

  • 一、概述
  • 二、安装
  • 2.1、源码编译安装
  • 2.2、命令行安装
  • 2.3、安装确认
  • 三、重要参数详解
    • 3.1、查询支持的参数
    • 3.2、参数说明
  • 四、实例
    • 4.1、随机测试(默认模式)
    • 4.2、循环测试
    • 4.2、全内存测试

  团队博客: 汽车电子社区



  stressapptest的主要目标是发现难以重现的系统稳定性问题和其他体现在Java虚拟机、KVM Hypervisor和Hadoop集群等普通用例中的Linux系统中的性能问题。它还包括多个测试模式和选项以支持不同测试场景,比如随机测试、循环测试、全内存测试、持续测试等。



// 1.下载源码
git clone https://github.com/stressapptest/stressapptest.git
cd stressapptest
sudo make install



sudo apt-get install stressapptest



  执行如下命令来确认stressapptest 是否安装成功:

stressapptest -h
lyb@ubuntu:~/learn$ stressapptest -h
Stats: SAT revision 1.0.6_autoconf, 64 bit binary
Log: buildd @ lgw01-amd64-022 on Thu Apr  5 10:28:35 UTC 2018 from open source release
Usage: ./sat(32|64) [options]-M mbytes        megabytes of ram to test-H mbytes        minimum megabytes of hugepages to require-s seconds       number of seconds to run-m threads       number of memory copy threads to run-i threads       number of memory invert threads to run-C threads       number of memory CPU stress threads to run--findfiles      find locations to do disk IO automatically-d device        add a direct write disk thread with block device (or file) 'device'-f filename      add a disk thread with tempfile 'filename'-l logfile       log output to file 'logfile'--max_errors n   exit early after finding 'n' errors-v level         verbosity (0-20), default is 8-W               Use more CPU-stressful memory copy-A               run in degraded mode on incompatible systems-p pagesize      size in bytes of memory chunks--filesize size  size of disk IO tempfiles-n ipaddr        add a network thread connecting to system at 'ipaddr'--listen         run a thread to listen for and respond to network threads.--no_errors      run without checking for ECC or other errors--force_errors   inject false errors to test error handling--force_errors_like_crazy   inject a lot of false errors to test error handling-F               don't result check each transaction--stop_on_errors  Stop after finding the first error.--read-block-size     size of block for reading (-d)--write-block-size    size of block for writing (-d). If not defined, the size of block for writing will be defined as the size of block for reading--segment-size   size of segments to split disk into (-d)--cache-size     size of disk cache (-d)--blocks-per-segment  number of blocks to read/write per segment per iteration (-d)--read-threshold      maximum time (in us) a block read should take (-d)--write-threshold     maximum time (in us) a block write should take (-d)--random-threads      number of random threads for each disk write thread (-d)--destructive    write/wipe disk partition (-d)--monitor_mode   only do ECC error polling, no stress load.--cc_test        do the cache coherency testing--cc_inc_count   number of times to increment the cacheline's member--cc_line_count  number of cache line sized datastructures to allocate for the cache coherency threads to operate--paddr_base     allocate memory starting from this address--pause_delay    delay (in seconds) between power spikes--pause_duration duration (in seconds) of each pause--local_numa     choose memory regions associated with each CPU to be tested by that CPU--remote_numa    choose memory regions not associated with each CPU to be tested by that CPU--interleave_size bytes  size in bytes of each channel's data as interleaved between memory channels--channel_width bits     width in bits of each memory channel--memory_channel u1,u2   defines a comma-separated list of namesfor dram packages in a memory channel.Use multiple times to define multiple channels.




stressapptest -h
lyb@ubuntu:~/learn$ stressapptest -h
Stats: SAT revision 1.0.6_autoconf, 64 bit binary
Log: buildd @ lgw01-amd64-022 on Thu Apr  5 10:28:35 UTC 2018 from open source release
Usage: ./sat(32|64) [options]-M mbytes        megabytes of ram to test-H mbytes        minimum megabytes of hugepages to require-s seconds       number of seconds to run-m threads       number of memory copy threads to run-i threads       number of memory invert threads to run-C threads       number of memory CPU stress threads to run--findfiles      find locations to do disk IO automatically-d device        add a direct write disk thread with block device (or file) 'device'-f filename      add a disk thread with tempfile 'filename'-l logfile       log output to file 'logfile'--max_errors n   exit early after finding 'n' errors-v level         verbosity (0-20), default is 8-W               Use more CPU-stressful memory copy-A               run in degraded mode on incompatible systems-p pagesize      size in bytes of memory chunks--filesize size  size of disk IO tempfiles-n ipaddr        add a network thread connecting to system at 'ipaddr'--listen         run a thread to listen for and respond to network threads.--no_errors      run without checking for ECC or other errors--force_errors   inject false errors to test error handling--force_errors_like_crazy   inject a lot of false errors to test error handling-F               don't result check each transaction--stop_on_errors  Stop after finding the first error.--read-block-size     size of block for reading (-d)--write-block-size    size of block for writing (-d). If not defined, the size of block for writing will be defined as the size of block for reading--segment-size   size of segments to split disk into (-d)--cache-size     size of disk cache (-d)--blocks-per-segment  number of blocks to read/write per segment per iteration (-d)--read-threshold      maximum time (in us) a block read should take (-d)--write-threshold     maximum time (in us) a block write should take (-d)--random-threads      number of random threads for each disk write thread (-d)--destructive    write/wipe disk partition (-d)--monitor_mode   only do ECC error polling, no stress load.--cc_test        do the cache coherency testing--cc_inc_count   number of times to increment the cacheline's member--cc_line_count  number of cache line sized datastructures to allocate for the cache coherency threads to operate--paddr_base     allocate memory starting from this address--pause_delay    delay (in seconds) between power spikes--pause_duration duration (in seconds) of each pause--local_numa     choose memory regions associated with each CPU to be tested by that CPU--remote_numa    choose memory regions not associated with each CPU to be tested by that CPU--interleave_size bytes  size in bytes of each channel's data as interleaved between memory channels--channel_width bits     width in bits of each memory channel--memory_channel u1,u2   defines a comma-separated list of namesfor dram packages in a memory channel.Use multiple times to define multiple channels.


    -s或–timeout: 指定测试运行的总时间,以秒为单位。默认值为0(无限制)。
    -M或–vm-bytes: 指定应用程序所需的内存量,以字节、千字节、兆字节或吉字节为单位。例如,“-M 2048m”表示分配2GB的内存。默认值为0(自动计算)。
    -m或–vm-pattern: 指定要使用的内存模式,如线性、随机、步进等。默认值为“linear”(线性)。
    -c或–cpu-cores: 指定要使用的CPU核心数。例如,“-c 4”将在四个核心上运行测试。默认值为0(使用所有可用核心)。
    –affinity: 将应用程序绑定到指定的CPU核心上,以避免跨核心调度带来的额外开销。例如,“–affinity 0,2,4”将绑定应用程序到第1、3和5个CPU核心上。
    –matrix: 启用矩阵测试模式,该模式可以对整个系统进行更全面的测试,并且需要更长时间才能完成。
    –quiet: 禁止输出详细信息和统计数据,只显示结果摘要信息。
    –log-level: 设置日志级别,以控制输出详细程度。可选值为”debug”、”info”、”warning”、”error”和”critical”。
    –log-file: 将日志输出到指定的文件中,而不是标准输出。
    –version: 显示stressapptest版本信息并退出。








stressapptest -M 100 -s 128 -C 16 -c 8








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