DAY9--learning english




2.mow lawn



5. perpetual

6. extinct

7. thirst






12. firm

13. coincidence

14. spoil

15. astonish

16. blade


18. indigenous




1.spelling these words

1.合集                                                                                                        compilation

2.割草坪                                                                                                      mow lawn

3.小贩                                                                                                        vendor

4.透明的                                                                                                        transparent

5.永恒的                                                                                                        perpetual

6.灭绝的                                                                                                        extinct

7.渴、渴望                                                                                                      thirst

8.不服、违抗                                                                                                defy

9.怨恨                                                                                                        resentment

10.充足的                                                                                                        ample

11.恢复                                                                                                        restore

12.牢固的                                                                                                        firm

13.偶然                                                                                                        coincidence

14.宠爱                                                                                                        spoil

15.使...吃惊                                                                                                astonish

16.刀片                                                                                                        blade

17.刺进                                                                                                         pierce

18.本土的                                                                                                indigenous

19.观点                                                                                                percepective

20.充满活力的                                                                                        vibrant

2.translate these sentenses

(En - Cn)

  1. Compilation: The new album is a compilation of the band's greatest hits from the past decade.
  2. Mow lawn: I need to mow the lawn before the grass gets too tall.
  3. Vendor: The vendor sold hot dogs and soda at the baseball game.
  4. Transparent: The glass is transparent, so you can see through it clearly.
  5. Perspective: Everyone has their own perspective on the situation, so it's important to listen to different opinions.
  6. Extinct: Dinosaurs are extinct, but their remains can still be found in fossils.
  7. Thirst: After running a marathon, I had a thirst that could only be quenched by ice-cold water.
  8. Defy: The rebel army tried to defy the government's orders, but they were eventually caught and punished.
  9. Resentment: She felt resentment towards her sister for always getting more attention from their parents.
  10. Ample: We have ample time to finish the project, so let's take a few extra days to make sure it's perfect.
  11. Restore: The old car was restored to its former glory after months of hard work and dedication.
  12. Firm: The foundation of the building needs to be firm to ensure it doesn't collapse during an earthquake.
  13. Coincidence: It was just a coincidence that we both showed up wearing the same shirt.
  14. Spoil: The parents always spoil their children with gifts and treats.
  15. Astonish: The magician's trick was so incredible that it left the audience completely astonished.
  16. Blade: The knife's blade was sharp enough to easily cut through the tough meat.
  17. Pierce: The needle will pierce your skin, but it should only cause a slight amount of pain.
  18. Indigenous: The tribe has lived in the area for centuries and is considered indigenous to the region.
  19. Perspective: The artist's unique perspective on life is reflected in his paintings.
  20. Vibrant: The city's nightlife is vibrant and exciting, with plenty of bars and clubs to choose from.

  1. 合辑:这张新专辑收录了乐队过去十年的精选歌曲。
  2. 修剪草坪:我需要在草坪长得太高之前修剪草坪。
  3. 小贩:这个小贩在棒球赛上卖热狗和汽水。
  4. 透明:玻璃是透明的,所以你可以清楚地透过它看东西。
  5. 观点:每个人对情况都有自己的看法,所以倾听不同的意见很重要。
  6. 灭绝:恐龙已经灭绝了,但在化石中仍然可以找到它们的遗骸。
  7. 口渴:跑完马拉松后,我口渴得只能用冰水来解渴。
  8. 反抗:叛军试图反抗政府的命令,但他们最终被抓住并受到惩罚。
  9. 怨恨:她对姐姐感到怨恨,因为她总是得到父母更多的关注。
  10. 我们有足够的时间来完成这个项目,所以让我们多花几天时间来确保它完美。
  11. 修复:经过几个月的努力和奉献,这辆旧车恢复了昔日的辉煌。
  12. 坚固:建筑物的地基必须坚固,以确保它在地震中不会倒塌。
  13. 巧合:我们俩穿着同一件衬衫出现纯属巧合。
  14. 溺爱:父母总是用礼物和款待宠坏他们的孩子。
  15. 这个魔术师的魔术是如此的不可思议,使观众完全惊呆了。
  16. 刀刃:刀刃很锋利,可以很容易地切开坚硬的肉。
  17. 穿刺针会刺穿你的皮肤,但只会引起轻微的疼痛。
  18. 土著:该部落在该地区生活了几个世纪,被认为是该地区的土著。
  19. 透视:艺术家对生活的独特视角反映在他的画作中。
  20. 充满活力:这座城市的夜生活充满活力,令人兴奋,有很多酒吧和俱乐部可供选择。

(Cn - En)

  1. Compilation: 这张唱片是过去十年乐队最佳歌曲的合集。 Translation: The album is a compilation of the band's best songs from the past decade.

