AutoGen实战应用(一):代码生成、执行和调试_autogen 支持的model-CSDN博客
AutoGen实战应用(二):多代理协作(Multi-Agent Collaboration)-CSDN博客
首先请新建一个python 3.8 以上版本的虚拟环境,并在命令行中执行以下安装命令:
pip install pyautogen
import autogen
from google.colab import userdataconfig_list = [{'model': 'gpt-4','api_key': 'your_openai_api_key',#输入用户自己的api_key}
“从这个地址:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uwdata/draco/master/data/cars.csv 下载数据并绘制可视化图,告诉我weight和horsepower之间的关系。将绘图保存到文件中。在可视化数据集之前打印数据集中的所有字段。”
- User-Proxy: 用户代理,负责代表人类用户发布任务,执行Coder生成的代码,并反馈代码执行结果。
- Coder: 编码员, 负责根据任务描述来生成完成任务所需要的代码。
- Viz Critic: 评审员,负责评审Coder的代码,从多个维度对Coder生成代码进行评分,并提出代码修改意见(如果需要)
llm_config = {"config_list": config_list, "cache_seed": 42}
user_proxy = autogen.UserProxyAgent(name="User_proxy",system_message="A human admin.",code_execution_config={"last_n_messages": 3,"work_dir": "groupchat","use_docker": False,}, # Please set use_docker=True if docker is available to run the generated code. Using docker is safer than running the generated code directly.human_input_mode="NEVER",
coder = autogen.AssistantAgent(name="Coder", # the default assistant agent is capable of solving problems with codellm_config=llm_config,
critic = autogen.AssistantAgent(name="Critic",system_message="""Critic. You are a helpful assistant highly skilled in evaluating the quality of a given visualization code by providing a score from 1 (bad) - 10 (good) while providing clear rationale. YOU MUST CONSIDER VISUALIZATION BEST PRACTICES for each evaluation. Specifically, you can carefully evaluate the code across the following dimensions
- bugs (bugs): are there bugs, logic errors, syntax error or typos? Are there any reasons why the code may fail to compile? How should it be fixed? If ANY bug exists, the bug score MUST be less than 5.
- Data transformation (transformation): Is the data transformed appropriately for the visualization type? E.g., is the dataset appropriated filtered, aggregated, or grouped if needed? If a date field is used, is the date field first converted to a date object etc?
- Goal compliance (compliance): how well the code meets the specified visualization goals?
- Visualization type (type): CONSIDERING BEST PRACTICES, is the visualization type appropriate for the data and intent? Is there a visualization type that would be more effective in conveying insights? If a different visualization type is more appropriate, the score MUST BE LESS THAN 5.
- Data encoding (encoding): Is the data encoded appropriately for the visualization type?
- aesthetics (aesthetics): Are the aesthetics of the visualization appropriate for the visualization type and the data?YOU MUST PROVIDE A SCORE for each of the above dimensions.
{bugs: 0, transformation: 0, compliance: 0, type: 0, encoding: 0, aesthetics: 0}
Do not suggest code.
Finally, based on the critique above, suggest a concrete list of actions that the coder should take to improve the code.
)groupchat = autogen.GroupChat(agents=[user_proxy, coder, critic], messages=[], max_round=20)
manager = autogen.GroupChatManager(groupchat=groupchat, llm_config=llm_config)
这里需要说明的是,这里我们创建了3个agent,1个groupchat组,1个groupchat组的管理员manager, 为了让所有的agent可以相互之间沟通交流,我们把3个agent都放置到了groupchat组中,这样只要某个agent向manager发送消息,groupchat组中的其他agent都能收到消息,这样就实现了agent之间的相互沟通和协作,这里我们还需要说明一下agent中的critic这个角色的作用,我们将其system_message翻译成中文,这样便于大家更好的理解:
user_proxy.initiate_chat(manager,message="""从这个地址:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uwdata/draco/master/data/cars.csv 下载数据并绘制可视化图,告诉我weight和horsepower之间的关系。将绘图保存到文件中。在可视化数据集之前打印数据集中的所有字段。"""
- user_proxy发布任务以后,
- Coder生成代码(打印所有字段),
- user_proxy执行代码并反馈结果,
- Coder生成代码(生成统计图表,并保存文件),
- user_proxy执行代码并反馈结果,
- Critic评审代码,给出分数
- user_proxy再次执行代码并反馈结果。
- Coder 确认执行结果,并给出任务完成标记“TERMINATE”
这里你也许会发现每次Coder生成代码以后, user_proxy抢在Critic评审代码之前先执行了代码,这似乎有点不合理,正确的流程应该是当Coder生成代码以后,Critic先评审代码,如果评审结果OK,那么user_proxy再执行代码,如果评审结果不OK,那么Coder应该修改代码,直至评审结果全部OK以后,user_proxy再来执行代码。我想对于这个问题我们可以修改user_proxy的system_message,让user_proxy必须在Critic评审完代码并确认评审结果OK的情况下再执行代码。读者可以尝试着修改一下user_proxy的system_message看看能否实现这样的逻辑。下面我们看看user_proxy执行代码后生成的图片内容:
from IPython.display import ImageImage(filename="groupchat/weight_vs_horsepower.png")