

In Covid world, a lot of older users are getting online for the first time or using technology more than they previously had. For some, help may be needed.

在Covid世界中,许多年长用户首次上网或使用的技术比以前更多。 对于某些人,可能需要帮助。

教人们如何钓鱼 (Teaching people how to fish)

I’ve read many stories of people teaching relatives how to use tech to stay connected during this time. It’s great that everyone is helping and caring for every generation.

我读过许多有关教亲戚如何在这段时间使用技术保持联系的故事。 每个人都为每一代人提供帮助和关心,真是太好了。

In fact my neighbours have created a guide for teaching older relatives how to use Facebook and stay connected which is a genius piece of UX thinking, created by non UXers. The ultimate desire path.

实际上,我的邻居们已经创建了一个指南,用于指导年长的亲戚如何使用Facebook和保持联系,这是非UX用户创造的UX思维的天才。 最终的欲望之路

But shouldn’t it be the aim of all products that the user can start using them without human guidance and in-person facilitation?


So why does this not apply to older users?


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这不是新事物 (This is not a new thing)

In some countries, over 65’s are the fastest growing demographic, and these are wealthy countries and people with internet access.

在某些国家/地区中,超过65岁的人口是增长最快的人口,这些国家是富裕国家和拥有互联网访问权限的人 。

However there’s a difference between having internet access, knowing some internet terminology and being technically proficient enough to, for example, make Zoom work for the first time without someone walking you through it.


Example: My mother-in-law has limited mobility, lives alone, but has a laptop and an iPhone and is all over Facebook every day. But now that she has to connect to all her friends via digital channels (not just us long distance) new challenges arise.

示例:我的岳母行动不便,独居,但有笔记本电脑和iPhone,每天都在Facebook上逛逛。 但是现在她必须通过数字渠道(不仅仅是我们的长途电话)与所有朋友联系,新的挑战出现了。

It took a few goes to guide her through her first Zoom chat (using WhatsApp) and few goes on Facetime to get her using WhatsApp. And a few emails to get her using Facetime. What would an older person do without human-based internet tech support?

花了一些时间来指导她完成她的第一次Zoom聊天(使用WhatsApp),并花了很少的时间在Facetime上使她使用WhatsApp。 还有几封电子邮件让她使用Facetime。 如果没有基于人类的互联网技术支持,老年人会做什么?

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所以有什么问题? (So what’s the problem?)

There is a learning curve with any new product or technology. And it’s steeper and harder if you don’t have an existing mental model to build on.

任何新产品或新技术都有一个学习曲线。 如果您没有现有的心理模型可以建立,这将变得越来越困难。

Products and services are being developed for older users all the time, but across the digital channels and platforms that sell and provide access to them we’re failing to get the basics right in order to make these services accessible.

产品和服务一直在为年龄较大的用户开发,但是在销售和提供给他们的数字渠道和平台上,我们未能使这些服务可访问性 的基础知识正确 。

学习不一致的平台 (Learning an inconsistent platform)

Basic UX best practice says that digital products should be consistent in terms of visual design, interaction patterns etc. Commandment #4. And yet so much of digital design work is making things more “wow” — unique, different, inventing shiny new ways of doing UI so that you have something to put on Dribbbbbbbble.

基本的UX最佳实践表明,数字产品在视觉设计,交互模式等方面应保持一致。 指令4 。 然而,大量的数字设计工作正在使事情变得更“哇”-独特,不同,发明了闪亮的UI新方法,以便您可以在Dribbbbbbbble上放点东西。

Stop it.


Instead, try making stuff look like and behave like things should look and behave on the internet so that the users have a chance of working out how to use it.


If new patterns emerge then great, but test them with ALL types of users to ensure that they work for all. And no, neumorphism is not accessible to all. Case in point. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

如果出现了新的模式,那就太好了,但是请对所有类型的用户进行测试,以确保它们适用于所有人。 而且, 并非所有人都无法获得神经变态 。 举个例子。 仅仅因为您可以,并不意味着您应该。

学习信任的东西 (Learning what to trust)

There are things that we know are bad on the internet, that annoy us but that we know how to manage. We can use pop-up and ad blockers, make choices about cookies, we mostly know the difference between safe and dodgy looking apps. Some can also see the manipulative sales text and behavioural nudges that litter sites like Not all users do.

我们知道有些事情在互联网上是不好的,使我们烦恼,但我们知道如何管理。 我们可以使用弹出式窗口拦截器和广告拦截器,对Cookie进行选择,我们大多数都知道安全和躲猫猫应用程序之间的区别。 一些人还可以看到操纵性的销售文字和行为轻描淡写,像垃圾旅馆这样的网站。 并非所有用户都这样做。

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尝试浏览愚蠢的小字体和按钮 (Trying to navigate your stupidly small fonts and buttons)

I really, really hate font sizes and buttons that are too small. It’s not just Fitts Law applied to all humans, it’s tiny stuff, especially on mobile phones, being used by anyone over 44.

