Zihang Dai, Lei Li, and Wei Xu. 2016. CFO: Conditional focused neural question answering with large-scale knowledge bases. In Proceedings of ACL, pages 800–810.链接:http://aclweb.org/anthology/P/P16/P16-1076.pdfGitHub 项目地址:https:…
Yang Lu , Yiu-ming Cheung , Yuan Yan Tang. Dynamic Weighted Majority for Incremental Learning ofImbalanced Data Streams with Concept Drift. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17)论文链接&…
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因为在OJ上做编程,要求标准输入,特别是多行输入。特意查了资料,自己验证了可行性。if __name__ "__main__":strList []for line in sys.stdin: #当没有接受到输入结束信号就一直遍历每一行tempStr line.split()#对字符串利用空…
Citation: Ji,G., Liu, K., He, S., & Zhao, J. (2017). Distant Supervision for RelationExtraction with Sentence-Level Attention and Entity Descriptions. Ai,3060–3066.动机关系抽取的远程监督方法通过知识库与非结构化文本对其的方式,自动标注数据&am…