- start_xact_command():开始一个事务。
- pg_parse_query():对查询语句进行词法和语法分析,生成一个或者多个初始的语法分析树。
- 进入foreach (parsetree_item, parsetree_list)循环,对每个语法分析树执行查询。
- pg_analyze_and_rewrite():根据语法分析树生成基于Query数据结构的逻辑查询树,并进行重写等操作。
- pg_plan_queries():对逻辑查询树进行优化,生成查询计划。
- CreatePortal():创建Portal, Portal是执行SQL语句的载体,每一条SQL对应唯一的Portal。
- PortalStart():负责进行Portal结构体初始化工作,包括执行算子初始化、内存上下文分配等。
- PortalRun():负责真正的执行和运算,它是执行器的核心。
- PortalDrop():负责最后的清理工作,主要是数据结构、缓存的清理。
- finish_xact_command():完成事务提交。
- EndCommand():通知客户端查询执行完成。
parse_analyze(Node* parseTree, const char* sourceText, Oid* paramTypes, int numParams, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
Query* parse_analyze(Node* parseTree, const char* sourceText, Oid* paramTypes, int numParams, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)//parseTree是语法分析后的语法树,sourceText是整个sql语句(即使是嵌套查询),Oid* paramTypes, int numParams见补充部分,isFirstNode表示当前解析的节点是否是整个查询中的第一个节点???,isCreateView即是否创建视图
{ParseState* pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);//为语义分析的状态结构体分配内存且初始化Query* query = NULL;pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;//最关键函数transformTopLevelStmt,开始分析语法树query = transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, parseTree, isFirstNode, isCreateView);//用完就释放pstate内存 pfree_ext(pstate->p_ref_hook_state);pstate->rightRefState = nullptr;free_parsestate(pstate);query->fixed_paramTypes = paramTypes;query->fixed_numParams = numParams;return query;
入参中的Oid* paramTypes, int numParams是什么?
举个例子,在C++中使用类似于 PostgreSQL 的 libpq 客户端库执行查询时,可以通过绑定变量的方式来提供参数值。示例代码可能如下:
PGresult* result;
const char* paramValues[1];
paramValues[0] = "some_value"; // 用实际的参数值替代占位符
result = PQexecParams(conn, "SELECT column1 FROM table1 WHERE column2 = $1;", 1, NULL, paramValues, NULL, NULL, 0);
具体来说,$1 是一个编号为 1 的参数占位符,表示在实际执行查询时,需要提供一个对应的值作为参数。这个值需要动态地提供。
Oid paramTypes[] = { TEXTOID }; // 数据类型为文本(字符串)
int numParams = 1; // 参数数量为 1
#define FLOAT4OID 700
#define FLOAT8OID 701
#define INTERVALOID 1186
#define BOOLOID 16
#define INT8OID 20
#define INT2OID 21
#define INT4OID 23
#define TEXTOID 25
#define VARCHAROID 1043
#define NUMERICOID 1700
#define INT1OID 5545
#define CSTRINGOID 2275
#define FLOAT8ARRAYOID 1022
#define BOOLARRAYOID 1000
#define TEXTARRAYOID 1009
#define INT4ARRAYOID 1007
#define TIMESTAMPOID 1114
#define BPCHAROID 1042
transformTopLevelStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
Query* transformTopLevelStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
{//如果是select语句则需要进行一些特殊处理if (IsA(parseTree, SelectStmt)) {/*虽然parseTree看起来只是Node类型,而Node也仅有NodeTag属性,而实际上Node是一个父类,SelectStmt、DeleteStmt等都是继承(通过将Node作为自己的属性实现)自Node,这些子类有很多其他属性,这在语法解析时即.y文件在遇到各种sql语句时会生成对应XXXStmt,并根据该sql语句为XXXStmt各个属性赋值。Node是这些子类共有父类,所以适合作为参数类型传入,到时候只需要类型转换一下就实现了多态的功能*/SelectStmt* stmt = (SelectStmt*)parseTree;/*如果select语句涉及到set操作(如UNION、INTERSECT、EXCEPT等)则寻找并指向语法树中的最左子树(即最左select语句)因为是set操作都是左结合的即先按顺序把左边的算完再和右边的搞SELECT column1 FROM table1UNIONSELECT column2 FROM table2INTERSECTSELECT column3 FROM table3;在这个例子中,UNION 先于 INTERSECT 执行,因为它们从左到右结合。在处理这样的查询时,通常需要先处理最左边的 SELECT 语句,然后逐步处理右侧的语句,而生成的语法树中,intersect操作是union操作的父,union左右孩子对应着上面的select语句。*/while (stmt != NULL && stmt->op != SETOP_NONE)stmt = stmt->larg;/*先特殊处理一下含有into子句的select语句,从语法树中提取并单独处理,然后将into从句从原始SelectStmt中移除*/if (stmt->intoClause) {parseTree = parse_into_claues(parseTree, stmt->intoClause);//将into语句等价转换为CREATE TABLE AS,因为into功能上本就是将结果放到into后面跟的名字的表中,通常是临时生成的存在于内存的表,所以就需要创建一个表stmt->intoClause = NULL;}}/*检查是否存在用户自定义的转换钩子函数,如果存在,则调用用户自定义的钩子函数进行语句转换。但一般不会有所以不用管*/if (u_sess->hook_cxt.transformStmtHook != NULL) {return((transformStmtFunc)(u_sess->hook_cxt.transformStmtHook))(pstate, parseTree, isFirstNode, isCreateView);}//最关键函数transformStmtreturn transformStmt(pstate, parseTree, isFirstNode, isCreateView);
transformStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
Query* transformStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
{Query* result = NULL;/*根据语法树根节点判断sql语句的类型,并强转为对应sql类型进行对应处理,nodeTag函数就是获取type属性*/switch (nodeTag(parseTree)) {//插入语句case T_InsertStmt:result = transformInsertStmt(pstate, (InsertStmt*)parseTree);break;//删除语句case T_DeleteStmt:result = transformDeleteStmt(pstate, (DeleteStmt*)parseTree);break;case T_UpdateStmt:result = transformUpdateStmt(pstate, (UpdateStmt*)parseTree);break;case T_MergeStmt:result = transformMergeStmt(pstate, (MergeStmt*)parseTree);break;//查找语句,case T_SelectStmt: {SelectStmt* n = (SelectStmt*)parseTree;/*下面这种情况一般不常用但仍要处理SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1, 'John Doe', 50000),(2, 'Jane Smith', 60000),(3, 'Bob Johnson', 55000)) AS employees(id, name, salary);在这个例子中,valuesLists 是一个包含了三个子链表的主链表。每个子链表表示 VALUES 子句中的一行值*/if (n->valuesLists) {result = transformValuesClause(pstate, n);} //set操作两端的select节点的op都会被设置,这里处理的是无set操作的selectelse if (n->op == SETOP_NONE) {result = transformSelectStmt(pstate, n, isFirstNode, isCreateView);} //处理含set操作的selectelse {result = transformSetOperationStmt(pstate, n);}} break;/** Special cases*/case T_DeclareCursorStmt:result = transformDeclareCursorStmt(pstate, (DeclareCursorStmt*)parseTree);break;case T_ExplainStmt:result = transformExplainStmt(pstate, (ExplainStmt*)parseTree);break;#ifdef PGXCcase T_ExecDirectStmt:result = transformExecDirectStmt(pstate, (ExecDirectStmt*)parseTree);break;
