# coding=utf-8
from django.test import TestCase #导入Django测试包
from sign.models import Guest, Event #导入models中的发布会、嘉宾类
class ModelTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
Event.objects.create(id=1, name="oneplus 3 event", status=True, limit=2000,
address='shenzhen', start_time='2016-08-31 02:18:22')
Guest.objects.create(id=1, event_id=1, realname='alen',
phone='13711001101', email='alen@mail.com', sign=False)
def test_event_models(self):
result = Event.objects.get(name="oneplus 3 event")
self.assertEqual(result.address, "shenzhen")
def test_guest_models(self):
result = Guest.objects.get(phone='13711001101')
self.assertEqual(result.realname, "alen")
#Django提供了“test”命令来运行测试。(用cmd执行 见下截图)
Django支持python的单元测试(unit test)和文本测试(doc test),我们这里主要讨论单元测试的方式。这里不对单元测试的理论做过多的阐述,假设你已经熟悉了下列概念:test suite, test case, test/test action, test data, assert等等。
在单元测试方面,Django继承python的unittest.TestCase实现了自己的django.test.TestCase,编写测试用 例通常从这里开始。测试代码通常位于app的tests.py文件中(也可以在models.py中编写,但是我不建议这样做)。在Django生成的 depotapp中,已经包含了这个文件,并且其中包含了一个测试用例的样例:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | from django.test import TestCase class SimpleTest(TestCase): def test_basic_addition( self ): """ Tests that 1 + 1 always equals 2. """ self .assertEqual( 1 + 1 , 2 ) |
- python manage.py test:执行所有的测试用例
- python manage.py test app_name, 执行该app的所有测试用例
- python manage.py test app_name.case_name: 执行指定的测试用例
1 | $ python manage.py test depotapp.SimpleTest |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Creating test database for alias 'default'... . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.012s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... |
你可能会主要到,输出信息中包括了创建和删除数据库的操作。为了避免测试数据造成的影响,测试过程会使用一个单独的数据库,关于如何指定测试数据库 的细节,请查阅Django文档。在我们的例子中,由于使用sqlite数据库,Django将默认采用内存数据库来进行测试。
下面就让我们来编写测试用例。在《Agile Web Development with Rails 4th》中,7.2节,最终实现的ProductTest代码如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 | class ProductTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "product attributes must not be empty" do product = Product.new assert product.invalid? assert product.errors[:title]. any ? assert product.errors[:description]. any ? assert product.errors[:price]. any ? assert product.errors[:image_url]. any ? end test "product price must be positive" do product = Product.new(:title = > "My Book Title" , :description = > "yyy" , :image_url = > "zzz.jpg" ) product.price = - 1 assert product.invalid? assert_equal "must be greater than or equal to 0.01" , product.errors[:price].join( '; ' ) product.price = 0 assert product.invalid? assert_equal "must be greater than or equal to 0.01" , product.errors[:price].join( '; ' ) product.price = 1 assert product.valid? end def new_product(image_url) Product.new(:title = > "My Book Title" , :description = > "yyy" , :price = > 1 , :image_url = > image_url) end test "image url" do ok = % w{ fred.gif fred.jpg fred.png FRED.JPG FRED.Jpg http: / / a.b.c / x / y / z / fred.gif } bad = % w{ fred.doc fred.gif / more fred.gif.more } ok.eachdo |name| assert new_product(name).valid?, "#{name} shouldn't be invalid" end bad.eachdo |name| assert new_product(name).invalid?, "#{name} shouldn't be valid" end end test "product is not valid without a unique title" do product = Product.new(:title = > products(:ruby).title, :description = > "yyy" , :price = > 1 , :image_url = > "fred.gif" ) assert !product.save assert_equal "has already been taken" , product.errors[:title].join( '; ' ) end test "product is not valid without a unique title - i18n" do product = Product.new(:title = > products(:ruby).title, :description = > "yyy" , :price = > 1 , :image_url = > "fred.gif" ) assert !product.save assert_equal I18n.translate( 'activerecord.errors.messages.taken' ), product.errors[:title].join( '; ' ) end end |
2. price必须大于零;
3. image_url必须以jpg,png,jpg结尾,并且对大小写不敏感;
4. titile必须唯一;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 | #/usr/bin/python #coding: utf8 """ This file demonstrates writing tests using the unittest module. These will pass when you run "manage.py test". Replace this with more appropriate tests for your application. """ from django.test import TestCase from forms import ProductForm class SimpleTest(TestCase): def test_basic_addition( self ): """ Tests that 1 + 1 always equals 2. """ self .assertEqual( 1 + 1 , 2 ) class ProductTest(TestCase): def setUp( self ): self .product = { 'title' : 'My Book Title' , 'description' : 'yyy' , 'image_url' : 'http://google.com/logo.png' , 'price' : 1 } f = ProductForm( self .product) f.save() self .product[ 'title' ] = 'My Another Book Title' #### title,description,price,image_url不能为空 def test_attrs_cannot_empty( self ): f = ProductForm({}) self .assertFalse(f.is_valid()) self .assertTrue(f[ 'title' ].errors) self .assertTrue(f[ 'description' ].errors) self .assertTrue(f[ 'price' ].errors) self .assertTrue(f[ 'image_url' ].errors) #### price必须大于零 def test_price_positive( self ): f = ProductForm( self .product) self .assertTrue(f.is_valid()) self .product[ 'price' ] = 0 f = ProductForm( self .product) self .assertFalse(f.is_valid()) self .product[ 'price' ] = - 1 f = ProductForm( self .product) self .assertFalse(f.is_valid()) self .product[ 'price' ] = 1 #### image_url必须以jpg,png,jpg结尾,并且对大小写不敏感; def test_imgae_url_endwiths( self ): url_base = 'http://google.com/' oks = ( 'fred.gif' , 'fred.jpg' , 'fred.png' , 'FRED.JPG' , 'FRED.Jpg' ) bads = ( 'fred.doc' , 'fred.gif/more' , 'fred.gif.more' ) for endwith in oks: self .product[ 'image_url' ] = url_base + endwith f = ProductForm( self .product) self .assertTrue(f.is_valid(),msg = 'error when image_url endwith ' + endwith) for endwith in bads: self .product[ 'image_url' ] = url_base + endwith f = ProductForm( self .product) self .assertFalse(f.is_valid(),msg = 'error when image_url endwith ' + endwith) self .product[ 'image_url' ] = 'http://google.com/logo.png' ### titile必须唯一 def test_title_unique( self ): self .product[ 'title' ] = 'My Book Title' f = ProductForm( self .product) self .assertFalse(f.is_valid()) self .product[ 'title' ] = 'My Another Book Title' |
然后运行 python manage.py test depotapp.ProductTest。如同预想的那样,测试没有通过:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | Creating test database for alias 'default'... .F.. ====================================================================== FAIL: test_imgae_url_endwiths (depot.depotapp.tests.ProductTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/holbrook/Documents/Dropbox/depot/../depot/depotapp/tests.py", line 65, in test_imgae_url_endwiths self.assertTrue(f.is_valid(),msg='error when image_url endwith '+endwith) AssertionError: False is not True : error when image_url endwith FRED.JPG ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.055s FAILED (failures=1) Destroying test database for alias 'default'... |
1 2 3 4 5 | def clean_image_url( self ): url = self .cleaned_data[ 'image_url' ] ifnot endsWith(url.lower(), '.jpg' , '.png' , '.gif' ): raise forms.ValidationError( '图片格式必须为jpg、png或gif' ) return url |
1 | $ python manage.py test depotapp.ProductTest |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Creating test database for alias 'default'... .... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in 0.060s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... |