
做网站最好的公司有哪些,如何在网上推广,网站推广计划包含的主要内容,wordpress 虾米插件主板扩展槽图解A daughterboard is a circuit board that plugs into and extends the circuitry of the main board called motherboard. A daughterboard is connected directly to the motherboard. Unlike expansion cards, which connect with the motherboard using the …



A daughterboard is a circuit board that plugs into and extends the circuitry of the main board called motherboard. A daughterboard is connected directly to the motherboard. Unlike expansion cards, which connect with the motherboard using the bus and other serial interfaces, daughterboards are usually directly embedded through soldering. Like a motherboard, a daughterboard has sockets, pins, plugs, and connectors to be attached to other boards. Typically, daughterboards are released as a post-launch update to a motherboard or expansion card. For example, a MIDI daughterboard is used to add on the functionality of the sound card. Modern computers rarely have daughterboards. In the past, this was common.

板是插入并扩展称为母板的主板电路的电路板。 子板直接连接至母板。 与通过总线和其他串行接口与母板连接的扩展卡不同,子板通常通过焊接直接嵌入。 像母板一样,子板具有要连接到其他板的插座,插针,插头和连接器。 通常,子板作为发布后对主板或扩展卡的更新发布。 例如,MIDI子板用于添加声卡的功能。 现代计算机很少有子板。 在过去,这很普遍。

The earliest microcomputers were made up of different circuit boards, each of which performed a different function. All of these circuit boards were attached to a single board which is designed for some power regulation circuitry and a group of connectors. This board was commonly called a “bus board” or “backplane.”

最早的微型计算机由不同的电路板组成,每个电路板执行不同的功能。 所有这些电路板都连接到一块板上,该板设计用于某些功率调节电路和一组连接器。 该板通常称为“总线板”或“背板”。

In 1976, Steve Wozniak demonstrated to the Homebrew Computer Club his newly designed computer which had a single circuit board that had nearly all the functions needed for an entire computer. His computer design became known as the Apple 1. This single board, which was the first” motherboard” held the power regulation circuitry, a microprocessor, RAM, ROM, display circuitry, and a keyboard interface. Advance examples of daughterboards include the common memory modules used in our computers and Trusted Platform Modules.

1976年,史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)向Homebrew Computer Club展示了他新设计的计算机,该计算机具有单个电路板,几乎具有整个计算机所需的所有功能。 他的计算机设计被称为Apple1。这块单板是第一个“主板”,具有电源调节电路,微处理器,RAM,ROM,显示电路和键盘接口。 子板的高级示例包括我们计算机中使用的通用内存模块和Trusted Platform Modules。

Ref: Daughterboard

参考: 子板

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/daughterboard.aspx





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