halcon/c++接口基础 之 控制参数


  • 离散数字(long)
  • 浮点数字(double)
  • 字符串(char*)



The Basic Class for Control Parameters


typedef long long Hlong;HCtrlVal(void)
Default constructor. HCtrlVal(Hlong l)
Constructing a value from long.HCtrlVal(int l)
Constructing a value from int.HCtrlVal(double d)
Constructing a value from double. HCtrlVal(const char *s)
Constructing a value from char *. HCtrlVal(const HCtrlVal &v)
Copy constructor. ~HCtrlVal(void)
Destructor. HCtrlVal& operator = (const HCtrlVal &v)
Assignment operator. int ValType() const
Type of a value (O: Hlong, int; 1: float, double; 2: string). 
enum HCtrlType {LongVal   = LONG_PAR, DoubleVal = DOUBLE_PAR,StringVal = STRING_PAR,UndefVal  = UNDEF_PAR
};operator int(void) const
Conversion to int. operator Hlong(void) const
Conversion to long. operator double(void) const
Conversion to double. operator const char*(void) const
Conversion to char *. double D() const
Accessing a value and conversion to double. Hlong L() const
Accessing a value and conversion to Hlong. int I() const
Accessing a value and conversion to int. const char *S() const
Accessing a value and conversion to char *. HCtrlVal operator + (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Adding two values. HCtrlVal operator - (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Subtracting two values. HCtrlVal operator * (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Multiplying two values. HCtrlVal operator / (const HCtrlVal &val) const
Division of two values. 



  • double D() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to double.

  • long L() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to long.

  • int I() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to int.

  • const char *S() const
    Accessing a value and conversion to char *.




  • HTuple(int length, const HTuple \&value)
    构造指定长度的常数组,同 tuple_gen_const.
  • HCtrlVal &operator [] (int i)
  • HCtrlVal operator [] (int i) const


  • HTuple operator + (const HTuple &val) const
    Adding two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_add. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator + (double &val) const
    HTuple operator + (int &val) const
    Adding a number to each element of the tuple, similar to the operator tuple_add.

  • HTuple operator - (const HTuple &val) const
    Subtracting two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_sub. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator - (double &val) const
    HTuple operator - (int &val) const
    Subtracting a number from each element of the tuple, similar to the operator tuple_sub.

  • HTuple operator * (const HTuple &val) const
    Multiplying two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_mult. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator * (double &val) const
    HTuple operator * (int &val) const
    Multiplying a number with each element of the tuple, similar to the operator tuple_mult.

  • HTuple operator / (const HTuple &val) const
    Division of two tuples element by element, similar to the operator tuple_div. The arrays have to be of the same size.

  • HTuple operator / (double &val) const
    HTuple operator / (int &val) const
    Division of each element of the tuple by a number, similar to the operator tuple_div.


#include "HalconCpp.h"
using namespace Halcon;
#include "HIOStream.h"
#if !defined(USE_IOSTREAM_H)
using namespace std;
#endifvoid main()
{HTuple  t;cout << t.Num() << '\n';             // The length of the tuple is 0t[0] = 0.815;                        // Assigning values to the tuplet[1] = 42;t[2] = "HAL";cout << t.Num() << '\n';             // The length of the tuple is 3cout << "HTuple = " << t << '\n';    // Using the << operator double d = t[0];                     // Accessing the tuple, if theint   l = t[1];                     // the types of the elements//Hlong l=t[1];const char  *s = t[2];               // are known// Accessing the tuple, if the types of the elements are knownprintf("Values: %g %ld %s\n", t[0].D(), t[1].L(), t[2].S());


最突出的类是HWindow.自从Halcon 6.1开始,HALCON/C++也提供了访问文件或者功能的句柄类,如图像获取装置,测量,或者基于形状的匹配。




  • HWindow(int Row=0, int Column=0,
    int Width=-1, int Height=-1,
    int Father = 0, const char *Mode = “”,
    const char *Host = “”)
    Default constructor. The constructed window is opened.

  • ~HWindow(void)
    Destructor. This closes the window.

  • void Click(void) const

  • HDPoint2D GetMbutton(int *button) const
    HDPoint2D GetMbutton(void) const

    获取鼠标点击时的坐标,和鼠标的类型。见 get_mbutton.
    Left button,
    Middle button,
    Right button.

  • HDPoint2D GetMposition(int *button) const
    HDPoint2D GetMposition(void) const
    获取鼠标的位置和鼠标的点击类型,不要求鼠标一定要点击。见 get_mposition.

  • HCircle DrawCircle(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw a circle in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_circle.

  • HEllipse DrawEllipse(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw an ellipse in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_ellipse.

  • HRectangle1 DrawRectangle1(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_rectangle1.

  • HRectangle2 DrawRectangle2(void) const
    Waiting for the user to draw a rectangle with an arbitrary orientation and size in the window, see the reference manual entry of draw_rectangle2.


#include "HalconCpp.h"
using namespace Halcon;void main()
{HImage  image("E:\\halcon\\images\\control_unit.png");     // Reading an image from a fileHWindow w;                         // Opening an appropriate windowimage.Display(w);                  // Display the imagew.SetLut("change2");               // Set a lookup tablew.Click();                         // Waiting for a mouse clickw.SetLut("default");               // Set the default lookup tablew.SetPart(100, 100, 200, 200);        // Set a part of the windowimage.Display(w);w.Click();// Adapting the part to the image againw.SetPart(0, 0, image.Height() - 1, image.Width() - 1);image.Display(w);HRegionArray regs = image.Regiongrowing(1, 1, 4, 100);w.SetDraw("margin");w.SetColored(6);regs.Display(w);w.Click();image.Display(w);w.SetShape("rectangle1");regs.Display(w);

The lookup table is changed afterwards, and the program waits for a mouse click in the window. A part of the image is zoomed now, and the program waits again for a mouse click in the window. By applying a region growing algorithm from the HALCON library (Regiongrowing) regions are generated and displayed in the window. Only the margin of the regions is displayed. It is displayed in 6 different colors in the window. The example ends with another way of displaying the shape of regions. The smallest rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes surrounding each region is displayed.





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