#endifcase T_CreateTableAsStmt:result = transformCreateTableAsStmt(pstate, (CreateTableAsStmt*)parseTree);break;case T_CreateModelStmt:result = transformCreateModelStmt(pstate, (CreateModelStmt*) parseTree);break;case T_PrepareStmt: {PrepareStmt* n = (PrepareStmt *)parseTree;if (IsA(n->query, UserVar)) {Node *uvar = transformExpr(pstate, n->query, EXPR_KIND_OTHER);n->query = (Node *)copyObject((UserVar *)uvar);}result = makeNode(Query);result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;result->utilityStmt = (Node*)parseTree;} break;case T_VariableSetStmt: {VariableSetStmt* stmt = (VariableSetStmt*)parseTree;if (DB_IS_CMPT(B_FORMAT) && stmt->kind == VAR_SET_VALUE &&(u_sess->attr.attr_common.enable_set_variable_b_format || ENABLE_SET_VARIABLES)) {transformVariableSetValueStmt(pstate, stmt);}result = makeNode(Query);result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;result->utilityStmt = (Node*)parseTree;} break;case T_VariableMultiSetStmt: result = transformVariableMutiSetStmt(pstate, (VariableMultiSetStmt*)parseTree);break;case T_CreateEventStmt:result = transformVariableCreateEventStmt(pstate, (CreateEventStmt*) parseTree);break;case T_AlterEventStmt:result = transformVariableAlterEventStmt(pstate, (AlterEventStmt*) parseTree);break;case T_CompositeTypeStmt:result = TransformCompositeTypeStmt(pstate, (CompositeTypeStmt*) parseTree);break;default:/** other statements don't require any transformation; just return* the original parsetree with a Query node plastered on top.*/result = makeNode(Query);result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;result->utilityStmt = (Node*)parseTree;break;}/* To be compatible before multi-relation modification supported. */result->resultRelation = linitial2_int(result->resultRelations);/* Mark as original query until we learn differently */result->querySource = QSRC_ORIGINAL;result->canSetTag = true;/* Mark whether synonym object is in rtables or not. */result->hasSynonyms = pstate->p_hasSynonyms;result->is_flt_frame = pstate->p_is_flt_frame && !IS_ENABLE_RIGHT_REF(pstate->rightRefState);if (nodeTag(parseTree) != T_InsertStmt) {result->rightRefState = nullptr;}PreventCommandDuringSSOndemandRedo(parseTree);return result;
transformSelectStmt(ParseState* pstate, SelectStmt* stmt, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
static Query* transformSelectStmt(ParseState* pstate, SelectStmt* stmt, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
{Query* qry = makeNode(Query);Node* qual = NULL;ListCell* l = NULL;qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;/*看补充了解startWith从句的作用,其实postgres正式支持的是with recursive,不过也兼容了oracle原本特有的start with因此当用户用了start with那么这里startWithClause属性就是非空*/if (stmt->startWithClause != NULL) {/*用于指示是否要在解析 SELECT 语句时添加(作为start with的)起始条件信息*/pstate->p_addStartInfo = true;//tbcpstate->p_sw_selectstmt = stmt;//tbcpstate->origin_with = (WithClause *)copyObject(stmt->withClause);}//with从句if (stmt->withClause) {//stmt->withClause->recursive在语法分析时(具体可见gram.y文件)根据WITH RECURSIVE语句设置为true,WITH时为falseqry->hasRecursive = stmt->withClause->recursive;/*使用 transformWithClause 函数处理 WITH 子句,用List的一个个ListCell装着WITH子句中的CTE下面是一个WITH子句含多个CTE的sql实例:WITHcte1 AS (SELECT * FROM table1),cte2 AS (SELECT * FROM table2)*/qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, stmt->withClause);/*p_hasModifyingCTE 表示 WITH 子句中是否包含修改数据的 CTE(例如,包含 INSERT、UPDATE 或 DELETE 操作的 CTE),但一般不会,我们只需focus于select的情况,示例如下:WITHinserted_employee AS (INSERT INTO employees (name, department_id) VALUES ('John Doe', 1) RETURNING *)*/qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;}//将查询的锁定子句(FOR UPDATE 或 FOR SHARE)存储在解析状态的上下文中,以便后续处理。tbcpstate->p_locking_clause = stmt->lockingClause;/*将查询的窗口子句信息存储在解析状态的上下文中,以便在后续处理中使用。窗口函数通常需要窗口定义信息。tbc*/pstate->p_windowdefs = stmt->windowClause;/*最关键函数,解析from从句即from后面跟的若干个表 */transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->fromClause, isFirstNode, isCreateView);/*处理表的索引提示,将索引提示信息存储在查询的上下文中。tbc*/qry->indexhintList = lappend3(qry->indexhintList, pstate->p_indexhintLists);/* 处理oracle的START WITH从句*/if (shouldTransformStartWithStmt(pstate, stmt, qry)) {transformStartWith(pstate, stmt, qry);}/* transform targetlist */qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList, EXPR_KIND_SELECT_TARGET);/* Transform operator "(+)" to outer join */if (stmt->hasPlus && stmt->whereClause != NULL) {transformOperatorPlus(pstate, &stmt->whereClause);}qry->starStart = list_copy(pstate->p_star_start);qry->starEnd = list_copy(pstate->p_star_end);qry->starOnly = list_copy(pstate->p_star_only);/* mark column origins */markTargetListOrigins(pstate, qry->targetList);/* transform WHERE* Only "(+)" is valid when it's in WhereClause of Select, set the flag to be trure* during transform Whereclause.*/setIgnorePlusFlag(pstate, true);qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause, EXPR_KIND_WHERE, "WHERE");setIgnorePlusFlag(pstate, false);/** Initial processing of HAVING clause is just like WHERE clause.*/qry->havingQual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->havingClause, EXPR_KIND_HAVING, "HAVING");pstate->shouldCheckOrderbyCol = (!ALLOW_ORDERBY_UNDISTINCT_COLUMN &&stmt->distinctClause && linitial(stmt->distinctClause) == NULL &&!IsInitdb && DB_IS_CMPT(B_FORMAT));/** Transform sorting/grouping stuff. Do ORDER BY first because both* transformGroupClause and transformDistinctClause need the results. Note* that these functions can also change the targetList, so it's passed to* them by reference.*/qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(pstate, stmt->sortClause, &qry->targetList, EXPR_KIND_ORDER_BY, true /* fix unknowns */, false /* allow SQL92 rules */);pstate->shouldCheckOrderbyCol = false;/** Transform A_const to columnref type in group by clause, So that repeated group column* will deleted in function transformGroupClause. If not to delete repeated column, for* group by rollup can have error result, because we need set null to non- group column.** select a, b, b* from t1* group by rollup(1, 2), 3;** To this example, column b should not be set to null, but if not to delete repeated column* b will be set to null and two b value is not equal.