什么是WebSocket? (What is WebSocket?)
WebSocket is a communications protocol which provides a full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection. WebSocket protocol is standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455.
WebSocket是一种通信协议,可通过单个TCP连接提供全双工通信通道。 WebSocket协议由IETF标准化为RFC 6455。
WebSocket and HTTP, both distinct and are located in layer 7 of the OSI model and depend on TCP at layer 4. RFC 6455 states that "WebSocket is designed to work over HTTP ports 80 and 443 as well as to support HTTP proxies and intermediaries", making it compatible with HTTP protocol. WebSocket handshake uses the HTTP Upgrade header to change from the HTTP to WebSocket protocol.
WebSocket和HTTP截然不同,位于OSI模型的第7层中,并在第4层上依赖于TCP。RFC 6455指出“ WebSocket设计为可通过HTTP端口80和443工作,并支持HTTP代理和中介” ,使其与HTTP协议兼容。 WebSocket握手使用HTTP升级标头将HTTP更改为WebSocket协议。
WebSocket protocol enables interaction between a web browser or any client application and a web server, facilitating the real-time data transfer from and to the server.
Most of the newer version of browsers such as Google Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, and Opera support the WebSocket protocol.
大多数新版本的浏览器(例如Google Chrome,IE,Firefox,Safari和Opera)都支持WebSocket协议 。
Python WebSocket实现 (Python WebSocket implementations)
There are multiple projects which provide either the implementations of web socket or provide with examples for the same.
Autobahn – uses Twisted and Asyncio to create the server-side components, while AutobahnJS provides client-side.
Autobahn –使用Twisted和Asyncio创建服务器端组件,而AutobahnJS提供客户端。
Flask – SocketIO is a flask extension.
Flask – SocketIO是Flask的扩展。
WebSocket –client provides low-level APIs for web sockets and works on both Python2 and Python3.
WebSocket –client提供了用于Web套接字的低级API,并且可以在Python2和Python3上使用。
Django Channels is built on top of WebSockets and useful in and easy to integrate the Django applications.
Django Channels构建于WebSockets之上,在Django应用程序中非常有用且易于集成。
使用WebSocket客户端库的Python应用程序示例 (Python Example of application using WebSocket-client library)
The WebSocket client library is used to connect to a WebSocket server,
Install WebSocket client using pip within the virtual environment,
Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv /path/to/virtual/environment
python3 -m venv / path / to / virtual / environment
>> python3 -m venv venv
>> python3 -m venv venv
Source the virtual environment
>> source venv/bin/activate
>>源venv / bin / activate
Install the websocket-client using pip
>> (venv) pip3 install websocket_client
Collecting websocket_client==0.56.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/29/19/44753eab1fdb50770ac69605527e8859468f3c0fd7dc5a76dd9c4dbd7906/websocket_client-0.56.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (200kB)
100% | | 204kB 2.7MB/s
Collecting six (from websocket_client==0.56.0->-r requirements.txt (line 1))
Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/73/fb/00a976f728d0d1fecfe898238ce23f502a721c0ac0ecfedb80e0d88c64e9/six-1.12.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: six, websocket-client
Successfully installed six-1.12.0 websocket-client-0.56.0
The below example is compatible with python3, and tries to connect to a web socket server.
Example 1: Short lived connection
from websocket import create_connection
def short_lived_connection():
ws = create_connection("ws://localhost:4040/")
print("Sending 'Hello Server'...")
ws.send("Hello, Server")
result = ws.recv()
print("Received '%s'" % result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Sending 'Hello, World'...
Received 'hello world'
The short lived connection, is useful when the client doesn't have to keep the session alive for ever and is used to send the data only at a given instant.
Example 2: Long Lived connection
import websocket
def on_message(ws, message):
This method is invoked when ever the client
receives any message from server
print("received message as {}".format(message))
ws.send("hello again")
print("sending 'hello again'")
def on_error(ws, error):
This method is invoked when there is an error in connectivity
print("received error as {}".format(error))
def on_close(ws):
This method is invoked when the connection between the
client and server is closed
print("Connection closed")
def on_open(ws):
This method is invoked as soon as the connection between
client and server is opened and only for the first time
ws.send("hello there")
print("sent message on open")
if __name__ == "__main__":
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://localhost:4040/",
on_message = on_message,
on_error = on_error,
on_close = on_close)
ws.on_open = on_open
--- request header ---
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Host: localhost:4040
Origin: http://localhost:4040
Sec-WebSocket-Key: q0+vBfXgMvGGywjDaHZWiw==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
--- response header ---
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: /YqMq5iNGOMjtELPGCZsnozMSlw=
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2019 23:34:04 GMT
Server: Python/3.7 websockets/8.0.2
send: b'\x81\x8b\xcb\xeaY.\xa3\x8f5B\xa4\xca-F\xae\x98
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翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/python/what-is-websocket-and-how-to-use-it-in-python.aspx