  2. Mow lawn: 在天气转暖之前,我需要割草坪来清除积雪和杂草。 Translation: I need to mow the lawn to clear away snow and weeds before the weather gets warmer.

  3. Vendor: 在街角,小贩们卖着新鲜的水果和蔬菜。 Translation: On the street corner, vendors sell fresh fruits and vegetables.

  4. Transparent: 这个玻璃杯很透明,你可以清楚地看到里面的水。 Translation: This glass is very transparent, you can see the water inside clearly.

  5. Perspective: 每个人都有自己的观点,所以听取不同的意见很重要。 Translation: Everyone has their own perspective, so it's important to listen to different opinions.

  6. Extinct: 恐龙已经灭绝了,但是它们的遗骸仍然可以在化石中发现。 Translation: Dinosaurs are extinct, but their remains can still be found in fossils.

  7. Thirst: 跑完马拉松后,我口渴得只有冰凉的水才能解渴。 Translation: After running a marathon, I had a thirst that could only be quenched by ice-cold water.

  8. Defy: 叛军试图违抗政府的命令,但最终被抓住并受到惩罚。 Translation: The rebel army tried to defy the government's orders, but they were eventually caught and punished.

  9. Resentment: 她对姐姐总是得到父母更多关注感到怨恨。 Translation: She felt resentment towards her sister for always getting more attention from their parents.

  10. Ample: 我们有充足时间完成项目,所以让我们多花几天时间确保完美无缺。 Translation: We have ample time to finish the project, so let's take a few extra days to make sure it's perfect.

  11. Restore: 经过几个月的艰苦工作和奉献,这辆老爷车被恢复到了它的原貌。 Translation: The old car was restored to its former glory after months of hard work and dedication.

  12. Firm: 建筑物的基础需要坚固,以确保在地震时不会倒塌。 Translation: The foundation of the building needs to be firm to ensure it doesn't collapse during an earthquake.

  13. Coincidence: 我们两个穿着相同的衬衫出现只是巧合。 Translation: It was just a coincidence that we both showed up wearing the same shirt.

  14. Spoil: 父母总是用礼物和零食宠爱孩子们。 Translation: The parents always spoil their children with gifts and treats.

  15. Astonish: 魔术师的魔法如此令人难以置信,让观众完全惊讶。 Translation: The magician's trick was so incredible that it left the audience completely astonished.

  16. Blade: 这把刀的刀片很锋利,可以轻松地切割坚硬的肉类。 Translation: The blade of this knife is sharp enough to easily cut through tough meat.

  17. Pierce: 针头会刺进你的皮肤,但只会引起轻微的疼痛。 Translation: The needle will pierce your skin, but it should only cause a slight amount of pain.

  18. Indigenous: 部落在这个地区已经生活了几个世纪,被认为是土著。 Translation: The tribe has lived in the area for centuries and is considered indigenous to the region.

  19. Perspective: 艺术家对生活的独特观点反映在他的画作中。 Translation: The artist's unique perspective on life is reflected in his paintings.

  20. Vibrant: 这个城市的夜生活充满活力和刺激,有很多酒吧和夜总会可供选择。 Translation: The city's nightlife is vibrant and exciting, with plenty of bars and clubs to choose from. and copy article


Title: The Perpetual Vendor

In a vibrant street market, there was a vendor who specialized in creating compilations of rare and exotic spices. Every morning, he would meticulously mow his small lawn of herbs and plants to ensure the freshest ingredients for his blends. His stall was adorned with transparent glass jars, showcasing the vibrant colors and fragrances of his creations.

From his unique perspective, the vendor believed that the art of blending spices was far from extinct. He defied conventional recipes and created his own signature blends that delighted customers and left them with an insatiable thirst for more. With ample knowledge of herbs, he infused each blend with a firm touch, using his sharp blade to expertly mix the ingredients.

Customers would often be astonished by the depth of flavors in his concoctions. It seemed like a coincidence when the right blend would perfectly complement their cooking styles or cravings. But it was the vendor's talent and dedication that made his creations truly remarkable.

As word spread about his vibrant and indigenous spice blends, customers flocked to his stall, eager to try the latest compilation. The vendor's success was not just about the spices; it was also about the way he restored people's faith in the art of flavor. There was no resentment towards his prices, as customers understood the value of his craftsmanship.

The perpetual vendor continued to inspire others through his work, reminding them of the joy that can be found in the simplest of things, like a well-made spice blend. His passion for his craft was transparent, and it resonated with all who encountered him. He proved that even in a world of fast food and artificial flavors, there was still room for authenticity and a touch of magic.








