The enhanced process state diagram was introduced for maintaining the degree of multiprogramming by the Operating System. The degree of multiprogramming is the maximum number of processes that can be handled by the main memory at a particular instance. It is maintained by the Mid Term Schedulers. Let us first have a look at the diagram and will then talk about the working of the Mid Term Schedulers.
引入了增强的过程状态图 ,以维护操作系统的多程序程度。 多重编程的程度是在特定情况下主存储器可以处理的最大进程数。 它由中期调度员维护。 首先让我们看一下图表,然后再讨论中期计划程序的工作。
The dotted box represents the Main memory of the system, which consists of the Ready state, the Running state, and the Waiting state. The degree of multiprogramming remains constant for a system. As soon as the number of processes in the ready state or the waiting state exceeds the degree of multiprogramming level, then the Mid Term Scheduler starts transferring the processes to the suspended ready state and to the suspended wait state respectively. As soon as the processes residing in the main memory complete their execution and goes into the termination state, the Mid Term Schedulers again transfers them into their respective states in the main memory.
虚线框代表系统的主内存,它由就绪状态,运行状态和等待状态组成。 对于系统来说,多重编程的程度保持不变。 一旦处于就绪状态或等待状态的进程数超过了多编程级别的级别,则中期调度程序将分别开始将进程转移到已暂停的就绪状态和已暂停的等待状态。 一旦驻留在主存储器中的进程完成其执行并进入终止状态,中期调度程序就会再次将它们转移到主存储器中的相应状态。
The entire remaining processing inside the main memory is the same as in the normal Process State Diagram. The difference between the two is only that in the enhanced Process state diagram, the degree of multiprogramming is maintained by the Mid Term Schedulers by which, the flooding of processes into the main memory is eliminated, and this increases the processing speed and the performance of the system.
主存储器中剩余的整个过程与正常过程状态图中的相同。 两者之间的区别仅在于,在增强型进程状态图中 ,中期调度程序可保持多程序化的程度,从而消除了进程向主内存中的泛滥,从而提高了处理速度和性能。系统。
Here, in the enhanced Process state diagram also, the concept of preemption and non-preemption is applicable. If the Operating system allows preemption, then the switching of the process from the running state to ready state directly is allowed. Else, it is restricted if the Operating System follows the no-preemption mode of process scheduling.
此处,在增强的过程状态图中 ,抢占和非抢占的概念也适用。 如果操作系统允许抢占,则可以直接将进程从运行状态切换到就绪状态。 否则,如果操作系统遵循进程计划的非抢占模式,则会受到限制。