Welsh, D.J.A. and Powell, M.B. (1967) An Upper Bound for the Chromatic Number of a Graph and Its Application to Timetabling Problems. 《The Computer Journal》, 10, 85-86.
《The Computer Journal》
1 图着色算法概述
2 伪代码
- 求每个顶点的阶数。
- 按降价顺序列出顶点,即价度(v(i))>=度(v(i+1))。
- 为列表中的第一个顶点上色。
- 沿着已排序的列表向下,为每个未连接到相同颜色上方的有色顶点着色,然后划掉列表中的所有有色顶点。
- 对未着色的顶点重复此过程,使用新颜色始终按度数降序操作,直到所有顶点都按度数降序操作,直到所有顶点都着色为止。
3 源程序
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer.Algorithm
{public class Vertex : IComparable<Vertex>{public int color { get; set; } = 0;public int degree { get; set; } = 0;public int CompareTo(Vertex o){return o.degree - this.degree;}}public class Welch_Powell_Color{public void Welsh_Powell(int n, Vertex[] vertex, int[,] edges){Array.Sort(vertex);int ncolor = 0;int colored_cnt = 0;while (colored_cnt < n){ncolor++;for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){if (vertex[i].color == 0){bool ok = true;for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++){if (edges[i, j] == 1 && vertex[j].color == ncolor){ok = false;break;}}if (!ok){continue;}vertex[i].color = ncolor;colored_cnt++;}}}}}