*/if (include_groupingset((Node*)stmt->groupClause)) {transformGroupConstToColumn(pstate, (Node*)stmt->groupClause, qry->targetList);}qry->groupClause = transformGroupClause(pstate,stmt->groupClause,&qry->groupingSets,&qry->targetList,qry->sortClause,EXPR_KIND_GROUP_BY,false /* allow SQL92 rules */);if (stmt->distinctClause == NIL) {qry->distinctClause = NIL;qry->hasDistinctOn = false;} else if (linitial(stmt->distinctClause) == NULL) {/* We had SELECT DISTINCT */qry->distinctClause = transformDistinctClause(pstate, &qry->targetList, qry->sortClause, false);qry->hasDistinctOn = false;} else {/* We had SELECT DISTINCT ON */qry->distinctClause =transformDistinctOnClause(pstate, stmt->distinctClause, &qry->targetList, qry->sortClause);qry->hasDistinctOn = true;}/* transform LIMIT */qry->limitOffset = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitOffset, EXPR_KIND_OFFSET, "OFFSET");qry->limitCount = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitCount, EXPR_KIND_LIMIT, "LIMIT");/* transform window clauses after we have seen all window functions */qry->windowClause = transformWindowDefinitions(pstate, pstate->p_windowdefs, &qry->targetList);/* resolve any still-unresolved output columns as being type text */if (pstate->p_resolve_unknowns) {resolveTargetListUnknowns(pstate, qry->targetList);}qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;qry->hasWindowFuncs = pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs;if (pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs) {parseCheckWindowFuncs(pstate, qry);}qry->hasTargetSRFs = pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs;qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;foreach (l, stmt->lockingClause) {transformLockingClause(pstate, qry, (LockingClause*)lfirst(l), false);}qry->hintState = stmt->hintState;/** If query is under one insert statement and include a foreign table,* then set top level parsestate p_is_foreignTbl_exist to true.*/if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.td_compatible_truncation && u_sess->attr.attr_sql.sql_compatibility == C_FORMAT &&pstate->p_is_in_insert && checkForeignTableExist(pstate->p_rtable))set_ancestor_ps_contain_foreigntbl(pstate);assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);/* this must be done after collations, for reliable comparison of exprs */if (pstate->p_hasAggs || qry->groupClause || qry->groupingSets || qry->havingQual) {parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);}/** If SelectStmt has been rewrite by startwith/connectby, it should* return as With-Recursive for upper level. So we need to fix fromClause.*/if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {AdaptSWSelectStmt(pstate, stmt);}return qry;
CTE是Common Table Expression,在 SQL 查询中定义临时结果集的方式,类似于一个命名的子查询,可以在查询的其他部分引用
start with类型语句用于处理递归查询,START WITH是Oracle特有的,WITH RECURSIVE这个称呼更常见,如PostgreSQL 和 MySQL,因为是 SQL 标准的一部分,二者功能相似
emp_id | name | manager_id
--------+---------+------------1 | David | 22 | Bob | 13 | Eve | 24 | Alice | NULL5 | Charlie | 1
WITH RECURSIVE EmployeeHierarchy AS (SELECT emp_id, name, manager_idFROM employeesWHERE manager_id IS NULL//这里代表将临时表EmployeeHierarchy初始化为该select语句的结果UNION//下面是对临时表EmployeeHierarchy的递归操作SELECT e.emp_id, e.name, e.manager_idFROM employees e, EmployeeHierarchy eh ON e.manager_id = eh.emp_id
SELECT * FROM EmployeeHierarchy;
emp_id | name | manager_id
--------+---------+------------4 | Alice | NULL2 | Bob | 15 | Charlie | 11 | David | 23 | Eve | 2
transformFromClause(ParseState* pstate, List* frmList, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView, bool addUpdateTable)
WITH cte1 AS (SELECT column1FROM table1WHERE condition1
), cte2 AS (SELECT column2 FROM table2
FROM (SELECT cte1.column1FROM cte1
FROM (WITH cte1 AS (SELECT column1FROM table1)SELECT cte1.column1FROM cte1
void transformFromClause(ParseState* pstate, List* frmList, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView, bool addUpdateTable)
{ListCell* fl = NULL;/** copy original fromClause for future start with rewrite*/if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {pstate->sw_fromClause = (List *)copyObject(frmList);}foreach (fl, frmList) {Node* n = (Node*)lfirst(fl);RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;int rtindex;List* relnamespace = NIL;//最关键,处理from后面跟着的若干表n = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, n, &rte, &rtindex, NULL, NULL, &relnamespace, isFirstNode, isCreateView, false, addUpdateTable);/* Mark the new relnamespace items as visible to LATERAL */setNamespaceLateralState(relnamespace, true, true);checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, pstate->p_relnamespace, relnamespace);pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, n);pstate->p_relnamespace = list_concat(pstate->p_relnamespace, relnamespace);pstate->p_varnamespace = lappend(pstate->p_varnamespace, makeNamespaceItem(rte, true, true));}/** We're done parsing the FROM list, so make all namespace items* unconditionally visible. Note that this will also reset lateral_only* for any namespace items that were already present when we were called;* but those should have been that way already.*/setNamespaceLateralState(pstate->p_relnamespace, false, true);setNamespaceLateralState(pstate->p_varnamespace, false, true);
transformFromClauseItem(ParseState* pstate, Node* n, RangeTblEntry** top_rte, int* top_rti, RangeTblEntry** right_rte, int* right_rti, List** relnamespace, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView, bool isMergeInto, bool addUpdateTable)