我真的非常讨厌字体大小和按钮太小。 不仅Fitts Law适用于所有人类,而且还很小,尤其是在手机上,供44岁以上的任何人使用。

I hate seeing people struggling because some excited young designer drew what they wanted and ignored all UX best practice and accessibility guidelines. If they even knew they existed in the first place.

我讨厌看到人们苦苦挣扎,因为一些激动的年轻设计师画了他们想要的东西,却忽略了所有UX最佳实践和可访问性准则。 如果他们甚至知道他们首先存在。

And don’t get me started on colour contrasts.

而且不要让我开始进行颜色对比 。

了解事物的含义 (Understanding what things mean)

UX writing is super important for tools and services used by older users. Yes it’s important all the time, but here more than ever.

UX编写对于老用户使用的工具和服务非常重要。 是的,这一直很重要,但比以往任何时候都重要。

Cookies? Captchas? Hashtags? Malware? It’s only 10 years since the general population of New York didn’t know what a web browser is.

饼干? 验证码? 标签? 恶意软件? 自纽约大众不知道什么是网络浏览器以来只有10年了。

Sure there are super-literate, digitally savvy customers who happen to be over 65, but it’s not the majority. Write clearly. And user test.

当然,有一些识字能力强,精通数字技术的客户刚好超过65岁,但这并不是大多数。 写清楚。 和用户测试。

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为什么在设计更多东西时就不会考虑老用户? (Why aren’t more things designed with older users in mind?)

There are many reasons why the internet, and digital and mobile products aren’t designed for older users.


  • Understanding principles of accessible design requires effort.


  • Applying accessibility standards to digital design generates design challenges which some people don’t want to face. Some might say accessibility makes website design boring. Some clients might insist on shiny things that use their inaccessible brand colour palette. Some might say it’s a design challenge, pull your finger out.

    将无障碍标准应用于数字设计会带来一些人们不想面对的设计挑战 。 有人可能说可访问性使网站设计变得无聊。 一些客户可能会坚持使用无法访问的品牌调色板进行闪亮处理。 有人可能会说这是一个设计挑战,请拔出手指。

  • You don’t have to do it. Unless you are working on a government or public sector tool, or your product is specifically targeting older users, it is less likely that someone will make you change your approach.

    您不必这样做。 除非您使用的是政府或公共部门的工具,或者您的产品专门针对年长的用户,否则不太可能有人会让您改变您的方法。

  • It’s not sexy. Again, the stuff on Dribbbbbble doesn’t look like the website. However, it is the place to go if you want to (not) see white text on a pastel background.

    不性感 同样,Dribbbbbble上的内容看起来不像gov.uk网站。 但是,如果您希望(不要)在柔和的背景上看到白色文本,则可以使用它。

  • Most designers are not over 65 and so ironically for people working in UX, lack empathy.

    大多数设计师的年龄不超过65岁 ,因此对于UX工作的人来说,缺乏同情心是很讽刺的。

  • Most designers won’t really fight for the users. I have lost count over the number of times I’ve lost my sh*t over lazy colour contrasts. I don’t get it right all the time, but I’ll try to understand what users need, insist on accessible design standards and argue with clients until I’m blue in the face, then let the law deal with them.

    大多数设计师不会真正为用户而战。 我已经失去了因懒惰的色彩对比而迷失的次数。 我并不是一直都做对 ,但我会尽力了解用户的需求,坚持可访问的设计标准,并与客户争辩,直到我满脸沮丧,然后让法律对他们进行处理 。

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我们不能再这样做了 (We can’t do this anymore)

Honestly, if the internet suddenly decided to discriminate against other groups and, for example, removed the ability to access or perceive endless streams of 3 second selfie videos, someone would soon fix it.


You can make your designs and experiences work not only for older users but all users by simply following UX best practice and WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 guidelines. It’s science, but it’s not rocket science.

您只需遵循UX最佳实践以及WCAG 2.0和2.1准则,就可以使您的设计和体验不仅对年长的用户有效,而且对所有用户有效。 这是科学,但不是火箭科学。

You can provide links on your website or tool to online resources that specifically help and support older users in getting online.


You can also follow some basic principles in your every day work and stand up to the forces of laziness and stupidity.


What would we do, if we really cared….


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Covid时代的包容性设计宣言: (A manifesto for inclusive design in the age of Covid:)

  • I will design all websites and digital products to be (at least) AA accessible as standard

  • I will only allow my designs to be inaccessible if the client takes on the legal and moral responsibility for their failure in writing


  • I will conduct user testing with users of all ages

  • I will do everything in my power to make the client and the rest of the product team watch this user testing

  • I will design product onboarding as if my grandmother is using it for the first time and I’m not there to help.


(add more in the comments if you have ‘em)


Let’s stop being *ssholes and make “digital self-service” a reality for all users.







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