations just make you feel happy inside. Maybe it’s the smile, but I love this little face! Gotikket is an easy-to-use service helping travelers stay covered as they get to their destinations.

一些徽标动画只会使您内心感到高兴。 也许是微笑,但我喜欢这张小脸! Gotikket是一项易于使用的服务,可帮助旅行者在到达目的地时保持掩护。

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Gotikket by 图比克的TubikGotikket

4.) 匹标志由匹 (4.) Pivotal Logo by Pivotal)

Now this is how you make a splash with your debut logo. Did you catch the fading debris at the end?

现在,这就是您如何用首次亮相的徽标引起轰动的方式。 末尾您是否捕捉到了褪色的碎片?

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Pivotal Logo by 关键标志由Pivotal枢纽

5.) FourPlus Studios提供的 FourPlus Studio标志动画 (5.) FourPlus Studio Logo Animation by FourPlus Studios)

The almighty infinite loop. I could just stare at it for days. This is a very smooth animation. Do you guys notice the pull and shadow around each curve? The attention to detail delivers this one flawlessly.

万能的无限循环。 我可以盯着它看几天。 这是一个非常流畅的动画。 你们注意到每个曲线周围的拉力和阴影了吗? 对细节的关注完美地体现了这一点。

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FourPlus Studio Logo Animation by FourPlus Studios的 FourPlus StudiosFourPlus Studio标志动画

6.) Brien Hopkins的 AI徽标和动画 (6.) A.I. Logo & Animation by Brien Hopkins)

Usually you don’t want a logo up for interpretation. Keeping it simple and straightforward eliminates confusion, but this one… this is just fun. What do you see? A cube? A fingerprint? A maze?

通常,您不希望徽标用于解释。 保持简单明了可以消除混乱,但是这一点……这很有趣。 你看到了什么? 一个立方体? 指纹? 迷宫?

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A.I. Logo & Animation by Brien Hopkins的 Brien HopkinsAI徽标和动画

7.) 百老汇大道368号 Casey Neistat概念徽标 by Julien (7.) 368 Broadway Av. Casey Neistat Concept Logo by Julien)

Wait until the end. Nothing fancy or explosive. Just some good old fashion squares and numbers. Sometimes that’s all it takes.

等到最后。 没有幻想或爆炸。 只是一些很好的旧时尚方块和数字。 有时,仅此而已。

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368 Broadway Av. Casey Neistat Concept Logo by Julien
百老汇大道368号 Casey Neistat概念徽标 by Julien

8.) 易趣由Cyrill Durigon (8.) Ebay by Cyrill Durigon)

Cyrill brings us into the future with this one and expands the well-known eBay color scheme into a palette fit for an eCommerce giant.


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Ebay by 易趣 ( Cyrill DurigonCyrill Durigon)

9.) 芥末媒体徽标 , 詹姆斯·大卫·霍顿 ( James David Horton) (9.) Mustard Media Logo by James David Horton)

Isn’t it amazing the things a designer can conjure up with one shape? Very reminiscent of the TARS robot from Interstellar. If you haven’t seen the movie, do yourself a favor. Grab a box of tissues and then go see it.

设计师可以用一种形状来构想的东西难道令人惊讶吗? 非常让人联想到《星际穿越》中的TARS机器人。 如果您还没有看过电影,请帮个忙。 拿一盒纸巾,然后去看看。

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Mustard Media Logo by James David Horton
詹姆斯·大卫·霍顿 ( James David Horton)的 Mustard Media徽标

10.) 三星 ( Pavel Pavlov) (10.) ThreeStars by Pavel Pavlov)

I love that we get a bit of the process on this one. Notice that the finished design is not a blatant visual representation of the brand name. Instead the abstract shape provides a unique identity and moves away from the obvious.

我喜欢我们对此进行了一些处理。 请注意,完成的设计不是品牌名称的醒目外观。 取而代之的是,抽象形状提供了唯一的标识,并远离明显的形状。

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ThreeStars by Pavel Pavlov的 Pavel PavlovThreeStars

A logo animation depends on factors like the product or service, nature of the brand, and so on. Crafting a logo is a job for a skilled graphic designer. An animator or a motion graphics expert takes that skillset to the next level.

徽标动画取决于产品或服务,品牌性质等因素。 制作徽标是熟练的图形设计师的工作。 动画师或运动图形专家会将技能提升到新的水平。

Sure an animated logo looks fancy but it leaves an impression in a person’s mind. Anything that sets your business apart is something to look in to. Hopefully these inspired you to give your designs some new energy.

当然,动画徽标看上去很漂亮,但是却给人留下了深刻的印象。 任何使您的业务脱颖而出的事情都值得一看。 希望这些启发您为您的设计注入新的活力。

If I had to pick my top 3, it would be tough but numbers 9, 7, and 6 in that order were my favorites. What about you? Let me know in the comments.

如果必须选出我的前三名,那将是艰难的,但是按顺序排列的数字9、7和6是我的最爱。 你呢? 在评论中让我知道。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/10-eye-catching-logo-animations-youll-wish-you-made-a28f444f5e67

动画 制作




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