Node* transformFromClauseItem(ParseState* pstate, Node* n, RangeTblEntry** top_rte, int* top_rti,RangeTblEntry** right_rte, int* right_rti, List** relnamespace, bool isFirstNode,bool isCreateView, bool isMergeInto, bool addUpdateTable){//如果是from后面跟的是普通的表或者CTE,RangeVar就是普通表的意思if (IsA(n, RangeVar)) {/* Plain relation reference, or perhaps a CTE reference */RangeVar* rv = (RangeVar*)n;RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;/*如果该表没有schemaname作为限定则很有可能是CTE*/if (!rv->schemaname) {CommonTableExpr* cte = NULL;Index levelsup;/*CommonTableExpr* scanNameSpaceForCTE(ParseState* pstate, const char* refname, Index* ctelevelsup){Index levelsup;/*levelsup代表当前CTE位于当前解析状态(即当前子查询)的第几重父解析状态的命名空间,比如levelsup=2,就代表是当前解析状态的爷解析状态(即当前解析状态的父解析状态的父解析状态,解析状态可以理解为外部查询)*/for (levelsup = 0; pstate != NULL; pstate = pstate->parentParseState, levelsup++) {ListCell* lc = NULL;foreach (lc, pstate->p_ctenamespace) {CommonTableExpr* cte = (CommonTableExpr*)lfirst(lc);if (strcmp(cte->ctename, refname) == 0) {*ctelevelsup = levelsup;return cte;}}}return NULL;}*//*从当前解析状态的命名空间开始遍历搜索是否存在rv->relname这个名字的表(即with table_name as的table_name,我们给临时表CTE起的表名,from从句后面的若干表的表名字符串会在语法分析时会生成若干RangeVar节点即表,并对应将表名赋值给RangeVar节点的relname属性,所以这里就相当于解析with语句结束后下面的select语句的from从句中对with的CTE的引用),没有就继续到父解析状态的命名空间遍历找,以此往复,解析状态的命名空间见补充*/cte = scanNameSpaceForCTE(pstate, rv->relname, &levelsup);/*下面这个判断意思是实锤了from后面的入参这个表是CTE,因为在上面scanNameSpaceForCTE找到了这个临时表(CTE)*/if (cte != NULL) {rte = transformCTEReference(pstate, rv, cte, levelsup);}}/* if not found as a CTE, must be a table reference */if (rte == NULL) {rte = transformTableEntry(pstate, rv, isFirstNode, isCreateView);}rtr = transformItem(pstate, rte, top_rte, top_rti, relnamespace);/* If UPDATE multiple relations in sql_compatibility B, add target table here. */if (addUpdateTable) {pstate->p_updateRelations = lappend_int(pstate->p_updateRelations,setTargetTable(pstate, rv, interpretInhOption(rv->inhOpt), true, ACL_UPDATE, true));}/* add startinfo if needed */if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {AddStartWithTargetRelInfo(pstate, n, rte, rtr);}return (Node*)rtr;} else if (IsA(n, RangeSubselect)) {/* sub-SELECT is like a plain relation */RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;Node *sw_backup = NULL;if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {/** In start with case we should back up SubselectStmt for further* SW Rewrite.* */sw_backup = (Node *)copyObject(n);}rte = transformRangeSubselect(pstate, (RangeSubselect*)n);rtr = transformItem(pstate, rte, top_rte, top_rti, relnamespace);/* add startinfo if needed */if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {AddStartWithTargetRelInfo(pstate, sw_backup, rte, rtr);/** (RangeSubselect*)n is mainly related to RTE during whole transform as pointer,* so anything fixed on sw_backup could also fix back to (RangeSubselect*)n.* */((RangeSubselect*)n)->alias->aliasname = ((RangeSubselect*)sw_backup)->alias->aliasname;rte->eref->aliasname = ((RangeSubselect*)sw_backup)->alias->aliasname;}return (Node*)rtr;} else if (IsA(n, RangeFunction)) {/* function is like a plain relation */RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;rte = transformRangeFunction(pstate, (RangeFunction*)n);rtr = transformItem(pstate, rte, top_rte, top_rti, relnamespace);return (Node*)rtr;} else if (IsA(n, RangeTableSample)) {/* TABLESAMPLE clause (wrapping some other valid FROM NODE) */RangeTableSample* rts = (RangeTableSample*)n;Node* rel = NULL;RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;/* Recursively transform the contained relation. */rel = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, rts->relation, top_rte, top_rti, NULL, NULL, relnamespace);if (unlikely(rel == NULL)) {ereport(ERROR, (errmodule(MOD_OPT), errcode(ERRCODE_UNEXPECTED_NULL_VALUE), errmsg("rel should not be NULL")));}/* Currently, grammar could only return a RangeVar as contained rel */Assert(IsA(rel, RangeTblRef));rtr = (RangeTblRef*)rel;rte = rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable);/* We only support this on plain relations */if (rte->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),errmsg("TABLESAMPLE clause can only be applied to tables."),parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(rts->relation))));}if (REL_COL_ORIENTED != rte->orientation && REL_ROW_ORIENTED != rte->orientation) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),(errmsg("TABLESAMPLE clause only support relation of oriented-row, oriented-column and oriented-inplace."))));}/* Transform TABLESAMPLE details and attach to the RTE */rte->tablesample = transformRangeTableSample(pstate, rts);return (Node*)rtr;} else if (IsA(n, RangeTimeCapsule)) {/* TABLECAPSULE clause (wrapping some other valid FROM NODE) */RangeTimeCapsule* rtc = (RangeTimeCapsule *)n;Node* rel = NULL;RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;/* Recursively transform the contained relation. */rel = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, rtc->relation, top_rte, top_rti, NULL, NULL, relnamespace);if (unlikely(rel == NULL)) {ereport(ERROR, (errmodule(MOD_OPT), errcode(ERRCODE_UNEXPECTED_NULL_VALUE),errmsg("Range table with timecapsule clause should not be null")));}/* Currently, grammar could only return a RangeVar as contained rel */Assert(IsA(rel, RangeTblRef));rtr = (RangeTblRef*)rel;rte = rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable);TvCheckVersionScan(rte);/* Transform TABLECAPSULE details and attach to the RTE */rte->timecapsule = transformRangeTimeCapsule(pstate, rtc);return (Node*)rtr;} else if (IsA(n, JoinExpr)) {/* A newfangled join expression */JoinExpr* j = (JoinExpr*)n;RangeTblEntry* l_rte = NULL;RangeTblEntry* r_rte = NULL;int l_rtindex;int r_rtindex;List* l_relnamespace = NIL;List* r_relnamespace = NIL;List* my_relnamespace = NIL;List* l_colnames = NIL;List* r_colnames = NIL;List* res_colnames = NIL;List* l_colvars = NIL;List* r_colvars = NIL;List* res_colvars = NIL;bool lateral_ok = false;int sv_relnamespace_length, sv_varnamespace_length;RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;int k;/** Recursively process the left and right subtrees* For merge into clause, left arg is alse the target relation, which has been* added to the range table. Here, we only build RangeTblRef.