Title: The Astonishing Coincidence

In a small town, there was a firm known for manufacturing high-quality blades. Their precision and attention to detail were so renowned that their products seemed almost extinct in today's mass-produced world. One day, a coincidental encounter changed the course of their business.

The firm's owner, filled with resentment towards the declining demand for their blades, decided to attend a local festival. As he walked through the vibrant stalls, he stumbled upon a vendor selling antique swords. The vendor's collection was a compilation of historical blades, each with its own unique story.

Intrigued by the transparent passion in the vendor's eyes, the firm's owner struck up a conversation. They shared their perspectives on craftsmanship and the importance of preserving traditional techniques. Little did they know that this encounter would lead to a remarkable collaboration.

The vendor happened to be an expert on ancient sword restoration, while the firm had the knowledge and resources to produce high-quality blades. With their talents combined, they set out on a mission to restore and revive the art of sword making.

Their journey was not without challenges. Many doubted their ability to defy modern production methods and create blades that could rival the craftsmanship of the past. However, fueled by their mutual thirst for excellence, they persevered. Their dedication was reflected in the restored blades that astonished collectors and historians alike.

The success of their collaboration proved that even in a world driven by convenience and efficiency, there was still a demand for the timeless beauty of handcrafted blades. The coincidence that brought them together became a catalyst for change, rekindling an appreciation for the artistry and heritage associated with these weapons.

Through their work, the firm and the vendor not only revived the art of sword making but also inspired others to embrace their own passions and strive for excellence. Their story served as a reminder that sometimes, the most astonishing coincidences can lead to extraordinary achievements.










Title: A Garden of Resentment

In a small suburban neighborhood, a family lived in a house with an ample backyard. Every weekend, the father would mow the lawn, maintaining its firm and neat appearance. However, hidden beneath the surface, resentment was brewing.

The father's perspective on yard work was that it was a necessary chore that needed to be done. He saw it as a way to keep up with societal expectations and maintain the appearance of a perfect home. Unfortunately, his wife and children did not share the same sentiment.

To them, the constant mowing and upkeep of the lawn felt like a way to spoil their weekends. They resented the time and effort it took away from spending quality time together. Their thirst for meaningful experiences and relaxation clashed with the perpetual cycle of lawn maintenance.

As the children grew older, their resentment grew stronger. They defied their father's expectations by neglecting their own chores, refusing to take part in the never-ending battle against nature's growth. The family's once vibrant garden began to wither, mirroring the strained relationships within the household.

One day, an incident pierced through the surface tension. The father accidentally stepped on a hidden blade while mowing, sustaining a minor injury. Astonished by the pain, he realized the significance of his family's resentment. It was time for a change.

The father decided to restore harmony within the family by reevaluating his perspective on lawn care. He recognized that there was more to life than a perfectly manicured lawn. With newfound understanding, he embraced a compromise that allowed for shared responsibilities and dedicated family time.

Gradually, the resentment dissipated, replaced by a sense of unity and understanding. The family's garden became a symbol of their restored relationships, blooming with vibrant flowers and lush greenery. They discovered that true happiness lay not in perfection but in cherishing the moments they spent together.











《something just like this》


I've been reading books of old.The legends and the myths.Achilles and his gold.Hercules and his gifts.Spider-Man's control.And Batman with his fists.And clearly I don't see myself up on that list.


But she said:"Where'd you wanna go?How much you wanna risk?I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts.Some superhero.Some fairy tale bliss.Just something I can turn to.Somebody I can kiss.I want something just like this"


Do-do-doo, do-do-doo, do-do-doo

Oh, I want something just like this.

Do-do-doo, do-do-doo, do-do-doo

Oh, I want something just like this

I want something just like this

I've been reading books of old.The legends and the myths.The testaments they told.The moon and its eclipse.And Superman unrolls a suit before he lifts.But I'm not the kind of person that it fits.


She said, "Where'd you wanna go?How much you wanna risk?I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts.Some superhero.Some fairy tale bliss.Just something I can turn to.Somebody I can miss.I want something just like this."


I want something just like this.

Oh, I want something just like this.

Do-do-doo, do-do-doo, do-do-doo

Oh, I want something just like this.

Do-do-doo, do-do-doo, do-do-doo

Where'd you wanna go?How much you wanna risk?I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts.Some superhero.Some fairy tale bliss.Just something I can turn to.Somebody I can kiss.I want something just like this.

Oh, I want something just like this

Oh, I want something just like this

Oh, I want something just like this






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