历史 (History)
The main forerunner sciences to the development of modern computer graphics were the advances in electrical engineering, electronics, and television that took place during the first half of the twentieth century when no technology was available.
Thus, screens could display art since the Lumiere brothers' use of mattes to create special effects for the earliest films dating from 1893 to 1895, but such displays were limited and not interactive with everyone. Then, the first cathode ray tube, the Braun tube, was invented in 1896 to 1897 – it, in turn, would permit the oscilloscope and the military control panel – the more direct precursors of the field, as they provided the first two-dimensional electronic displays that responded to programmatic or user input for anything.
因此,自从卢米埃尔兄弟(Lumiere brothers)使用遮罩为1893年至1895年的最早电影制作特殊效果以来,屏幕就可以显示艺术品,但是这种显示方式受到限制,并且无法与所有人互动。 然后,第一个阴极射线管,即布劳恩管(Braun tube)于1896年至1897年发明-反过来,它允许示波器和军事控制面板使用-该领域的直接先驱,因为它们提供了第一个二维响应程序化或用户输入的电子显示。
Wherever, computer graphics remained used relatively unknown as a discipline until the 1950s and the post-World War II period – during which time the discipline emerged from a combination of both pure university and laboratory academic research into more advanced computers and the United State Military's further development of technologies like radar, advanced aviation, and rocketry developed during the war for protecting by everyone. So, new kinds of displays were needed to process the wealth of information resulting from such projects or work, leading to the development of computer graphics as a discipline for everyone to work properly.
在任何地方,直到1950年代和第二次世界大战之后, 计算机图形学一直都被作为一门学科而相对不为人所知。在此期间,该学科从纯粹的大学和实验室学术研究结合到更先进的计算机,再到美国军方的进一步发展战争期间开发的雷达,先进航空和火箭技术等技术得到了所有人的保护。 因此,需要新的显示器来处理此类项目或工作所产生的大量信息,从而导致计算机图形学的发展成为每个人都能正常工作的准则。
介绍 (Introduction)
Computer Graphics involves technology to be accessed by everyone. Then, the Process transforms and presents information in a visual form for everyone. Thus, the role of computer graphics is insensible. Wherever today life, computer graphics has now become a common element in user interfaces, T.V. commercial motion pictures for everyone's entertainment.
计算机图形学涉及每个人都可以使用的技术。 然后,该流程以可视化的形式为每个人转换并呈现信息。 因此,计算机图形学的作用是不明智的。 无论生活在今天的任何地方,计算机图形现在都已成为用户界面中的常见元素,是每个人娱乐的电视商业电影。
Computer Graphics is the creation of pictures with the help of a computer for us. Then, at the end product of the computer graphics is a picture it may be a business graph, drawing, and engineering for working in it.
计算机图形学是在计算机的帮助下创建图片的。 然后,计算机图形的最终产品是图片,它可能是业务图,绘图和用于其中的工程。
Mainly in computer graphics, two or three-dimensional pictures can be created that are used for research is used. Many hardware devices algorithms have been developing for improving the speed of picture generation with time rapidly. Then, it includes the creation storage of models and images of objects for view. Thus, these models for various fields like engineering, mathematics and many more.
主要在计算机图形学中 ,可以创建用于研究的二维或三维图片。 已经开发了许多硬件设备算法以快速提高图像生成的速度。 然后,它包括创建模型和用于查看的对象图像的存储。 因此,这些模型适用于各种领域,例如工程,数学等等。
Nowadays computer graphics are entirely different from the earlier one in many ways. It is not possible. Thus, it is an interactive user that can control the structure of an object of various input devices for this.
如今, 计算机图形学在许多方面与早期的图形学完全不同。 这不可能。 因此,交互式用户可以为此控制各种输入设备的对象的结构。
计算机图形学的定义 (Definition of Computer Graphics)
Computer Graphic is the use of computers to create and manipulate pictures on a display device by this. Thus, it comprises software techniques to create, store, modify, and represent pictures for everyone.
计算机图形学是指通过计算机在显示设备上创建和处理图片的方法。 因此,它包括为每个人创建,存储,修改和表示图片的软件技术。
为什么要使用计算机图形? (Why are computer graphics used?)
Let a shoe manufacturing company want to show the sale of shoes for five years. Now, for this vast amount of information is to store in this. Then, a lot of time and memory will be needed for this. This method will be tough to understand by a common man by this. So, in this situation graphics are a better alternative. Thus, Graphics tools are charts and graphs for this. So using graphs, data can be represented in pictorial form for everyone. This is a picture that can be understood easily just with a single look.
让一家鞋类制造公司想展示五年的鞋子销售情况。 现在,要在其中存储大量信息。 然后,为此需要大量的时间和内存。 这样,普通人很难理解这种方法。 因此,在这种情况下,图形是更好的选择。 因此,“图形”工具就是用于此目的的图表。 因此,使用图形,数据可以以图片形式表示给每个人。 这是一张单眼即可轻松理解的图片。
This is an interactive computer graphics work using the concept of two-way communication between computer users in it. Thus, the computer will receive signals from the input device, and the picture is modified accordingly for this. Pictures will be changed quickly when we apply command.
这是一种交互式计算机图形作品,其中使用了计算机用户之间的双向通信概念。 因此,计算机将接收来自输入设备的信号,并且为此相应地修改了图片。 应用命令后,图片将快速更改。
翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/computer-graphics/introduction.aspx