

RO:反渗透 (RO: Reverse Osmosis)

RO is an abbreviation of Reverse Osmosis. It is a course of action that aids the RO water purifier to banish unfavorable ions, dissolved solids, and TDS from the water. Reverse osmosis is the contrary of osmosis. From a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution, a solvent moves through a semi-permeable membrane in osmosis. In the case of the direction of reverse osmosis, in a contrary direction from a more concentrated solution to low concentrated solution the solvent passes through the semi-permeable membrane. By the pump of the RO water purifier, the pressure needed to move solvent which is water from more concentration solution which is a solution of tap water to low concentration solution which is purified water is produced.

RO是反渗透的缩写 。 这是一项有助于RO净水器消除水中不利离子,溶解固体和TDS的方法。 反渗透与渗透相反。 从浓度较低的溶液到浓度较高的溶液,溶剂在渗透作用下穿过半透膜。 在反渗透方向上,从更浓溶液到低浓溶液的相反方向,溶剂穿过半渗透膜。 通过RO净水器的泵,产生了将作为水的溶剂从作为自来水的溶液的高浓度溶液移动到作为纯净水的低浓度溶液所需的压力。

RO full form

Image source: https://www.espwaterproducts.com/understanding-ro/


优点 (Advantages)

  • RO without a phase change executes a severance. Therefore, the demands of energy are less as the demand of energy depends on the phase change.

    不进行相变的RO执行遣散。 因此,能量需求较少,因为能量需求取决于相变。

  • RO systems are dense, and in comparison with other desalting systems, space demands are less, e.g. distillation.


  • RO equipment is systematized - pumps, motors, valves, flow meters, pressure gauges, etc. Therefore, the learning curve for untrained labor is small.


  • Various RO systems through interlocks are fully programmed and created to automatically start-up and shutdown. Therefore, RO plants generally need very little labor.

    通过互锁对各种RO系统进行了充分的编程和创建,以自动启动和关闭。 因此,反渗透工厂通常只需要很少的劳动力。

  • Maintenance is effortless because of its modular design. Execution of Scheduled maintenance can be done without closing down the complete plant.

    由于采用模块化设计,因此维护非常轻松。 可以在不关闭整个工厂的情况下执行计划维护。

  • The modular design also makes development a simple choice.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • RO is generally not valid for concentrated solutions because of the high-pressure constraint.


  • The RO procedure generally cannot be functional without pretreatment because all RO membranes and devices are vulnerable to contamination.


  • RO eliminates mineral which is natural such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and sodium which are vital to the human body and are the source of a mineral insufficiency in the body.


  • Waterborne diseases which are the source of bacteria and viruses do not kill by the RO water purifier. Through the RO membrane, there is a high possibility that microorganisms can pass, which makes RO water suitable to pass for the treatment of microorganisms through the UV water purifier.

    作为细菌和病毒源的水传播疾病不会被反渗透净水器杀死。 穿过RO膜的微生物极有可能通过,这使得RO水适合通过UV净水器进行微生物处理。

  • Removal of natural minerals makes the water de-mineralized and as a consequence of that water, the taste gets affected which makes it becomes insipid.


  • For the refinement of water, RO water purifier takes too much time.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/ro-full-form.aspx






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