*/if (isMergeInto == false) {j->larg = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, j->larg, &l_rte, &l_rtindex, NULL, NULL, &l_relnamespace,true, false, false, addUpdateTable);} else {RangeTblRef* rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);j->larg = (Node*)rtr;l_rte = (RangeTblEntry*)linitial(pstate->p_target_rangetblentry);l_rtindex = rtr->rtindex;l_relnamespace = list_make1(makeNamespaceItem(l_rte, false, true));}/** Make the left-side RTEs available for LATERAL access within the* right side, by temporarily adding them to the pstate's namespace* lists. Per SQL:2008, if the join type is not INNER or LEFT then* the left-side names must still be exposed, but it's an error to* reference them. (Stupid design, but that's what it says.) Hence,* we always push them into the namespaces, but mark them as not* lateral_ok if the jointype is wrong.** NB: this coding relies on the fact that list_concat is not* destructive to its second argument.*/lateral_ok = (j->jointype == JOIN_INNER || j->jointype == JOIN_LEFT);setNamespaceLateralState(l_relnamespace, true, lateral_ok);sv_relnamespace_length = list_length(pstate->p_relnamespace);pstate->p_relnamespace = list_concat(pstate->p_relnamespace,l_relnamespace);sv_varnamespace_length = list_length(pstate->p_varnamespace);pstate->p_varnamespace = lappend(pstate->p_varnamespace,makeNamespaceItem(l_rte, true, lateral_ok));/* And now we can process the RHS */j->rarg = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, j->rarg, &r_rte, &r_rtindex, NULL, NULL, &r_relnamespace,true, false, false, addUpdateTable);/* Remove the left-side RTEs from the namespace lists again */pstate->p_relnamespace = list_truncate(pstate->p_relnamespace,sv_relnamespace_length);pstate->p_varnamespace = list_truncate(pstate->p_varnamespace, sv_varnamespace_length);/** Check for conflicting refnames in left and right subtrees. Must do* this because higher levels will assume I hand back a self-* consistent namespace subtree.*/checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, l_relnamespace, r_relnamespace);/** Generate combined relation membership info for possible use by* transformJoinOnClause below.*/my_relnamespace = list_concat(l_relnamespace, r_relnamespace);/** Extract column name and var lists from both subtrees** Note: expandRTE returns new lists, safe for me to modify*/expandRTE(l_rte, l_rtindex, 0, -1, false, &l_colnames, &l_colvars);expandRTE(r_rte, r_rtindex, 0, -1, false, &r_colnames, &r_colvars);if (right_rte != NULL) {*right_rte = r_rte;}if (right_rti != NULL) {*right_rti = r_rtindex;}/** Natural join does not explicitly specify columns; must generate* columns to join. Need to run through the list of columns from each* table or join result and match up the column names. Use the first* table, and check every column in the second table for a match.* (We'll check that the matches were unique later on.) The result of* this step is a list of column names just like an explicitly-written* USING list.*/if (j->isNatural) {List* rlist = NIL;ListCell* lx = NULL;ListCell* rx = NULL;/* shouldn't have USING() too */Assert(j->usingClause == NIL);foreach (lx, l_colnames) {char* l_colname = strVal(lfirst(lx));Value* m_name = NULL;foreach (rx, r_colnames) {char* r_colname = strVal(lfirst(rx));if (strcmp(l_colname, r_colname) == 0) {m_name = makeString(l_colname);break;}}/* matched a right column? then keep as join column... */if (m_name != NULL) {rlist = lappend(rlist, m_name);}}j->usingClause = rlist;}/** Now transform the join qualifications, if any.*/res_colnames = NIL;res_colvars = NIL;if (j->usingClause) {/** JOIN/USING (or NATURAL JOIN, as transformed above). Transform* the list into an explicit ON-condition, and generate a list of* merged result columns.*/List* ucols = j->usingClause;List* l_usingvars = NIL;List* r_usingvars = NIL;ListCell* ucol = NULL;/* shouldn't have ON() too */Assert(j->quals == NULL);foreach (ucol, ucols) {char* u_colname = strVal(lfirst(ucol));ListCell* col = NULL;int ndx;int l_index = -1;int r_index = -1;Var *l_colvar = NULL;Var *r_colvar = NULL;/* Check for USING(foo,foo) */foreach (col, res_colnames) {char* res_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));if (strcmp(res_colname, u_colname) == 0) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN),errmsg("column name \"%s\" appears more than once in USING clause", u_colname)));}}/* Find it in left input */ndx = 0;foreach (col, l_colnames) {char* l_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));if (strcmp(l_colname, u_colname) == 0) {if (l_index >= 0)ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN),errmsg("common column name \"%s\" appears more than once in left table", u_colname)));l_index = ndx;}ndx++;}if (l_index < 0) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN),errmsg("column \"%s\" specified in USING clause does not exist in left table", u_colname)));}/* Find it in right input */ndx = 0;foreach (col, r_colnames) {char* r_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));if (strcmp(r_colname, u_colname) == 0) {if (r_index >= 0) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN),errmsg("common