>select name,count(id) from student group by name;
>select * from users group by users;
>select * from users where id=1 group by 2;
>select * from users where id=1 group by 4;
Order By #对数据进行排列
>select * from users order by 1;
**Limit ** #限制内容输出数量
>select * from emails limit 1,3;
>select * from emails limit 0,3;
And 和 Or #与 和 或
>select * from users where id=3 and name='zhangsan'
>select * from users where id=3 or name='zhangsan'
>select group_concat(id,name,sex) from users;>select database();
>select version();
MIPI(Mobile Industry Processor Interface)是一种用于移动设备的串行接口标准,旨在提供高速、低功耗、低成本的接口解决方案。MIPI联盟是一个全球性的组织,致力于开发、推广和管理MIPI标准。