Wi-Fi 6E vs. Wi-Fi 7: Which is the Best Fit for Your Infrastructure?

Wi-Fi 6E vs. Wi-Fi 7: Which is the Best Fit for Your Infrastructure?

With the rapid advancement of wireless technology, organizations face a critical decision: should they adopt Wi-Fi 6E now or wait for Wi-Fi 7? This decision impacts various aspects of the network, including refresh cycles, application performance, client ecosystem compatibility, and existing infrastructure. Here's a comprehensive analysis to help determine the best fit for your infrastructure.

Refresh Cycle Considerations

When planning for a network upgrade, the refresh cycle of both Wi-Fi and switching infrastructure is a key factor.

Wi-Fi 6E: If your refresh cycle is approaching in the next 1-2 years, Wi-Fi 6E is a viable option. It offers substantial improvements over Wi-Fi 6, including the new 6 GHz band that enhances performance and capacity. Wallys' Wi-Fi 6E solutions, such as the DR8072 and DR5018M, provide robust options to leverage this technology effectively.

Wi-Fi 7: For those with a refresh cycle extending to 2-4 years, waiting for Wi-Fi 7 could be more beneficial. Wi-Fi 7 promises significant advancements such as multi-link operation (MLO), 320 MHz channel bandwidth, and enhanced modulation techniques, making it a strong candidate for future-proofing. Wallys' DR9574 solution is expected to support these advanced features, ensuring top-notch performance.

Applications Considerations

The specific needs of your applications, particularly those requiring low latency and high throughput, are crucial in making this decision.

Low Latency Applications: Both Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 aim to reduce latency. However, Wi-Fi 7's features like MLO will likely offer superior performance in latency-sensitive applications such as online gaming, VR, and real-time communications. The forthcoming Wallys DR9574 solution will be particularly beneficial for these use cases.

High Throughput Applications: Wi-Fi 7 supports 320 MHz channels and 4K-QAM modulation, promising higher throughput compared to Wi-Fi 6E. Applications involving 8K video streaming, advanced IoT deployments, and large-scale data transfers will benefit more from Wi-Fi 7. For immediate needs, Wallys' Wi-Fi 6E solutions like the DR8072 provide substantial throughput enhancements.

Client Ecosystem Considerations

Understanding your current client population and their refresh timeline is essential for planning an effective upgrade.

Current Client Population: If your existing devices support Wi-Fi 6 or 6E, upgrading to Wi-Fi 6E can yield immediate benefits without significant client-side changes. Wallys' DR5018M solution is ideal for such upgrades.

Refresh of Clients: If you anticipate a major client refresh within a few years, consider the timeline for Wi-Fi 7 device availability. By aligning the network upgrade with the refresh of client devices, you can maximize the benefits of the new technology. Future Wallys DR9574 solutions will ensure your network is ready for the latest clients.

Infrastructure Considerations

Assessing the compatibility of your existing switching infrastructure with the planned wireless upgrade is critical.

Switching Infrastructure for Wi-Fi 6E: To support the increased throughput of Wi-Fi 6E, multi-gigabit Ethernet switches are necessary. Ensure your network can handle the higher data rates and additional backhaul requirements. Wallys' DR8072 and DR5018M solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with your current infrastructure.

Switching Infrastructure for Wi-Fi 7: Wi-Fi 7 will demand even higher capacities, potentially requiring 10G or 2.5G Ethernet. Evaluate whether your current infrastructure can be upgraded or if new investments are required to support Wi-Fi 7. The Wallys DR9574 solution will be optimized for these higher demands.


Choosing between Wi-Fi 6E and Wi-Fi 7 involves a careful balance of immediate needs and future-proofing considerations. Wi-Fi 6E, available now, offers significant improvements and is ideal for organizations needing an upgrade in the near term. Wi-Fi 7, still in development, promises groundbreaking enhancements and is worth considering if your refresh cycle allows for a longer-term investment.

For applications requiring ultra-low latency and extremely high throughput, Wi-Fi 7 is the better option. However, the decision should also account for the readiness of your client ecosystem and the compatibility of your existing infrastructure. By evaluating these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your organizational goals and technology strategy.

For tailored solutions and more information, contact Wallys at sales1@wallystech.com. Wallys offers a range of Wi-Fi 6E solutions like the DR8072 and DR5018M, as well as upcoming Wi-Fi 7 solutions such as the DR9574.

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About Wallys

Over 16 years, Wallys has been dedicated to providing industrial-grade wireless communication products based on Qualcomm solutions(11n,11ac,11ax,11be). Our offerings include router boards, network cards, antennas, switches, and more. We provide OEM/ODM/JDM services, delivering a one-stop solution from concept to product. Our capabilities are supported by an in-house R&D center and a state-of-the-art production facility.

Software Services:

Customized Web Pages: Featuring your logo for brand consistency.

Special Firmware for Long-Distance Transmission: Improves WiFi stability and optimizes drivers to resist interference.

Driver Optimization

Special Firmware for Special Protocols: Such as TDMA, fast roaming, mesh, and more.

Hardware Services:

PCBA Design and Layout


Custom SOM and SOM Baseboards

Antenna Design

Custom Enclosures

We are committed to assisting your company in developing products that win in the market. For any inquiries or more information, please feel free to reach out to our sales team at: sales1@wallystech.com.

Together, we build the future of industrial wireless communication.





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