column name \"%s\" appears more than once in right table", u_colname)));}r_index = ndx;}ndx++;}if (r_index < 0) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN),errmsg("column \"%s\" specified in USING clause does not exist in right table", u_colname)));}l_colvar = (Var*)list_nth(l_colvars, l_index);l_usingvars = lappend(l_usingvars, l_colvar);r_colvar = (Var*)list_nth(r_colvars, r_index);r_usingvars = lappend(r_usingvars, r_colvar);res_colnames = lappend(res_colnames, lfirst(ucol));res_colvars = lappend(res_colvars, buildMergedJoinVar(pstate, j->jointype, l_colvar, r_colvar));}j->quals = transformJoinUsingClause(pstate, l_rte, r_rte, l_usingvars, r_usingvars);} else if (j->quals) {/* User-written ON-condition; transform it */j->quals = transformJoinOnClause(pstate, j, l_rte, r_rte, my_relnamespace);} else {/* CROSS JOIN: no quals */}/* Add remaining columns from each side to the output columns */extractRemainingColumns(res_colnames, l_colnames, l_colvars, &l_colnames, &l_colvars);extractRemainingColumns(res_colnames, r_colnames, r_colvars, &r_colnames, &r_colvars);res_colnames = list_concat(res_colnames, l_colnames);res_colvars = list_concat(res_colvars, l_colvars);res_colnames = list_concat(res_colnames, r_colnames);res_colvars = list_concat(res_colvars, r_colvars);/** Check alias (AS clause), if any.*/if (j->alias) {if (j->alias->colnames != NIL) {if (list_length(j->alias->colnames) > list_length(res_colnames))ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),errmsg("column alias list for \"%s\" has too many entries", j->alias->aliasname)));}}/** Now build an RTE for the result of the join*/rte = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(pstate, res_colnames, j->jointype, res_colvars, j->alias, true);/* assume new rte is at end */j->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);Assert(rte == rt_fetch(j->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));*top_rte = rte;*top_rti = j->rtindex;/* make a matching link to the JoinExpr for later use */for (k = list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) + 1; k < j->rtindex; k++) {pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, NULL);}pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, j);Assert(list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) == j->rtindex);/** Prepare returned namespace list. If the JOIN has an alias then it* hides the contained RTEs as far as the relnamespace goes;* otherwise, put the contained RTEs and *not* the JOIN into* relnamespace.*/if (j->alias) {*relnamespace = list_make1(makeNamespaceItem(rte, false, true));} else*relnamespace = my_relnamespace;return (Node*)j;} elseereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNRECOGNIZED_NODE_TYPE), errmsg("unrecognized node type: %d", (int)nodeTag(n))));return NULL; /* can't get here, keep compiler quiet */
transformCTEReference(ParseState* pstate, RangeVar* r, CommonTableExpr* cte, Index levelsup)
addRangeTableEntryForCTE(ParseState* pstate, CommonTableExpr* cte, Index levelsup, RangeVar* rv, bool inFromCl)
WITH my_cte (alias_col1, alias_col2) AS (SELECT column1, column2FROM my_table
SELECT alias_col1, alias_col2
FROM my_cte;
以及ctequery赋值为AS后面的select语句,需要注意,这里的AS不同于SELECT *
FROM table_name AS alias_name;中的AS,后者的AS是会为表table_name的alias属性的aliasname赋值为alias_name的
RangeTblEntry* addRangeTableEntryForCTE(ParseState* pstate, CommonTableExpr* cte, Index levelsup, RangeVar* rv, bool inFromCl)
{/*在查询解析和规划阶段,PostgreSQL 使用 RTE 对象来管理与表格相关的信息,以便后续生成查询计划*/RangeTblEntry* rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);Alias* alias = rv->alias;//如果select中的from从句引用该CTE时使用了as从句修改别名则别名优先即alias->aliasname,否则按照with从句时对CTE定义的名字来即cte->ctenamechar* refname = alias ? alias->aliasname : cte->ctename;Alias* eref = NULL;int numaliases;int varattno;ListCell* lc = NULL;rte->rtekind = RTE_CTE;rte->ctename = cte->ctename;rte->ctelevelsup = levelsup;/*代表在当前解析状态下(当前查询),此CTE定义在其外部查询中,所以说该CTE是被子查询引用到了,所以为true*/if (levelsup > 0) {cte->referenced_by_subquery = true;}/* Self-reference if and only if CTE's parse analysis isn't completed */rte->self_reference = !IsA(cte->ctequery, Query);cte->self_reference = rte->self_reference;rte->cterecursive = cte->cterecursive;/*引用计数表示有多少个查询正在引用相同的 CTE 定义,如果不是自引用的 CTE则引用有效,于是自增*/if (!rte->self_reference) {cte->cterefcount++;}/** We throw error if the CTE is INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE without RETURNING.* This won't get checked in case of a self-reference, but that's OK* because data-modifying CTEs aren't allowed to be recursive anyhow.*/if (IsA(cte->ctequery, Query)) {Query* ctequery = (Query*)cte->ctequery;if (ctequery->commandType != CMD_SELECT && ctequery->returningList == NIL) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED),errmsg("WITH query \"%s\" does not have a RETURNING clause", cte->ctename),parser_errposition(pstate, rv->location)));}}rte->ctecoltypes = cte->ctecoltypes;rte->ctecoltypmods = cte->ctecoltypmods;rte->ctecolcollations = cte->ctecolcollations;rte->alias = alias;//如果在select语句中对CTE使用了AS命别名,那么eref指向AS的别名结构体,否则利用新建一个refname实锤了定义CTE时的名字if (alias != NULL) {eref = (Alias*)copyObject(alias);} else {eref = makeAlias(refname, NIL);}numaliases = list_length(eref->colnames);/* fill in any unspecified alias columns */varattno = 0;/*这里的cte->ctecolnames就是cte->aliascolnames即with语句时定义CTE后面紧跟着的括号的内容就是在前面的analyzeCTETargetList函数中简单的复制过来实现的WITH my_cte (col1, col2) AS (SELECT column1, column2 FROM my_table)SELECT col1 AS new_name1, col2 FROM my_cte;在上面实例中,cte->ctecolnames和cte->aliascolnames的值都是col1和col2,rv->alias非空,因为select处有as,这里函数做的事情,比如select语句中,为其中没有起别名的列填充为cte->ctecolnames对应起的列名
