Automated defect inspection system for metal surfaces based on deep learning and data augmentation

Automated defect inspection system for metal surfaces based on deep learning and data augmentation






owing to the nature of the metal manufacturing industry, it is difficult to obtain enough data because some defects occur rarely.


In this study, we propose a new convolutional variational autoencoder (CVAE) and deep CNN-based defect classification al- gorithm to solve this problem.A conditional CVAE (CCVAE) is proposed to generate images for each defect type in a single CVAE model.


1. Introduction

In general, a smart factory can be defined as a factory that operates base on advanced information and communications technologies.


In order to optimize production conditions and to develop the technology needed to create products using minimal cost and time, it is important to measure the product quality in real time and store the measurement in a data-base.many manufacturers still rely on visual and sampling inspection by an operator, as opposed to total in- spection in real-time.


For this reason, vision-based systems that automatically detect defects in products have been studied in various industries such as image sensors [1], bottles [2], IC chips [3], fabrics [4]-[5], LCDs [6], car body surfaces [7], magnetic tiles [8], concrete bridges [9], fruits [10], ceramic tiles [11], machines [12]- [13], metals [14] and railways [15].

由于这个原因,已经在各种行业研究了自动检测产品缺陷的基于视觉的系统,如图像传感器[1],瓶子[2],IC芯片[3],织物[4]-[5] LCD[6]],汽车表面[7],磁性瓷砖[8],混凝土桥梁[9],水果[10],陶瓷瓷砖[11],机器[12]-[13],金属[14]和铁路[15]。

This paper focuses on defect inspection of products in the product quality control process.In this study, we propose a defect classification algorithm for metal surfaces using a CNN model.a data augmentation method using the conditional convolu- tional variational autoencoder (CCVAE) in place of a general data augmentation method such as rotation, translation, or noise addition.


2. System configuration

Fig. 1. To inspect the surface of moving metal products, a line scan camera suitable for moving objects is used. The collimated illu- mination is used to increase the signal to noise ratio of the surface defects.Furthermore, the result is displayed on the human-machine interface (HMI) screen, and defect information is provided to the operator.


Fig. 2 shows the defect images for the metal surfaces that were obtained from the proposed system.


The size of the obtained defect images is 120 × 120 (width × height) pixels and consists of six types of defects, as shown in Fig. 2. The brightness of the background also varies. The status of the defect images obtained is shown in Table 1.


We propose a new defect classification algorithm using CCVAE and DCNN in order to solve the problem of im- balanced data between classes and to improve defect classification performance.


3. Defect classification algorithm

The proposed defect classification algorithm consists of a data generation module and a defect classification module.After generating enough data to train a deep learning- based classification model, the classification model is trained by using the generated data.


In an actual test, overfitting occurs and the performance drops sharply whenever a slight change in data occurs.


In general, the augmentation method for data classification uses flipping, rotation, shifting, addition of noise, blurring, sharpening, and so on. However, there are restrictions when using this method in actual manufacturing.


if data augmentation of these defects by the rotation method is used, different types of defects will be generated.Eventually, training with such data degrades defect classification performance.


In this study, augmentation of images is per- formed by a variational autoencoder method which can generate images by learning the distribution of the given data itself.Based on the generated data, we propose a CNN based classification model with high generalization performance.


3.1. CCVAE

The variational autoencoder (VAE) is a directed graphical model with certain types of latent variables,The VAE consists of an encoder that extracts features from input x and expresses latent variable z, which is the compressed information of the input.The encoder and decoder of the VAE can be composed of deep neural net- works.


In this study, we propose a CCVAE structure to generate image data for each defect.The CCVAE uses the same convolutional VAE (CVAE) structure based on an encoder and decoder, but here is a difference, in that it uses information from each class as conditions.


The difference is that to generate image data for each type of defect, a defect label composed of one-hot encoding is concatenated with latent variable z to be input to the decoder.


The encoder consists of one basic block consisting of a convolution layer, which has 3 × 3 filters, a batch normalization layer, a rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function, and a 2 × 2 max pooling layer, as shown in Fig. 4.


Figs. 4 and 5 show the structure of the data generation model based on the CCVAE, which is proposed in this study, to solve the defect data imbalance.


As shown in Fig. 6, various images related to the original image are generated using CCVAE, and the generated images are used as the training data of classifier.


Fig. 6. Sample images: (a) original image (b) generated image by CCVAE with condition 1.

3.2. Classification

We propose a CNN-based deep learning model that can classify defects using the training data generated by CCVAE, as shown in Fig. 8.


4. Experimental results

Precision and Recall are complementary, and the higher the two indicators, the better.The F1 score is a harmonic average of precision and recall rate .


Data augmentation converges faster than when raw data is used. The performance index for the trained model's average precision, average recall rate, accuracy, and F1- score is shown in Fig. 10.


in the case of data augmentation with CCVAE, performance degradation owing to the amount of data was resolved, and the performance was excellent for all classes.


Therefore, the defect classification system proposed in this study showed good performance when tested on actual metal surface defects with imbalanced data.


5. Conclusion

auto- matically classifying defects in metal augmentation method based on a variational autoencoder.


conditional VAE method that concatenated the class con- dition to the latent variables, to generate data for each defect.





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