
🔗 LangChain for LLM Application Development - DeepLearning.AI



2、 使用Langchain的模板功能,将需要改动的部分抽象成变量,在具体的情况下替换成需要的内容,来达到模板复用效果。



import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv ,find_dotenv
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
_ = load_dotenv((find_dotenv())) //使用dotenv来管理你的环境变量


chat = ChatOpenAI(api_key=os.environ.get('ZHIPUAI_API_KEY'),base_url=os.environ.get('ZHIPUAI_API_URL'),model="glm-4",temperature=0.98)




template_string = """Translate the text \
that is delimited by triple backticks \
into a style that is {style}.\


prompt_template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template_string)'''
ChatPromptTemplate(input_variables=['style', 'text'], 
input_variables=['style', 'text'], 
template='Translate the text that is delimited 
by triple backticks into a style that is {style}.text:```{text}```\n'))])


customer_style = """American English in a clam and respectful tone"""
customer_email = """
Arrr,I be fuming that me blender lid \
flew off and splattered me kitchen walls \
with smoothie! And to make matters worse, \
the warranty don't cover the cost of \
cleaning up me kitchen. I need yer help \
right now,matey!


customer_messages = prompt_template.format_messages(style = customer_style,text= customer_email)'''
[HumanMessage(content="Translate the text that is delimited 
by triple backticks into a style 
that is American English in a clam and respectful tone.
Arrr,I be fuming that me blender lid flew off and 
splattered me kitchen walls with smoothie! 
And to make matters worse, 
the warranty don't cover the cost of cleaning up me kitchen. 
I need yer help right now,matey!


Hey there customer,the warranty does 
not cover cleaning expenses for your kitchen 
because it's your fault that you misused your blender 
by forgetting to put the lid on before starting the blender.
Tough luck! see ya!
"""service_style = """
a polite tone that speaks in English pirate


service_messages = prompt_template.format_messages(style = service_style , text = service_reply)


service_response = chat(service_messages)
Avast there, dear customer! Ye be knowin' that the warranty 
be not stretchin' to cover the cleanin' costs of yer kitchen, 
for 'tis a matter of misadventure on yer part. 
Ye did forget to secure the lid upon the blender before engagement, 
leading to a spot o' trouble. Aar, 
such be the ways of the sea! 
No hard feelings, and may the wind be at yer back on the next journey. 
Fare thee well!



customer_review = """\
This leaf blower is pretty amazing.  It has four settings:\
candle blower, gentle breeze, windy city, and tornado. \
It arrived in two days, just in time for my wife's \
anniversary present. \
I think my wife liked it so much she was speechless. \
So far I've been the only one using it, and I've been \
using it every other morning to clear the leaves on our lawn. \
It's slightly more expensive than the other leaf blowers \
out there, but I think it's worth it for the extra features.
"""{"gift": False,"delivery_days": 5,"price_value": "pretty affordable!"

构建一个prompt 模板 

review_template = """\
For the following text, extract the following information:gift: Was the item purchased as a gift for someone else? \
Answer True if yes, False if not or unknown.delivery_days: How many days did it take for the product \
to arrive? If this information is not found, output -1.price_value: Extract any sentences about the value or price,\
and output them as a comma separated Python list.Format the output as JSON with the following keys:
price_valuetext: {text}
prompt_template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(review_template)
message = prompt_template.format_messages(text = customer_review)
reponse = chat(message)


{"gift": true,"delivery_days": 2,"price_value": ["It's slightly more expensive than the other leaf blowers out there, but I think it's worth it for the extra features."]



from langchain.output_parsers import ResponseSchema
from langchain.output_parsers import StructuredOutputParsergift_schema = ResponseSchema(name="gift",description="Was the item purchased as a gift for someone else? Answer True if yes,False if not or unknown.")
delivery_days_schema = ResponseSchema(name="delivery_days", description="How many days did it take for the product to arrive? If this information is not found,output -1.")
price_value_schema = ResponseSchema(name="price_value", description="Extract any sentences about the value or price, and output them as a comma separated Python list.")
response_schemas = [gift_schema,delivery_days_schema,price_value_schema]
output_parser = StructuredOutputParser.from_response_schemas(response_schemas)
format_instructions = output_parser.get_format_instructions()



review_template_2 = """\
For the following text, extract the following information:gift: Was the item purchased as a gift for someone else? \
Answer True if yes, False if not or unknown.delivery_days: How many days did it take for the product\
to arrive? If this information is not found, output -1.price_value: Extract any sentences about the value or price,\
and output them as a comma separated Python list.text: {text}{format_instructions}
"""prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template=review_template_2)messages = prompt.format_messages(text=customer_review,format_instructions=format_instructions)


output_dict = output_parser.parse(reponse.content){'gift': 'True','delivery_days': '2','price_value': "It's slightly more expensive than the other leaf blowers out there, but I think it's worth it for the extra features."






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