*/foreach (lc, cte->ctecolnames) {varattno++;if (varattno > numaliases) {eref->colnames = lappend(eref->colnames, lfirst(lc));}}if (varattno < numaliases) {ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_REFERENCE),errmsg("table \"%s\" has %d columns available but %d columns specified", refname, varattno, numaliases)));}rte->eref = eref;/* ----------* Flags:* - this RTE should be expanded to include descendant tables,* - this RTE is in the FROM clause,* - this RTE should be checked for appropriate access rights.** Subqueries are never checked for access rights.* ----------*/rte->lateral = false;rte->inh = false; /* never true for subqueries */rte->inFromCl = inFromCl;rte->requiredPerms = 0;rte->checkAsUser = InvalidOid;rte->selectedCols = NULL;rte->insertedCols = NULL;rte->updatedCols = NULL;rte->extraUpdatedCols = NULL;rte->orientation = REL_ORIENT_UNKNOWN;/** Add completed RTE to pstate's range table list, but not to join list* nor namespace --- caller must do that if appropriate.*/if (pstate != NULL) {pstate->p_rtable = lappend(pstate->p_rtable, rte);}/** If the CTE is rewrited from startwith/connectby. We need to add pseudo columns* because it return parser tree from sub level and don't have pseudo column infos.*/if (cte->swoptions != NULL && IsA(cte->ctequery, Query) && pstate != NULL) {AddStartWithCTEPseudoReturnColumns(cte, rte, list_length(pstate->p_rtable));}return rte;
struct ParseState {struct ParseState* parentParseState;//嵌套查询的时候,内部的是子查询,外部的查询是其父查询,于是外部查询的解析状态就是内部查询的父解析状态const char* p_sourcetext; /* source text, or NULL if not available */List* p_rtable; /* range table so far */List* p_joinexprs; /* JoinExprs for RTE_JOIN p_rtable entries */List* p_joinlist; /* join items so far (will become FromExprnode's fromlist) */List* p_relnamespace; /* current namespace for relations */List* p_varnamespace; /* current namespace for columns */bool p_lateral_active; /* p_lateral_only items visible? */bool p_is_flt_frame; /* Indicates whether it is a flattened expr frame */List* p_ctenamespace; /* current namespace for common table exprs */List* p_future_ctes; /* common table exprs not yet in namespace */CommonTableExpr* p_parent_cte; /* this query's containing CTE */List* p_windowdefs; /* raw representations of window clauses */ParseExprKind p_expr_kind; /* what kind of expression we're parsing */List* p_rawdefaultlist; /* raw default list */int p_next_resno; /* next targetlist resno to assign */List* p_locking_clause; /* raw FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE info */Node* p_value_substitute; /* what to replace VALUE with, if any *//* Flags telling about things found in the query: */bool p_hasAggs;bool p_hasWindowFuncs;bool p_hasTargetSRFs;bool p_hasSubLinks;bool p_hasModifyingCTE;bool p_is_insert;bool p_locked_from_parent;bool p_resolve_unknowns; /* resolve unknown-type SELECT outputs as type text */bool p_hasSynonyms;List* p_target_relation;List* p_target_rangetblentry;bool p_is_decode;Node *p_last_srf; /* most recent set-returning func/op found *//** used for start with...connect by rewrite*/bool p_addStartInfo;List *p_start_info;int sw_subquery_idx; /* given unname-subquery unique name when sw rewrite */SelectStmt *p_sw_selectstmt;List *sw_fromClause;WithClause *origin_with;bool p_hasStartWith;bool p_has_ignore; /* whether SQL has ignore hint *//** Optional hook functions for parser callbacks. These are null unless* set up by the caller of make_parsestate.*/PreParseColumnRefHook p_pre_columnref_hook;PostParseColumnRefHook p_post_columnref_hook;PreParseColumnRefHook p_bind_variable_columnref_hook;PreParseColumnRefHook p_bind_describe_hook;ParseParamRefHook p_paramref_hook;CoerceParamHook p_coerce_param_hook;CreateProcOperatorHook p_create_proc_operator_hook;CreateProcInsertrHook p_create_proc_insert_hook;void* p_ref_hook_state; /* common passthrough link for above */void* p_cl_hook_state; /* cl related state - SQLFunctionParseInfoPtr */List* p_target_list;void* p_bind_hook_state;void* p_describeco_hook_state;/** star flag info** create table t1(a int, b int);* create table t2(a int, b int);** For query: select * from t1* star_start = 1;* star_end = 2;* star_only = 1;** For query: select t1.*, t2.* from t1, t2* star_start = 1, 3;* star_end = 2, 4;* star_only = -1, -1;*/List* p_star_start;List* p_star_end;List* p_star_only;/** The p_is_in_insert will indicate the sub link is under one top insert statement.* When p_is_in_insert is true, then we will check if sub link include foreign table,* If foreign is found, we will set top level insert ParseState's p_is_foreignTbl_exist to true.* Finially, we will set p_is_td_compatible_truncation to true if the td_compatible_truncation guc* parameter is on, no foreign table involved in this insert statement.*/bool p_is_foreignTbl_exist; /* make there is foreign table founded. */bool p_is_in_insert; /* mark the subquery is under one insert statement. */bool p_is_td_compatible_truncation; /* mark the auto truncation for insert statement is enabled. */TdTruncCastStatus tdTruncCastStatus; /* Auto truncation Cast added, only used for stmt in stored procedure orprepare stmt. */bool isAliasReplace; /* Mark if permit replace. *//** Fields for transform "(+)" to outerjoin*/bool ignoreplus; /** Whether ignore "(+)" during transform stmt? False is default,* report error when found "(+)". Only true when transform WhereClause* in SelectStmt.*/bool use_level; /* When selecting a column with the same name in an RTE list, whether to consider the* priority of RTE.* The priority refers to the index of RTE in the list. The smaller the index value, the* higher the priority.*/PlusJoinRTEInfo* p_plusjoin_rte_info; /* The RTE info while processing "(+)" */List* p_updateRelations; /* For multiple-update, this is used to record the target table in the* update statement, then assign to qry->resultRelations.*/List* p_updateRangeVars; /* For multiple-update, use relationClase to generate RangeVar list. */RightRefState* rightRefState;/** whether to record the columns referenced by the ORDER BY statement* when transforming the SortClause.*/bool shouldCheckOrderbyCol;/** store the columns that ORDER BY statement referencing* if shouldCheckOrderbyCol is true else NIL.*/List* orderbyCols; List* p_indexhintLists; /*Force or use index in index hint list*/
