
网站弹出广告代码,网络推广项目代理,石家庄市建设厅网站,江苏南京疫情最新消息kei注释KEI:克里希纳电气工业有限公司 (KEI: Krishna Electricals Industries Limited) KEI is an abbreviation of Krishna Electricals Industries Limited. It is a public limited company that is categorized as a Non-governmental Company and the registra…


KEI:克里希纳电气工业有限公司 (KEI: Krishna Electricals Industries Limited)

KEI is an abbreviation of Krishna Electricals Industries Limited. It is a public limited company that is categorized as a Non-governmental Company and the registration of this company is with the Registrar of Companies, Gwalior.

KEI是Krishna Electricals Industries Limited的缩写 。 这是一家归类为非政府公司的公众有限公司,该公司的注册是在瓜廖尔公司注册局进行的。

It is the largest company in the industry of wires and cables. It produces high and low tension cables (EHT, HT, and LT), control and instrumentation cables, house wires, stainless steel wires, etc.

它是电线电缆行业中最大的公司。 它生产高和低张力电缆(EHT,HT和LT),控制和仪表电缆,房屋电线,不锈钢电线等。

In the year 2014-15, KEI achieved Superbrand standing. Its head office is situated in New Delhi and it has more than 30 branch offices all over the country. As of October 2017, the current Chairman & Managing Director of KEI is Anil Gupta.

在2014-15年,KEI获得了Superbrand的声誉。 其总部位于新德里,在全国设有30多个分支机构。 截至2017年10月,KEI的现任董事长兼董事总经理是Anil Gupta。

KEI full form

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KEI简史 (KEI Brief History)

  • In 1968, KEI was founded as a joint venture company with Shri. BL Gupta, Shri D.N Gupta, and Shri. S.S Agarwal as the partners. At the time of establishment, it was largely occupied in the manufacturing of house wiring rubber cables.

    1968年,KEI与Shri成立了一家合资公司。 BL Gupta,Shri DN Gupta和Shri。 SS Agarwal作为合作伙伴。 成立之初,它主要用于制造住宅布线橡胶电缆。

  • In 1985, it began manufacturing control, instrumentation and thermocouple cables.


  • In December 1992, it turned out to be a public limited company.


  • In 1993, it began manufacturing PVC/XLPE Power cables up to 3.3 kV.

    1993年,该公司开始生产高达3.3 kV的PVC / XLPE电力电缆。

  • In 1994, it came into Stainless Steel drawings with the preliminary plant to branch out its business activities.


  • In 1995, it introduced an IPO.


  • In 1966, it founded an SSW plant at Bhiwadi.


  • 1n 1997, it established one more plant at Bhiwadi to manufacture LT PVC/XLPE cables.

    1997年1月1日,它在比瓦迪(Bhiwadi)又建立了一家工厂,生产LT PVC / XLPE电缆。

  • In 2002, it established the JFTC Plant at Silvassa.


  • In 2005, it advanced and improved the JFTC Plant and achieved order worth more than Rs 40 crores from a variety of clients for the supply and delivery of cables.


  • In 2007, it has installed its new plant for the production of HT and LT power cables at Chopanki near Bhiwadi.


  • In 2008, it began commercial production at this plant.


  • In 2011, it came into Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) sector by achieving order worth Rs 145 crore in the State of Madhya Pradesh.


  • In 2012, KEI offered advanced quality mining cables for wide-ranging industrial requirements.


  • In 2013-14, it opened new offices in Singapore, Nigeria, and Kazakhstan.


  • In 2016, KEI expanded its Technical Partnership and Association Agreement with M/s Brugg Kabel AG, Switzerland to produce Extra High Voltage (EHV) cables above 220 kV and up to 400kV.

    2016年,KEI与瑞士M / s Brugg Kabel AG扩大了其技术合作伙伴关系协议,以生产220 kV至400kV以上的超高压(EHV)电缆。






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