arm tbh_TBH的完整形式是什么?

arm tbh

TBH:说实话 (TBH: To Be Honest)

TBH is an abbreviation of "To Be Honest". It is internet slang which generally used as an acronym or hashtag over the internet on social media networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

TBH是“诚实”的缩写 。 它是互联网语,通常在社交媒体网站(如Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,YouTube等)上用作Internet的首字母缩写或标签。

The use of this acronym is very trendy on Facebook, chatting and instant messaging online. When the users want to express their thoughts and views through a post, comment or message in an honest manner on some subject matter also to save in typing some time, then they commonly use TBH as a hashtag. For example, It is very easy, quick and time-saving to write "tbh" in a comment section, post or in message in comparison to write "to be honest".

在Facebook,网上聊天和即时消息传递中使用此首字母缩写非常流行。 当用户希望以诚实的方式通过帖子,评论或消息表达自己的想法和观点以节省某些时间时,他们通常使用TBH作为主题标签。 例如,在评论部分,帖子或消息中写“ tbh”与写“诚实”相比是非常容易,快速且省时的。

TBH full form

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Let's suppose an example which makes clear this internet slang very well,


Ex 1: "TBH, I don't think that blue dress is suitable for your coming party, try that shiny black dress which would look great on you".

例1 :“ TBH,我认为蓝色连衣裙不适合参加您的派对,请尝试使用看起来很不错的闪亮黑色连衣裙”。

Ex 2: "I don't like those square glasses of yours TBH. Instead, why not you wear that circle one".

例2 :“我不喜欢您的TBH方形眼镜。相反,为什么不戴那个圆形眼镜呢”。

The youngsters have a tendency to write it out in lowercase either "tbh" or "Tbh", with or without a comma following it. Those who do not use too many social media networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc for chatting, instant messaging, commenting or posting and are not that much tech-savvy might spell this internet slang in all caps TBH.

年轻人倾向于将其写成小写的“ tbh”“ Tbh” ,并在其后加上或不带逗号。 那些不使用太多社交媒体网站(如Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,YouTube等)进行聊天,即时消息传递,评论或发布的人,并且不那么精通技术的人可能会在大写字母TBH中拼写这个互联网internet语。

Use of tbh over text,


    A: what are going to do, right now?
B: nothing much. i'm kind of bored tbh
A: Do you wanna go to the Aman's party tonight?
B: tbh, not really...
A: lol why? seems like you really got tired up, today. 

TBH also is an abbreviation of Throwback Thursday. Throwback Thursday is a trendy internet slang or hashtag which used among all the social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. The nostalgic pictures posted by the users will over and over again post of their past which commonly accompanied by the hashtag #TBT or ThrowbackThursday. It is used by most of the people of the world when they want to share and revive their experiences of the past with anyone they want. Although a majority of posts be a sign of positive moments in someone's past, the attribution of the term throwback can be of anything happened in the past.

TBH也是Throwback Thursday的缩写星期四的Throwback是一种时髦的互联网语或#标签,在所有社交媒体平台(如Instagram,Twitter和Facebook)中使用。 用户发布的怀旧图片将一遍又一遍地发布过去的帖子,通常会附加#TBTThrowbackThursday标签。 当世界上大多数人想要与任何想要的人分享和复兴过去的经验时,它就被使用。 尽管大多数职位是某人过去积极时刻的标志,但“倒退”一词的归属可以是过去发生的任何事情。


arm tbh





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