typedef struct Query {NodeTag type;CmdType commandType; /* select|insert|update|delete|merge|utility */QuerySource querySource; /* where did I come from? */uint64 queryId; /* query identifier (can be set by plugins) */bool canSetTag; /* do I set the command result tag? */bool is_flt_frame; /* Indicates whether it is a flattened expr frame */Node* utilityStmt; /* non-null if this is DECLARE CURSOR or a* non-optimizable statement */int resultRelation; /* instead by resultRelations */bool hasAggs; /* has aggregates in tlist or havingQual */bool hasWindowFuncs; /* has window functions in tlist */bool hasTargetSRFs; /* has set-returning functions in tlist */bool hasSubLinks; /* has subquery SubLink */bool hasDistinctOn; /* distinctClause is from DISTINCT ON */bool hasRecursive; /* WITH RECURSIVE was specified */bool hasModifyingCTE; /* has INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE in WITH */bool hasForUpdate; /* FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE was specified */bool hasRowSecurity; /* rewriter has applied some RLS policy */bool hasSynonyms; /* has synonym mapping in rtable */bool hasIgnore; /* has keyword ignore in query string */List* cteList; /* WITH list (of CommonTableExpr's) */List* rtable; /* list of range table entries */FromExpr* jointree; /* table join tree (FROM and WHERE clauses) */List* targetList; /* target list (of TargetEntry) */List* starStart; /* Corresponding p_star_start in ParseState */List* starEnd; /* Corresponding p_star_end in ParseState */List* starOnly; /* Corresponding p_star_only in ParseState */List* returningList; /* return-values list (of TargetEntry) */List* groupClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */List* groupingSets; /* a list of GroupingSet's if present */Node* havingQual; /* qualifications applied to groups */List* windowClause; /* a list of WindowClause's */List* distinctClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */List* sortClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */Node* limitOffset; /* # of result tuples to skip (int8 expr) */Node* limitCount; /* # of result tuples to return (int8 expr) */List* rowMarks; /* a list of RowMarkClause's */Node* setOperations; /* set-operation tree if this is top level of* a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT query */List *constraintDeps; /* a list of pg_constraint OIDs that the query* depends on to be semantically valid */HintState* hintState;
#ifdef PGXC/* need this info for PGXC Planner, may be temporary */char* sql_statement; /* original query */bool is_local; /* enforce query execution on local node* this is used by EXECUTE DIRECT especially. */bool has_to_save_cmd_id; /* true if the query is such an INSERT SELECT* that inserts into a child by selecting* from its parent OR a WITH query that* updates a table in main query and inserts* a row to the same table in WITH query */bool vec_output; /* true if it's vec output. this flag is used in FQS planning */TdTruncCastStatus tdTruncCastStatus; /* Auto truncation Cast added, only used for stmt in stored procedure orprepare stmt. */List* equalVars; /* vars appears in UPDATE/DELETE clause */
#endifParamListInfo boundParamsQ;int mergeTarget_relation;List* mergeSourceTargetList;List* mergeActionList; /* list of actions for MERGE (only) */Query* upsertQuery; /* insert query for INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (only) */UpsertExpr* upsertClause; /* DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE [NOTHING | ...] */bool isReplace;bool isRowTriggerShippable; /* true if all row triggers are shippable. */bool use_star_targets; /* true if use * for targetlist. */bool is_from_full_join_rewrite; /* true if the query is created when doing* full join rewrite. If true, we should not* do some expression processing.* Please refer to subquery_planner.*/bool is_from_inlist2join_rewrite; /* true if the query is created when applying inlist2join optimization */bool is_from_sublink_rewrite; /* true if the query is created when applying pull sublink optimization */bool is_from_subquery_rewrite; /* true if the query is created when applying pull subquery optimization */uint64 uniqueSQLId; /* used by unique sql id */
#ifndef ENABLE_MULTIPLE_NODESchar* unique_sql_text; /* used by unique sql plain text */
#endifbool can_push;bool unique_check; /* true if the subquery is generated by general* sublink pullup, and scalar output is needed */Oid* fixed_paramTypes; /* For plpy CTAS query. CTAS is a recursive call.CREATE query is the first rewrited.* thd 2nd rewrited query is INSERT SELECT.whithout this attribute, DB will have* an error that has no idea about $x when INSERT SELECT query is analyzed. */int fixed_numParams;List* resultRelations; /* rtable index list of target relation for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE. */RightRefState* rightRefState;List* withCheckOptions; /* a list of WithCheckOption's */List* indexhintList; /* a list of b mode index hint members */#ifdef USE_SPQvoid* intoPolicy;ParentStmtType parentStmtType;
} Query;